I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 124: : Fucking Destiny

Jiang Hao made up his mind that he must not be careless when facing the gods in the future. The gods who seem to have not too strong authority may be the masters who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

"Playing the evil **** Cthulfutan got the power of'Slumbering', which is similar to what I expected. After all, there is no Lalaiye in the other world. Maybe I can try to create a Lalaiye?"

"Playing Yugsothoth has obtained the authority of'omniscience' and'time and space'. Judging from the authority of'omniscience' I have obtained, the **** of knowledge who claims to be the Lord of omniscience does not have the authority of'omniscience', but he It should be fast too. He who has mastered "knowledge", "words", and "wisdom" has actually met the conditions for mastering omniscience."

"I didn't get anything to play the role of Grosheros, nor did I get the expected'judgment' and'revenge'. It seems that there are gods in the other world who have the relevant authority."

"Playing Izanagi and Izanami didn't get anything."

Jiang Hao quickly examined himself in his heart and began to think about the next move.

He intends to promote wheat and chemical fertilizers in other worlds according to the established plan, gain the recognition of the world, grasp agricultural authority, and be promoted to the true god, and then consider grasping other authority to enhance his own strength.

He felt it for a while, and made sure that no one took out the wheel of fortune after spying on him and began to weave it.

Jiang Hao first aimed at the Druid Baron who got wheat seeds last time.

"...As a druid who abides by principles, Mr. Baron chose to generously announce the good news after receiving wheat seeds."

"Wheat seeds have caused a sensation. For the nobles who are plagued by food production, a high-yield crop appears no less than a gift from the gods. Under the guidance of Mr. Druid Baron, a large number of nobles swarmed. The mere ancient black dragon cannot stop the enthusiasm of the nobles."

"Seed, spread..."

After knitting here, Jiang Hao paused.

Relying on its own speed of spreading is too slow, with the land area of ​​the alien world, the conventionally backward transportation and information transmission speed, it may take more than ten years for wheat to become the staple food of alien humans.

He thought for a while, crossed out the phrase ‘seed, spread...’ and re-woven it.

"The seeds of wheat attracted the kings..."

Jiang Hao paused and crossed out the sentence again.

The kings of other worlds have received a lot of attention, and every move is under the gaze of others. The eyes of the nobles, professionals, clergy of the church, and even the gods will fall on the king. It is easy to use the wheel of fortune to involve them. It was discovered that the fate was unreasonable.

And even if the wheel of fortune is not discovered, and the fate of this weaving has been realized, the doom that comes from backlash may be quite astonishing.

Jiang Hao thought for a while and knitted again.

"The seeds of wheat attracted druid professionals from the Temple of Nature. These professionals who adhere to principles and have a good understanding of animals and plants are keenly aware of the significance of wheat seeds to the mainland."

"A part of the pitying Druid professionals decided to take the seeds to every corner of the continent. They believed that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to make the civilians of the entire continent eat their food, and a master to stop famine from raging. The opportunity of the plane."

If the fate of weaving can be realized, I can be promoted to the true **** at most one or two years, and it is time to consider my church team and the name of the god... Jiang Hao began to think about it.

Although he does not lack faith because of the Blue Star, it is unreasonable for a new **** to have no church team and no believers on the main plane.

Unreasonable performance often attracts unnecessary attention.

Let these druids be my church team... Jiang Hao knitted again.

"In an accidental accident, they discovered that a group of farmers were using something called ‘chemical fertilizer’. The crops that had used ‘chemical fertilizer’ were particularly full of vitality.”

"They seek a way to make ‘fertilizer’. They abide by the principles and will not do things to force others. They chose to exchange."

"The farmers were moved by the professionals because the professionals took out the wealth they could not earn for ten lifetimes."

"The druids accidentally got the existence of the **** of agriculture from the peasants."

"They think this agricultural **** who has given him the method of making ‘fertilizer’ because of his compassion and sympathy with the peasants is a great and kind god, and they respect him."

After knitting here, Jiang Hao stopped. He did not weave a fate of Druid professionals being inspired to believe in the **** of agriculture.

Because it is unreasonable.

True gods can bestow divine skills, but false gods cannot bestow divine skills. This is common knowledge in other worlds.

It is impossible for professionals as druids to believe in a false **** who cannot bestow magic.

He closed his eyes and sensed the location of the Black Dragon Bamas~www.NovelMTL.com~ and immediately took out the wheat seeds brought back from Blue Star.

"hope everything is fine."


In the palm of his hand, the spinning wheel of fate was spinning rapidly, and the silk threads of fate were woven out and then sank into the void.

Destiny was moved.


Small town, in the baron’s manor.

The Druid professional and Baron Kylakar looked at the letter in his hand with a tangled face.

Standing in front of him was the old butler from afar.

"Old Faulkner, does the pastor of the Goddess really want Miss Kexia to do a great good thing before he can heal that lady?"

"Only help the kind people, this is the principle of their church, letting Miss Kexia replace that lady to do good deeds is already the result of the pastors' accommodation." Faulkner responded in a deep voice.

Of course Kaylakar knew who the lady in Old Faulkner's mouth was, so he struggled.

Miss Kexia's mother, a believer of the evil **** Spider Lady, was born with a dark elf with evil blood flowing on her body.

She combined with the human nobleman and gave birth to the half-elf Kexia.

The lady was seriously injured, but the invited Pastor Meishen refused to treat the lady because she was a professional in the evil camp, and asked Miss Kexia to do a good deed that could deflect her mother's camp on her behalf before she was willing to rescue the lady.

So Miss Kesia wrote to him for help.

This is too fucking.

The muscles on Kailakar’s face contracted a few times. If he hadn’t heard of a **** in charge of fate, he would definitely doubt whether he had offended that one, so he would arrange this **** fate. give him.

He let out a sigh of relief slowly, "Well, I announced the existence of the seed. This should be considered a great good deed."

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