I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 121: : Eviction

Looking at the phantoms of the men and women wearing the short clothes of the serfs from the Heiankyo era holding the Heavenly Marsh spears, the names of the many priests and priests who were present flashed their hearts by coincidence.

Izanagi, Izanami.

"The two great gods Izanaki and Izanami really exist."

In Imado Shrine, the priest Fujiwara Matsuri, who has been paying close attention to the disaster, looked at the two ghosts on the screen and said incoherently, "I knew... I knew they existed... Haha."

Now that the whole people worship the **** of heaven, and the Suitemiya Shrine is blooming everywhere, he refuses the invitation of old friends, and he insists on serving Izanaki and Izanami at Imado Shrine.

It's not piety, but gambling.

In case, if the two great gods, Izanaki and Izanami, really come into the world, will I be favored by the great gods who insist on serving the two great gods?

Relying on this idea, he has been sticking to it until now, and now it is finally overwhelming.

"Did we win?"

In the prime minister's residence, Masamune Tagawa clenched his fists.

"It should have been won." The experts who have been on standby to accompany the Prime Minister hesitated.

Personally, the great **** of heaven is the **** of creation, the **** of all gods, the **** of all gods, and the king of gods in the myths and legends of the East.

Although the evil **** Cthulhu Futan is famous in the mythology of Cthulhu, it is only a medium existence. Above it, there are the three pillar gods and the head of the outer gods, Asathos.

Both are the same as the true body, the great **** of heaven should crush the evil **** Cthulfutan.

However, Cthulhufutan's unscathed situation after being refined by the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra left him with a terrifying impression, and he was not sure at this time.


Cthulhu screamed again.

Countless people who heard the sound felt that they were being hit heavily on the body by a huge hammer, and their bodies felt like they were torn apart.

Red liquid came out of the eyes, mouth, nostrils, and ears.

In a daze, they saw a huge city of Lalaije again.

Cthulhufutan, the evil god, stood behind Lalaiye, watching everyone quietly.

"It's coming out again?"

When many people saw this scene, they thought that Cthulhutan was refining from Lalaiye after being refined by the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra before, and his expression changed.

The next moment, the huge sky marsh spear stretched into Lalaiye.

A drop of water dripped from the tip of the spear.

The water droplets are extremely transparent, and there is an island the size of a grain of sand inside.

It looks like the great God of Heaven has sealed an island forcibly with his supreme divine power.

The water drop fell and hit the city of Laleille.


The majestic and majestic city of Laleille seemed to be crushed by some huge force, and collapsed inch by inch.

A huge island abruptly appeared on Lalaiye’s original site.

The evil **** Cthulfutan disappeared without a trace.

"This...Is this island created by the Lord God of Heaven?"

"Is this Yunengqilu Island?"

"Is the evil **** dead?"

The people who saw this scene were shocked and unsustainable.

The Lord God of Heaven's Imperial Slowly retracted his spear, and left in the Imperial God's seat.

Seeing the lord **** leaving, in Saitama Prefecture, together with the Toyo people in front of the screen, they shouted almost at the same time, "Send the great **** of heaven!!"

Saved from madness by God.

At this moment, many people began to regard God as their everything.

Religious, fanatical.

"it's finally over."

In the mansion, Masamune Tagawa languished on the ground without an image, and the boulder on his chest was removed. He felt fresh sunlight shining on him, as if he had been reborn.

"The great **** of heaven is really great." Fujiwara Yuri thought in his heart, um, the two great gods Izanaki and Izanami who helped the great **** of heaven destroy the evil **** are equally great.

"The Great Priest of Pity."

The Asakura priest who rose from the ground respectfully asked, "Has the evil **** been destroyed by my lord?"

Lizi shook his head, and his voice was as clear and sweet as a wind chime, "These evil gods that have descended from the universe are the incarnation of the cold and chaotic laws of the universe. They can only be sealed and expelled, but cannot be killed."

"However, my lord has already sealed it with Yunengqilu Island. If there is no accident, it will not come out again."

Asakura priests were overjoyed, and my lord saved Dong Ying, and the status of their priests could rise again.

As for the accident that the Great Priest Officer said, he decided to discuss with the other priests after he went back, and designate this place as a forbidden area and prohibit others from entering.

He didn't dare to guarantee that the orders of their priests would continue to be carried out. After all, people died and the tea was cold, but he promised that there would be no accidents while he was still alive.

But the next moment, Pity's words made him fall into the abyss: "...but without the presidency of our lord, the gods' expulsion of Yugsothoth failed."

As her voice fell, a terrifying scene appeared in the sky.

A tiny purple dot suddenly appeared in the sky~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then the purple dot began to reproduce infinitely.

One by one purple dots appeared in the sky, just as if a naughty child used a paintbrush to scribble on the white paper in the sky, and finally covered the whole white paper with purple dots.

Take a closer look, where is the purple dot, it's clearly a purple bubble.

Inside the bubble, all eyes were open, watching everyone quietly.

"A purple bubble appeared in the sky?"

"what is that?"


"It won't be it."

The appearance of the strange sight quickly attracted attention. Some people thought of the rumors on the Internet, and their expressions changed drastically.


Tagawa Masamune's Adam's apple squirming, sitting on the ground, swallowed, his brown pupils were filled with panic, "Yugsothoth..."

Because the evil **** Cthulhu Futan invaded Dongying and Yugsothoth had been very quiet, he was about to forget the one in the myth of Cthulhu.

But don’t the experts say that Yugsothoth has no malice against humans?

"Yugsothoth has already squeezed into our universe from the unknowable kingdom beyond the timeline, and it is now unfolding its own body that is both one and infinite."

The pity said with a serious look: "For it, it just stretched its own body, but for our Blue Star, for the entire solar system, it is a crisis of extinction."

"The Great Priest, what should we do?" Asakura priest was full of fear.

"do not worry."

The pity said slowly, "My lord, not the only god."

"The Blue Star is also their favorite place."

The voice just fell.

Everyone who looked up at the sky saw a jade-white hand stretched out of thin air.

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