I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 120: : Get out, Cthulfutan

Hodgson listened to the conversation of his colleagues, his old face showing a gloomy expression.

East Asia has the refuge of gods and Buddhas, Europe has the refuge of Nordic gods and gods, and Black Africa has the refuge of Egyptian gods and masters, but they have no gods refuge in the United States!

If it was before, then there will be no, and it will be a big deal to lose the status of the Blue Star overlord.

But the invasion of Cthulhu Cthulhu made him suddenly realize how fragile a country without the protection of the gods is.

Assuming that the place where the evil **** Cthulfutan appeared this time was the Big Apple City in the United States, he felt that he could not come up with any solution.

The ancestors of the United States, why couldn’t you live with the Indians peacefully when you came to the New World? If you lived with the Indians peacefully, we wouldn’t dare to try to contact Feathered Serpent. God's.

He was depressed, and Billborn was more depressed than him.

Take the emperor, when you snatched the crown from Barnabas, didn't you think he could live for two hundred years?

You have done something like that, how can the Gaul state be as close to the Pope as a family?


The kingdom of heaven stood there quietly, motionless.

The presidents who had been paying close attention to this matter couldn't hold it after waiting for more than ten hours. One by one, people stared at the screen and said that there was something called him, and then went to bed.

After the sound of the celestial body from Groheros, their sleep was almost within 4 hours. If it were not for the care of top medical staff, their bodies would have long been unable to hold them.

This is so, one by one, with heavy eyelids, almost unable to open his eyes, leaving only a few hundred staff members, staring at the screen, observing the movement.

"Will, you said, is that really a time-out?"

"Did you not watch the live broadcast on the tubing? Before the time was suspended, the Northern European transcendents said the word'time pause'. It was absolutely not wrong." Will took out his mobile phone and opened the tubing routinely, but it was a pity that the live broadcast of the invasion of the Evil God The live broadcast room is still in a black screen.

"I just think it's a bit weird. The time in heaven is suspended, and our time is still in the past. Will this not cause a rift?"

"After the time pause in heaven is over, will the time inside be synchronized with our time? Wouldn’t the time in Saitama Prefecture slow us more than ten hours if not synchronized? Then I’m in Saitama Prefecture and Tokyo Isn't it the same as traveling through time and space to repeatedly jump across the edge?

The staff member asked, "If it syncs, where does the lost time go?"

Will was speechless for a while, "You should ask a physics expert instead of asking me here. I am just like you, just a gatekeeper. I don't know if you ask me."

"Wait, look, there is something happening."

Don't know who shouted, Will immediately put down his phone and looked at the big screen.

I only saw the gorgeous kingdom of heaven begin to boil, the endless cruel greens spread in the glazed kingdom of heaven, and the singing little angels were disillusioned one by one.

The dismal green colors spread quickly, and the kingdom of heaven was dyed into dismal green within a few breaths.

The quaint wall clock made of runes shook a few times, exploded, and returned to the hands of the Nordic supernatural beings with eighteen runes.

With a scream of ‘ah’ from the wizard holding the clay pot, the clay pot in his hand exploded suddenly, and a plump bug fell from it. After moving on the ground twice, it quickly stiffened and died.

Barnaba turned pale and wowed out a big mouthful of red blood.

Pity's mouth overflowed with red to black blood.

"What happened? Why did several adults suddenly get hurt."

A Japanese hurriedly asked.

"It is possible that the time in the kingdom of heaven is synchronizing with the outside world. From our eyes, several transcendents were suddenly injured, but from the perspective of heaven, several transcendents have fought the evil **** for more than ten hours. I was injured."

"Hurry up and inform the president."

"Is it the limit?" The Nordic transcendent muttered to himself: "The almost omnipotent Rune script can only delay the evil **** for so long."

"Thank you for your help."

Pity's voice is clear and sweet, "Leave it to me now."

She took out the porcelain mask, took out a simple mirror, and stood in front of the godwood, stepping on strange steps, and dancing to the gods.

"Sure enough, the Yata Mirror that disappeared after summoning the Lord God of Heaven's Imperial Palace last time was in the hands of the Great Priest Officer."

Tagawa Masamune, who hurried over before he even had time to put on his clothes, recognized it as soon as he saw the quaint mirror. He put on his clothes and said to the secretary: "Tell the Emperor, Yata Kagami is in the pity. In the hands of the priest, if he wants to return to Yata Mirror, he should go to the priest himself.

In the sound of holy prayer, Yata Mirror suddenly floated up, and the vivid patterns on it jumped out one by one, turning into auspicious animals, and said together:

"Gong Ying Tian's imperial master god!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yata made a brilliant masterpiece on the mirror.

In the brilliance, the scene of pure Gao Tianyuan resurfaced again. The **** of heaven, who was close to one thousand meters high, wore a white diadem ~www.NovelMTL.com~ embroidered with gold rim and a crown on his head, and flew out from inside in the miami.

Blessed to the soul, the Dongying people present all knelt down, and the priests and priests knelt down in the posture of worshipping the gods during the big sacrifice.

The Lord of Heaven raised his hand, and a spear appeared in his hand.

The wooden spear of the spear was engraved with black text, and the tip of the spear was glowing with white light.

"This seems to be the Heavenly Marsh Spear."

In the prime minister's residence, an expert carefully identified it and said in a respectful tone: "The great **** of heaven has bestowed Izanaki and Izanami with two great gods to stir the ground and create the world."

The lord **** of the heavenly imperial raised the sky marsh spear, the spear tip of the sky marsh spear shined brightly.

As if feeling the danger coming, the evil **** Cthulfutan screamed again and again.


Countless hoarse, sharp chants are transmitted from the eternal Laley, as if countless deep divers are using crazy flutes and drums to make infinite dark and terrifying sounds.

They were sitting on their knees, laughing wildly, as if waiting for the gods and spirits to fall madly under the dominion of Laley.

The inexplicable fear entangled the main **** of the Eastern Mythology, the **** of creation, and his spirit, eroding his will a little bit, turning him into the old **** outside god.

"Exit, Cthulhutan!"

As soon as the Lord God of Heaven's Imperial Sword swung out the Heavenly Marsh Spear, he pierced Cthulhufutan, accurately hit the evil god, and inserted it into its body.

The spear body of the Tianmao Spear automatically revealed a man and a woman, two phantoms nearly 100 meters tall.

At the same time, they held the sky marsh spears and stirred them gently.

Time, space, energy, matter, and this terrifying evil **** all became a chaos under the agitation of this pair of men and women.

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