I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 119: :heaven

The huge heaven encompasses the entire Saitama Prefecture.

It is like a huge piece of colored glaze, the ground is covered with fine gold, and there are pearl gates, golden stones, jasper walls, tree of life, fruit of wisdom, and water of youth everywhere.

And at a high place, the apex of the kingdom of heaven, where it is indescribable, the endless brilliance vented from above and spilled over the whole kingdom of heaven.

"Heaven... Heaven?"

Wang Fugui's voice stammered, he reached out his hand to touch the tree of life that grew in front of him, and with a squeak, he retracted his hand.

If he is looking at a picture or reading a novel, he will definitely want to bring something out of it to make a fortune after he goes in.

But when he was in it, there was only endless shock in his mind.

"This is heaven?"

"The "New Testament" records: The streets of the kingdom of heaven are paved with fine gold, like translucent glass, and the walls are made of jasper and various precious stones... It seems that this is really the kingdom of heaven."

"If I remember correctly, heaven is the Lord’s habitation. The New Testament says: The Lord is the light of heaven and the source of heaven’s joy. I just seemed to see brilliance falling from the sky. You can Point the camera at it?"

"Don't,'Don't look directly at God, don't call God, don't blaspheme God'."

"Don't call God directly? I seem to have heard the sacred hymns sung by veins saying **? (** instead of God's name to prevent offense

"Jehovah is not the real name of the Lord. It is just the name we give to the Lord for convenience. No one knows his real name. Because no one knows, we will not offend him by calling him."

Under the recommendation of YouTube, a large number of viewers flooded into the live broadcast room, and they immediately exclaimed after watching the scene of the kingdom of heaven.

As the most famous and well-known deity of the entire Blue Star, the number of believers is rapidly losing after other deities show miracles.

In spite of the remarks that ‘other gods exist, then God must also exist’ for comfort.

But in the face of miracles displayed by other gods, how many people can stabilize their faith and believe in a **** who has never displayed miracles.

So after the Kingdom of Heaven appeared, these people who insisted on believing in God excitedly crossed their chests.

"Lord, you finally set your eyes on us little lambs."

Beneath the brilliance, an angel who couldn't see his face gently trembled four wings, and the white feathers were flying all over the sky.

Behind him, the chains condensed by the holy light spread out from these voids, one by one on the evil god's body, locking it inside.

With a halo on their heads, the little angels with open wings surround the imprisoned evil **** Cthulfutan, or hug the harp, or touch the flute, or hold the horn, or play the instrument, and jointly send out sacred praise.

"Holy, holy, holy, Lord Almighty..."

Seeing this scene, the Nordic extraordinary man raised his hand, and the mysterious words that had imprisoned the evil **** disappeared at the same time. Then, eighteen words appeared one by one in his hand.


Rune words jumped out of his hand, flew into the heavens, and instantly condensed into a simple wall clock.

The surface of the wall clock is filled with densely packed texts, and the internal pointers tick and tick, as if every time it rotates, it is pushing the time of the universe forward.



The hands stop moving.

Huo Ran between.

The little angels in the heavens stopped singing, the trembling four-winged angels stopped trembling, and the shining brilliance was frozen in mid-air.

An individual, an individual, what actions they were doing at the previous moment, and what actions they were doing at this moment.

Heaven fell silent.

"This... Is this time stopping?"

"No way, if this is a stop, then why didn't we stop?"

"Should only the time of heaven stop."

"But the blue star keeps rotating and revolving. If only the time of the heaven stops and the time of the blue star continues to flow, then the absolutely still heaven should have been thrown out by the blue star at this time. Too much understanding, the description may be a bit wrong, but roughly it should be correct."

"You are talking about science, but this is magic."

In the space center, a group of experts had a heated discussion, and the phenomenon of stopping time is a huge impact on the existing physical system.

Prime Minister Anthony said suddenly, "Mr. Anderson Strachey, when will you return the sword of vengeance that you borrowed from the Queen, Flagrak?"

When Alexander heard this, he turned his eyes and looked around, with a weird smile on his face.

"Flagrak?" Anderson Strachey showed an ignorant expression. "Isn't that borrowed by Danish President Gitson Andrew?"

I didn't borrow it, why do you want me to pay it back.

Anthony frowned. "Gitson Andrew said it was you who proposed it."

I proposed it.

That's right.

I didn't borrow it.

Anderson Strachey muttered in his heart~www.NovelMTL.com~ After muttering, he showed an ignorant expression, "But this is what he actively proposed, and last time this weapon and the corpse of the big snake Yemeng added. We were taken away by Loki together, you should go to Loki to ask for it."

"You want to go wrong?" Anthony stared at Anderson Strachey.

Looking for Loki?

Why don't you let me go to Odin for it.

And isn't this weapon in the hands of that transcendent now?


Anderson Strachey's head shook like a rattle, "We Norse people never make a mistake."

"It's just that it was indeed taken away by Loki at the time. There is a video as evidence. Although I don’t know why it was in the hands of that gentleman, it must have been taken away from Loki’s hands by the gentleman's efforts. Rules, this is his trophy, you have no right to ask him for it."

Anthony was stunned. I just lent you something to use, and in a blink of an eye you said it was your own trophy?

Are you Icelanders all robbers?

I knew it would be like this.

Alexander pouted.

When he thought of what the other party said when he asked Anderson Strachey for the artifact, his teeth tickled with hatred.

What ‘the artifact is in Loki’s hands, you should ask him for it’, ‘Don’t force me, the Norse people under the brilliance of the Nordic gods are never afraid of death threats’, ‘I would rather die than surrender’.

Shameless, shameless.

Had it not been for fear that there were extraordinary people and Nordic gods behind Iceland, he would have crushed it.

"But..." Alexander looked at the still heaven, with a strange expression, "Didn’t Saint John XII say that their papal kingdom is about to expel the Nordic supernatural beings in one fell swoop? Why do the supernatural beings in the papal kingdom look similar to those in Northern Europe? Of the transcendents?"

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