I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 113: : Come out, before Yuzao

What evil did we do to attract such an evil spirit?

   I want to know too.

  We Dongying people have always been peace-loving, never provoke wars, actively participate in international charities, and enthusiastically help poor people in other countries. How can we attract evil spirits?

   Asakura priest followed the reputation, and the moment he saw the monk, his palms rose up, "You... are you the Vajra Vajra Master?"

   Bianzhao Vajra Master, whose real name is Master Konghai, later went to Tang Tantric Buddhism to seek Dharma, and worshipped Tantric Master Huiguo as his teacher. He was empowered by Ajali Buddhism by Master Huiguo, and was renamed Vajra Panzhao from then on.

  Vajra Master Bianzhao took out a piece of rune paper with runes written in black ink and pasted it on his body, and the rune paper ignited a blue flame in an instant.

   "Just looking at it is contaminated by evil forces."

   With a solemn expression, he took a dozen runes on his body continuously, and stopped when the last rune paper ceased to burn.

   Put your hands together, sigh bitterly,


   After a while, he thought of something, and turned to look at the Asakura priest, surprised: "People of your age still know me?"

   As expected, the Vajra Master is everywhere.

   I didn't expect that the Great Priest Lizi would really summon the extraordinary people with names and surnames in history.

  Asakura priest was so excited that he couldn't himself. After a while, he remembered the question of Master Vajra Vajra, and I couldn't help but vomit. Of course I know you. You are the eighth-generation master of Shingon Sect and the master of Dongmi.

   At that time, our Shintoism was weak, but you have a contribution to it.

   There is a deep hatred between us.

   He thought to himself, folded his hands together, "Amitabha, I am Asakura, who is the contemporary priest of Fushimi Inari Shrine. He has admired the Dharma since he was a child, and I don’t know if I can ask the master for Dharma."

   As long as you teach my Dharma, you are my teacher.

   There is no deep hatred between the master and the apprentice.

   "From the fox shrine?" Master Vajra was surprised.

   Asakura priest: "..."

   Fox Shrine?

   Believe it or not you shouted like this in front of the other priests of our Fushimi Inari Shrine and you would be killed.

Asakura priest coughed and was about to speak, when he heard Master Bianzhao Jingang smile, "Asakura priest of our time also thought about it this way and started doing it with me, but since then, he hasn’t done anything like this again. Thoughts."

   Asakura priest: "..."

   You have a big fist and you are reasonable. Okay.

and many more……

   "Can you see through what I'm thinking?" Asakura priest looked at Master Vajrasou incredulously, he suddenly remembered a magical power, "You can'he heart'?"

  He Mintong, one of the six magical powers in tantric rumors, knows what is in the minds of others.

  If he really could, wouldn't he see through what he was thinking about just now?

   "Understand a little, understand a little."

   looked at the Vajra Mage with a smile, "If it were not the donor, the poor monk would not know that he was in this later life, and he would be confused with a big name."

   "But the donor should not care about sectarian disputes. Everyone tells them their own ways and eats according to their own ability. Isn't that great kindness?"

   "Also, the Dharma of the donor, the poor monk, is only passed on to those who are predestined, and the donor is not a predestined person to the poor monk."

  Who is predestined, isn't it a rich person?


   Asakura priest just thought about it, and suddenly remembered that he would be able to ‘his heart’, and immediately stopped what he thought and thought, and started to complain.

   It’s really boring to chat with a mage like you who knows his heart.

   "Oh, he doesn't want to pass it to you, but also because you are a priest."

   An onmyoji with a black top hat, blue and white robes and a handsome face that is almost enchanting came over. He waved the fan in his hand and said with a smile: "Priest, you can't practice Dharma."

   Seeing his coquettish face, Asakura priest instinctively remembered a famous name in history: "Abe Haruaki?"

   Abe Haruaki, son of fox demon, founder of Tomimon Shinto, and the most prestigious onmyoji in history.

   "It seems that I am also very famous in this era." Abe Haruaki said with a smile.

   More than a reputation...

   You have the best reputation among Onmyoji.


   Pity's solemn voice came, "My lord and the gods are still expelling the evil **** Yugsothos from an unknown country outside the timeline. They are temporarily unable to eliminate the evil god. Please help us to delay for a while."

  Photographed Vajra Mage with folded hands and a bitter smile on his face: "The power of this evil **** is the worst and strongest **** I have ever seen. I don't know why it appeared in Dongying."

The pity sighed, his face was full of holy radiance, "The evil **** Cthulfutan is one of the old rulers who came from the universe. In the ancient times, my lord and other gods of the gods united and expelled them. And the seal, I didn’t expect them to wake up from the seal within thousands of years and wreak havoc in this world."

   "It turns out that it is a Cthulhu that came from outside the world. No wonder it is so evil." Vajra Master Panzhao was taken aback, and then he frowned, "It is very difficult to delay it."

   "No matter how difficult it is, you still don't want us Dongying people to become extinct."

   Abe Haruaki's glamorous face also became solemn. They are good at imagery, geomancy, divination, divination, omission, and summoning gods, but they are not good at delaying time.

   "Let's go and decorate first." Vajra Vajra Master said with a wry smile, looking down.

   "Please, you must succeed."

   Asakura priest said with his hands folded.

   Wanzhao Vajra Master and hundreds of other monks and mages walked out quietly. They took out a stack of talisman paper from their sleeves and waved them out.

   After flying out, these talisman papers did not fall down~www.NovelMTL.com~ but flew to the evil **** Cthulfutan.

   When he was about to fly in front of the evil god, the rune paper suddenly burned, and countless ink-and-wash spells fell off the burnt rune paper.

   Hundreds of monks and mages had a rosary in one hand, a magic pestle in one hand, and at the same time they blocked the seal and drank, "Enchantment!"

  The curse released brilliance in an instant, intertwined into a blue enchantment.

   It seemed that he didn't notice the enchantment around him, or he noticed the enchantment but didn't care at all, Cthulhufutan continued to move forward.

   A few minutes later, it slammed into the barrier in the eyes of everyone.


  The enchantment is like a big balloon being pierced with a series of fine needles from the inside, and it suddenly breaks into pieces.

   And the hundreds of monk mages who arranged the enchantment were ashamed. They wow, and at the same time sprayed a mouthful of blood mist, their expressions wilted.

   "No way." Asakura priest looked cold. This is the barrier set up by hundreds of powerful monks in the history of the East. It's actually broken like this?

   If it wasn't the evil **** who broke the barrier, and if the place where the barrier was broken was not on any piece of land in Dongying, he must now be mocking the scum strength of Buddhism fiercely.

   But now he only feels cold in his hands and feet.

   At this moment, the Onmyojis were also ready, their strengths were connected together, and they called:

   "Come out, Shikigami: Before Tamamo!"

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