I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 114: : Dainichi Nyorai

At the call of the Onmyojis, a fox that was almost only a circle smaller than the Cthulhu appeared in front of Cthulhutan.

It is golden, graceful and luxurious, with nine elongated tails standing half-rolled and half-dragging on the ground. Its narrow fox eyes are gleaming with cunning light, and the whole body exudes a charm that makes people involuntarily attracted by it.

The Iga priest instinctively read a sentence after seeing the image of Yuzao in front of him, “The Book of Mountains and Seas records: The mountain of Qingqiu has beasts, its shape is like a fox with nine tails, its sound is like a baby, and the eater does not insanity."

"Nine-tailed demon fox."

"In front of the big demon Yuzao."

"The legendary super monster comparable to the gods."

"Isn't it killed?"

"History is just a flower girl who is dressed up by others. I don’t know how many content has been changed artificially. She said she was killed. Who knows if it is true or false. Don’t forget that the prince of his household was also deceived and died by the fox demon Ye Ji. There were also people at that time Saying that the demon fox is dead, hundreds of years later, Emperor Toba was once again bewildered by the demon fox Yuzao, and almost died. With this exact same technique, who can be sure that these two demon foxes are not the same."

In Tokyo, Tagawa Masamune, who thought he was going to coexist and die with Tokyo, hurriedly asked people to broadcast what happened in Saitama Prefecture after receiving the news that the Reiko priest was waking up.

In the prime minister's residence, a group of staff members discussed directly.

"You summoned me out to deal with this guy?" When Yuzao saw the evil **** Cthulfutan, the narrow fox's eyes widened.

Obviously, she was frightened by Cthulhu too.

Haruaki Abe slapped it with a ball fan, his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, "May I ask Master Tamazou to help delay it for a while."

"It's just easy to delay."

The corner of Yuzao's mouth curled, and she lay lazily, the charm of her whole body exuding to the extreme, a kind of strange magic power quietly wrapped around her.

But in the middle of the road, it seemed to hit some strange force, and disappeared with a snap.

"Charm is not valid? Then try this."


Yuzao opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of gray gas hitting the evil god's body, exploding.

After the gas exploded, it turned into a damp and hot poisonous gas and spread out.

The lush, towering trees quickly turned yellow and withered after encountering the poisonous gas, and countless flowers and plants were rotted by the poisonous gas.

Around the evil **** became a scene filled with poisonous gas.

If ordinary people enter the range of poisonous gas, even with a full set of anti-virus equipment, they will be poisoned to death because their equipment is corroded by the barrier gas, but these have no effect on Cthulfutan. Instead, it seems to be attracted by Yuzao. After paying attention, he cast his gaze on Yuzaoqian's body.

In an instant, Yuzao felt that his body was covered with cyan, wet moss, and roots of seaweed protruded from the subcutaneous tissues of its own body, constantly burrowing into the flesh and blood.

The whole body was numb, tingling and itchy, and soon became ignorant.

Damn it, it's contaminated.

Yuzao bit his tongue and ran around the evil god, intending to avoid the evil god's gaze.

But the evil **** seemed to be attracted by its beauty, no matter where it went, the evil god's gaze was always watching it.

"Good job." Seeing Yuzao successfully attracted the attention of the evil god, Abe Qingming immediately laughed.

"Okay, your mother, my mother is dying, come and save my mother." Yuzao yelled out loudly. My mother was born and died for you, and you shouted out loudly.

If the old lady died, she would have to turn into a monster and poison all of you Dongying people to death with a barrier gas.

"Hurry up……."

Hundreds of priests rushed out, holding the magic weapon in the middle with both hands to seal, and the spiritual power was vented out like money.


The power of holiness fell on Yuzao's body, and black smoke emerged from it.

The spiritual power used to purify the monsters and monsters was used to save the monsters for the first time.

The monks and mages sat cross-legged on the ground, with the Devil Pestle in their hands inserted in front of them, reciting the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra.


"Binji Luo"

"Patient City"


As the last word was spit out, the earth suddenly cracked a huge hole, and a huge stone statue slowly rose from below.

The head, neck, upper body, and lower body appeared in turn, and a huge Buddha statue of several hundred meters high stood in the sky and the earth.

The Buddha statue is half draped in a cassock, and his hands are wise and fist-marked.

A flaming red sun hung behind his head.

With his appearance, countless solemn and solemn Sanskrit singing filled the heaven and earth.

Some people who have gone crazy heard the Sanskrit singing, and they slowly stopped going crazy.

They stood there without joy or sorrow, chanting scriptures in their mouths, which were confused with the Sanskrit singing all over the sky. For a time, scriptures were everywhere between heaven and earth.

"This...this...is this the Dainichi Tathagata?"

"The monks can actually summon the Great Sun Tathagata, are they still hiding this hand?"

"I finally understand why the ancestors and priests in history can't do these monks. They can summon the Buddha, and it's still a big day Tathagata."

The priests and priests looked at the huge stone Buddha hundreds of meters in amazement~www.NovelMTL.com~ As old opponents, these priests and priests have a clear understanding of the study of Buddhism. Da Ni Tathagata is the third of Shakyamuni Buddha. The Dharmakaya Buddha, one of the body Buddhas, is the supreme and noble Buddha, and is the foundation of all Dharma.

Although it is not the highest Buddha, other Buddhas such as Amitabha, Medicine Master King Buddha, Burning Lamp Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, etc. are just side by side with it, not on top of it.

In a luxurious mansion in Kyoto, an old man with extraordinary tolerance suddenly laughed when he saw the Great Buddha Tathagata.

"These monks who have been able to suppress the priests in history really have extraordinary powers. It is worthwhile for me to protect them."

He looked at the man in black and smiled and said: "Oda, now you understand, in this era of unprecedented changes, the gods of the East are our support, but we can't just rely on them."

"Hold your thigh, you have to hold a few more legs."

The man called Oda lowered his head and said, "Yes, the master has a long-term vision, and Oda is less than one ten thousandth of the master."

In Saitama Prefecture, when the giant Buddha appeared, the bang before Yuzao turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared, and only a word floated faintly.

"When you meet an opponent of this level in the future, don't ask the old lady to come out. If you want to call, just call Jiu Tun Tong."

The lotus flower at the feet of the Great Buddha Tathagata moved and made a rumbling sound.

It squeezed a fist with one hand and slammed it down at Cthulhutan.

When it punched, golden light appeared on its body, and it appeared behind Cthulfutan in an instant, and its fist hit it fiercely.


A shock wave comparable to the previous missile explosion erupted instantly, huge cracks spread all the way on the ground, and the raised dust obscured everyone's sight.

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