I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 111: : Summon, the strong from different eras

As soon as his voice fell, he was wearing a white muslin and hakama, with a serious face and a holy pity, and the priest walked in.

   "Why are you all in fear that the end is coming."

   As soon as they saw the pity priest coming, the priests and priests who had just looked worried and lamented in their hearts immediately became happy.

   They performed a set of cumbersome etiquette to the pity priest in accordance with the standard of the internal priest of Shintoism when meeting the priest.

   Although the etiquette is cumbersome and time-consuming, it is necessary.

   At the end of the ceremony, the priest Iga hurriedly said the matter, and respectfully said: "Lord Priest, I still have to trouble you this time."

   As soon as the voice fell, the pity said with a solemn expression, "You mean, the evil **** Cthulfutan has appeared again?"


   The priest Tomioka was stunned. Could it be that the evil **** Cthulhu appeared before?

   But he reacted right away: Yes, it is mentioned in the myth of Cthulhu that the ancient gods have expelled and sealed many evil gods and former dominators.

   also mentioned that the so-called ancient gods are the gods worshipped by humans in the blue star myth.

   This shows that in the distant ancient times, the great **** of heaven led the gods of the East to expel a group of old dominators.

   Well, maybe there are some trivial contributions from the Nordic gods and Egyptian gods in it.

   As mentioned in the article, the ancient gods have no interest in humans, and describe humans as old gods treated by ants.

   The priest Tomioka felt that it was those novelists who wrote it indiscriminately.

   Great, benevolent, the Lord of Heaven, who has been protecting the sentient beings of the East since ancient times, how could he be an old **** who treats humans as ants?

   rumors, this is definitely rumors.

   Iga priest nodded vigorously and then said respectfully, "I would like to ask the pity priest to see that for the sake of the 40 million followers of the Lord in Tokyo, summon the great God of Heaven to come and save Tokyo."

The pity nodded slightly, his voice was clear and sweet, but his tone was not relaxed at all, "East Ying is the kingdom of our lord's faith. As a priest who serves our lord, I should protect the believers. It's just that our lord and other gods go outside the timeline together. The unknowable country expelled the evil **** Yugsothoth, and it will take some time before Yugsothoth can be expelled from this universe."

   "Then...what should I do?"

   Iga Jizhu's face changed, and the Liushen suddenly became unruly.

   The Cthulhu is approaching Tokyo. If the Cthulhu is to destroy Tokyo, he thinks it would be better for him to commit suicide by caesarean, so that at least he can save a bit of face and his family can live a little better.

   "Please pity the great priest must find a way to save Tokyo." Asakura Matriarch bent over and bowed.

  The other priest priests folded their hands together and bent to the end, Qi Qi said, "Please pity the priest to find a way to save Tokyo."

"I try to find a way to delay the evil god, waiting for my lord and other gods to come together after the evil **** Yugsothos is expelled." Peta's small face twisted, "but I can't stop it for long with my own power. "

   "Our Dongying Self-Defense Force will assist the Great Priest of Reiko." Said the Lord Iga immediately.

   Although two-thirds of the strength of the Self-Defense Forces has been destroyed, there is still one-third, plus the guards from all over the country, how much can be gathered together, as to whether other areas will be chaotic, we can't control that much.

   Lianzi nodded, "I wrote a few letters inviting other extraordinary people to come and help, but there is no internet in their place. I need someone to deliver the letter."

   "I'll go." The priest Tomioka answered seamlessly.

   That's a chance to get in touch with transcendents. If they see me pleasing to the eye and teach me the way to cultivate spiritual power, that would be to climb the sky in one step.

   Even if there is no plan to impart spiritual power training methods, it is okay to have a good relationship with the transcendent.

   Reiko nodded as he listened, wrote a letter with paper and pen, and swiped his finger on the priest of Tomioka, "My spiritual power will guide you to find them... Let's go."

   "I will call someone to arrange the plane right away."

As soon as   's words fell, I only saw Lianzi's hands knotting.

   The surrounding scenes changed suddenly, and the scenery of Suitiangu Shrine was replaced with a forest full of grasses and lush trees.

   "Space transfer?"

   "The art of gift from heaven?"

   Many people yelled out subconsciously, and they accidentally caught a glimpse of the evil **** Cthulfutan who was shaking like a mountain in the distance. They turned around one by one, turning their backs to the evil god, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

   Are we in Saitama now?

   Lianzi carefully took out a branch from his arms and inserted it on the ground. In the blink of an eye, this branch grew into a lush and lush Misami tree several hundred meters high.

   "This is...." The priest Iga watched Mikami's mouth grow up, just like hell.

   Isn’t this Mikami?

  Ke Mikami is in Kyoto, isn’t it? They used all their contacts and resources for this tree, and even secretly spread rumors that studying the sacred tree would arouse the wrath of the main god, and people were encouraged to attack the research institute, and then the group of scientists who studied the sacred tree were driven away.

   Then they established the Suitiangu Shrine on the same ground to worship the Lord God of Heaven, waiting for the return of Osamiki from other eras, so that they can feel the power of Osamiki for the first time.

   But... we all made our feelings in vain, and the real Mikami has been in the hands of the pity priest.

Pity's finger touched the **** tree, and the lush sacred tree swayed, layers of transparent ripples agitated and spread, passing by them and spreading~www.NovelMTL.com~ building shadows slowly appeared one by one. Around them.

   Some of these buildings are low wooden houses, some are tall pagoda temples, and some are shrines full of Fu'an flavor. The styles and styles of these buildings are different.

   "What is the pity priest summoning? Is it a god?" Iga Jiji guessed.

   The last time the Reiko Grand Priest summoned the Lord God of Heaven at the Kyoto Shiyuan Festival, such a strange scene also appeared on the Mikami.

   "Mikami, also known as the era tree, can cross the boundaries of time and space and graft multiple times. Is the pity priest summoning our famous priests in the history of the East?" Asakura priest said excitedly.

In history, they Fushimi Inari Shrine has many great priests who have left their names. If you can see them, through his own identity as the priest of Fushimi Inari Shrine, he asked the seniors to teach him spiritual power. Method, then he can also be a transcendent?

   "Amitabha Buddha."

   Say the Buddha's name.

   A monk wearing a deep braided hat on his head and wearing a look robes walked out of the shadow of the temple. The monk had a rich and white face, a swollen belly, and a string of rosary beads on his white fingers.

   As soon as he came out, he squinted his eyes and cast his eyes on the evil **** Cthulfutan in the distance.

   "It's such a terrible evil force. Just looking at it from a distance will give you the feeling of sinking into a hell...What kind of evil did the Dongying people of this era have done to attract such an evil god."

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