I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 110: : Great Rout

The spirit has been tense, Takaya Jiangu, who was nervously watching the movement on the battlefield, saw the evil **** Cthulhu Tan move, and immediately commanded in horror.

   "All armored vehicles and tanks retreat."

   "The fighter climbs up."

   "Don't get close to the evil god."

   Armored vehicles and tanks began to leave in an orderly manner, and planes quickly climbed into the sky.

   Seeing the smooth evacuation of the Self-Defense Forces, Takano Masago breathed a sigh of relief.

   Suddenly, the two helicopters slammed into each other and turned into two gorgeous fireworks in the sky, and they fell down.

"What happened."

   Takano trembled my heart.

   The next moment, the voices of the pilots laughing in his headset.

   "Haha~~ Chase me, come chase me."

   "Bump you, kill you, I want to kill you."

   "Haha~ hee hee~ so fun."

   The pilots in the sky yelled like a child in a childlike tone under the spiritual pollution of the Cthulhu. They seemed to be playing with the plane as a bumper car. You chased each other in the air and slammed into each other.

   Balls of brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky, like a grand firework.

   In an instant, the Air Force of the Self-Defense Forces only left a few fighter planes to flee in fear.

   "It's over, the air force is over."

   Takano Masago was cold all over.

   For this battle, more than two-thirds of the air power of the Self-Defense Forces gathered here, enough to fight a war of annihilation of the country, but the Cthulhu just moved, and this air force was completely wiped out.

   The 63 years of frugal food and clothing for all the citizens of Dongying created this top three airpower in East Asia, and the result was annihilated.

   I am a sinner.


   A cannonball passed by Takano Jōgo and exploded on his left. Takano Jōgo was horrified to find that, at some point, the armored vehicles and tanks that should have retreated began to blast each other.



   The Self-Defense Force failed without suspense.

   In order to circumvent the international sanctions, the external propaganda is the guard reserve force, but the Self-Defense Force, which belongs to the Dongying Army, was completely defeated.

   Prime Minister Masamune Tagawa, who watched the whole war, felt cold all over.

   The Self-Defense Forces are defeated, Saitama Prefecture is over, who is next, Tokyo?

   The leaders of various countries who have been closely following the battlefield after receiving the news that Laleiya appeared in Saitama Prefecture, after seeing the performance of the evil **** Cthulfutan, they feared the power of the evil **** while rejoicing that the evil **** appeared not in their own land.

   "Remember, when I go back, remind me to increase my research on the occult." U.S. President Hodgson said to the secretary.

   He could see clearly that the reason why the Dongying Self-Defense Force was defeated so quickly this time was entirely because humans could not resist the spiritual pollution of the evil **** Cthulfutan.

  As long as the people of Dongying have a way to resist the evil spirit's spiritual pollution, they will not be defeated in a single encounter.

   I don’t know who leaked the news, the Self-Defense Force failed, and news came that the Cthulhu began to approach Tokyo, and the whole Tokyo was in chaos.

   Countless people rushed to the streets like crazy, got into their cars, and wanted to leave Tokyo.

   They don't know where they should go, they only know that they are leaving Tokyo, the farther they go, the better.

   Kyoto, in the Suitengu Shrine.

  Since the Lord of the Lord of Heaven came to the world, the Shuitiangu Shrine with the Lord God of Heaven as the main sacrifice has been established, and it has blossomed everywhere, and even overseas.

A group of young priests and shrine maidens stand under the Mikami wood where the pity priest once stood, imitating her, dancing the dance she once skipped to worship the gods, trying to communicate with the great **** of heaven, and begging him to come Come down and save Dongying.

   "There is still no response, Tokyo is over."

   A group of priests and priests dressed in priests’ clothes were sitting on their knees, looking at the unchanging Mishinmu, each of them felt heavy.

   "There was no response from Meiji Jingu in Tokyo, and the same from Heijokyo." The priest replied with a heavy tone.

   "Where are those liars." A priest asked.

   "No." Of course, the priest Ito was talking about the liar.

Since the great priest Pity called the Lord of Heaven to save Heicheng Jing, the status of the priests has greatly increased, and the group of onmyojis have also licked their faces and rubbed the enthusiasm of the priests, while expressing that they have no extraordinary power, while talking about the history of the onmyoji and the priests from time to time relationship.

   There seems to be a rumor that some of them can summon Shigami.

   The government asked. They said that they didn't know anything, but secretly they made up who, what was his name, and what shikigami they were calling.

   You are so good at editing, why don't you write novels?

Considering that everyone comes out to eat and eat, it is not easy. The most important thing is that everyone does not have extraordinary powers. Therefore, it is assumed that the group of onmyojis rub their own heat, and just call them when there are no outsiders. con man.

  Aren’t you talking about the historical relationship between Onmyoji and priests?

   Our priests have called you liars in history.

   The priest Ito groaned and continued: "In fact, the Onmyojis are only minor illnesses. Those monks and mages are the confidants."

  Onmyoji has not been a climate since ancient times, unlike monks, who have become a religion by themselves and have a glorious history.

   For them, the enemy of religion is the enemy of life and death.

   "Originally, we used the appearance of the Great Priest to suppress the monks and mages, but we did not expect to be self-defeating. On the contrary, some big figures believed that the monks and mages also had extraordinary powers and helped them stop our suppression."

   If the monk mages dare to play tricks of gods and ghosts, they will break their tricks in minutes and make them ashamed, but this time it is the big shots themselves.

As for why I think so, I only hate the ancestors in history for not being able to work hard, being pressed and beaten by those monks, and have no power to fight back, creating a kind of illusion that monks are very powerful~www.NovelMTL.com~ Actually not only those The big men, even they themselves wondered if the group of monks had extraordinary powers, or why they could suppress Shintoism.

   Their Shinto priests can communicate with the gods.

   As for why they are, it must be their own reason.

   "Leave those monks alone." Asakura Matsuri said with a worried expression, "I heard that Saitama Prefecture is over, and the Cthulhu is approaching Tokyo. The Great Priest is not awake yet, I'm afraid we will all be cut off by the Prime Minister.

   If Tokyo were destroyed by Cthulhu, this would be a super cauldron, so big that it can be stewed by Yaki Orochi.

   The prime minister must be the first to die, but those who saved Tokyo from the disadvantages are not much better.

   Those squads outside can not only protect them, but also help them to apologize.

   "If any of you has spiritual power and can communicate with the gods, don't hide it, show it generously and save Tokyo."

   "Everyone is old acquaintance, do you have any spiritual power?" The priest Iga stunned and went back.

   It is rare that the Asakura priest did not fight with the Iga priest, but he sighed, "Oh."


   Other priests and priests also sighed.

   When they were worried about their own safety, a holy and holy voice came in.

   "What happened?"

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