I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 109: : Cthulhu moved


   The huge explosion sound delayed into the ears of everyone, and the fireworks that obscured the line of sight slowly dissipated.

   Presented in front of them were the deep green Lalaiye, who was wrapped in the deep sea, and the evil **** Cthulfutan standing behind Laley.

   They have not changed.

   Looking at the unharmed Cthulhu, the drivers showed incredible gazes in an instant.

   "This is impossible, how can it be ineffective?"

  The fighter plane is equipped with the Mi-made AIM-54 Phoenix long-range air-to-air missile. It is powerful and can easily destroy heavy fighters. Even if you are a Cthulhu, you will at least get hurt after being hit.

   The previous extraordinary creature's performance was not like this.

   It was killed by armored vehicles and helicopters.

   "Fire~ Start covering shelling!"

   Takano Masago calmly ordered.

   The armored vehicles and tanks that had already arrived at the designated combat position lined up lined up, blasting together.


   One after another shells fell on and around the evil **** Cthulhutan in a whistling sound. The shells were mixed with missiles and exploded continuously.

   The rumbling explosion shook the eardrums, and some people approaching were blown into flight.

   Flame, burning in the blue ocean.

   Human science and technology weapons are showing great power at this time. Even the most advanced tank aircraft carrier of mankind, under such artillery fire, should sink at this time.

But when the smoke cleared, Laleyer was still the same Laleyer, the tall stone carved walls and the wet floor covered with green mud were covered by countless gunfire and there was no trace left behind, as if it was a merciless mockery of human beings. It’s technology can’t even blow up a small piece of mud.

   "It's impossible." Takano Masago showed an unbelievable look.

   Even though he knew that the Cthulhu was very strong, he raised the Cthulhu's strength very high in his heart, and he didn't even think that this terrible Cthulhu would be defeated by the Self-Defense Forces.

   But this is too exaggerated.

   It was as if Lalaiye and its owner, Cthulfutan, were located in a different space, and the explosion could not affect them at all.

   After one round of bombing, many members of the Self-Defense Force showed fear again.

   Doesn't break the defense at all.

   How can I fight this?

   The courage that I had just raised just because I wanted to defend my family and the country fell sharply.

   In a base in the Naishino City camp, several rocket maintainers are busy doing launch inspections.

   Dongying people have never placed their hopes on the Self-Defense Forces. Although they hope that the Self-Defense Forces can heroically kill the evil **** Cthulfutan, they can be rationally told that it is difficult and difficult.

   Their real killer is the US-supported intercontinental missile loaded with a 2T heavy warhead.

  According to the calculation of the energy response, the power of this intercontinental missile is only weaker than the power of the sun bursting out of the incarnation of the Nordic extraordinary and the serpent Yemengada during the First World War.

   "Start inputting coordinates."

   "Coordinate lock."



  The flames suddenly appeared, and the intercontinental missile was like a sword breaking through the sky, tearing the sky apart.

   Although it is said that using intercontinental missiles to hit such a short-range target is overkill, the Dongying people didn't think so much at all.

   What overkill, what anti-aircraft cannon hits mosquitoes, all aside, I just want to kill the evil god.

  If the time is tight, if not, then it is Saitama Prefecture, an important industrial base in Dongying. They all want to install nuclear warheads on intercontinental missiles in accordance with international practice. After all, nuclear warheads are the standard equipment for intercontinental missiles.

   The missile that pierced the sky was like a meteor, accurately hitting the evil **** Cthulfutan.


The sound of piercing the eardrum exploded, and the houses that had just survived the accident and overlapped with the blue ocean were instantly destroyed by the shock wave brought by the explosion, and the terrifying flames rose up, turning the blue illusory ocean into a world of flames. .

   The cement and steel melted in the fire, exposing a big pit the size of a football field.

"What happened?" Norio Kitagawa leaned back against the wall, feeling the vibration like an earthquake. He was shocked and wanted to go out and have a look, but when he thought that he was still in the contaminated area of ​​the evil god, he was still Held back.

   "Such power should be enough to blow up the evil god." In the base of the Xizhiye City camp, a group of people looked at the screen with hope.

   "Did you succeed?" Takano clenched my fist tightly.

   "It must be successful."

   Masamune Tagawa stared at the screen tightly.

  In the distant outer space, Jiang Hao cast his eyes on Saitama Prefecture, keeping everything in his eyes, "Is this the power of cutting-edge weapons made by modern humans?"

   He had seen a lot of missile explosion scenes through various documentaries before, but when he watched the missile from launch to explosion, a sense of surprise still came up.

If a legendary professional in another world does not stand up various space-based defensive magics, isolate himself from this space, escape into the shadow plane without using shadow-type abilities, and do not turn himself elemental/magic/soul , If you don’t use the cheating ability of the prophecy system, if you face this intercontinental missile with a 2T heavy warhead, you will probably be blown to pieces.

   Even a demigod ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is hit by this intercontinental missile head-on, and will be hit hard.

   "Modern weapons are so powerful, it seems that the creeper must be separated into a clone and transformed into Cthulhufutan to appear on the stage."

   Now this Cthulhutan, including Lalaiye and the blue ocean, is just an illusion created by him using illusion technique.

In order to achieve the pollution effect of the indescribable evil **** Cthulfutan, he asked the creeper to project part of his own power on the phantom, making the vision and voice of the phantom have illusions, tinnitus, frenzy, hypnosis, paralysis, dominance, chaos, etc. Negative effect, and solidify it into a large-scale halo.

   So no matter what weapons the Dongying government uses, it cannot cause harm to it.

   But his next plan is to use Creeping Walker’s projection to transform into Cthulhu Futan to appear on the stage, approaching Tokyo, and create even greater panic.

   You can look at the power of this missile. If it is just a projection, there may be a farce of humans defeating the evil god. For the sake of safety, he decided to let the creeper split a clone and transform into the evil **** Cthulfutan to appear on the stage.

   Jiang Hao thought, and the evil **** Cthulfutan transformed into the creeping walker clone instantly replaced the illusion.

   The earth shook violently.

   The two fighter pilots closest to the evil **** Cthulhutan seemed to have been invaded by some indescribable fear. They screamed in horror and screamed in unintelligible language and slammed into each other.

   "The Cthulhu moved, hurry, retreat."

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