I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 106: : Hit it with a boat?

In the dining hall of the Kennedy Space Center, a stubborn head of human beings, at a glance, looks like a meal in the dining hall.

Affected by jet lag, many people broke into the house while they were sleeping, loaded the plane, and flew all the way. They held their faces with their hands and rubbed their eyes from time to time to force themselves not to sleep in such occasions. In the past, but still sleepy.

   Suddenly, when he heard the word ‘Laley’, he slapped one by one, and suddenly came to his senses.

   "Laley...Laleyer appeared?"

   "Where is Cthulhutan? Is it awake? It's finished when it wakes up."

   "Saitama Prefecture? Never heard of it, is it in the Pacific Ocean?"

   "It seems to be from Dongying, I have watched "One Punch Man"."

   "Dongying? Isn't Lalaiye in the South Pacific?"

   Tagawa Masamune listened to these creators, but he didn't talk about how to solve the problem, the blue veins on his forehead appeared. When he thought that Saitama Prefecture might be ravaged by evil gods at this time, he bubbling in his mouth anxiously.

   That is Saitama Prefecture, an important part of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, one of the three major economic circles in the East. It is not only one of the most important transportation centers in the eastern part of the East, but also an important industrial area in northern Tokyo.

   If Saitama County is finished, the East Asia economy will be finished.

   Tagawa Masamune bent down and bowed vigorously, "Everyone, don’t worry about where Saitama Prefecture is. Tell me first, what should we do? How can we deal with Lalaiye."

   "How to deal with Lalaiye?"

   All the creators looked at each other. It was the sleeping place of the evil **** Cthulhutan. It contained deep and ancient horror. Ordinary people would go crazy as soon as they got close. How would such a city deal with it? Could it be bombed with missiles? But there was a Cthulhu asleep inside and accidentally awakened the Cthulhu, what should I do?

   "I suggest moving people from Saitama Prefecture."

   An Icelandic creator of Cthulhu spoke.

   "Yes, Laleille itself is just a dead thing. We don't need to deliberately target it. We only need to move the people from Saitama Prefecture." A Norwegian writer agrees.

   Although I don’t know what the county is, it sounds like it’s not a city. It should be similar to a town. There are tens of thousands of residents and hundreds of thousands of people will die. It is easy for them to relocate.

   acted improperly to Laleye, if he awakened the evil god, the harm would be even greater.

   "Everyone, we have a population of more than seven million in Saitama Prefecture."

   An Eastern Cthulhu creator reminded quietly.


   The two Nordic creators smiled awkwardly, and at the same time complained in their hearts. Do you have so many people in East Asia? There are millions of people in non-urban places, so your urban population shouldn't be as large as tens of millions.

   At this moment, the secretary came over in a panic and whispered a few words in his ear. Masamune Tagawa's mouth collapsed tightly after listening.

   His voice was almost abruptly squeezed out of his throat,

"Everyone, the evil **** Cthulfutan who is sleeping in Lalaiye has woken up. Now, hundreds of thousands of people in Saitama Prefecture are polluted by the evil god, showing various degrees of madness, and this number is still increasing sharply. "

"What should we do?"

   The expressions of those present changed drastically.

   The evil **** Cthulfutan has woken up?

  As the creators of the myth of Cthulhu, they know the power of the evil **** very well. They cannot look directly at it or understand it. Wherever they appear, the madness will spread everywhere, which can be called a mobile natural disaster.

   The creator of Eastern Cthulhu said anxiously: "Prime Minister, I suggest that all the remaining people be moved."

  It is a huge project to move millions of people in Saitama Prefecture, and the damage caused is also incalculable, but compared with the awakened evil **** Cthulfutan, these are nothing wrong.

   It’s better for millions of people to move out than millions of people crazy.

   "Is there no other way? For example, kill it." Masamune Tagawa said anxiously.

   Millions of people moved out. It's easy to say, but it's too difficult to do.

   The transportation in Saitama Prefecture is well developed, but it is impossible to move the entire 7 million people out of Saitama Prefecture in a short period of time.

  Also, after giving up Saitama Prefecture, do you want the economy of Toyo? Is the stock market still insured? Is he still sitting on his hips?

   The most important thing is that Saitama Prefecture is close to Tokyo. If Saitama Prefecture retreats and introduces the evil **** Cthulhutan to Tokyo, he will be blamed for death.

   Killed the evil **** Cthulfutan?

   Many creators Qi Qi looked at Masamune Tagawa with idiotic eyes.

   Tagawa Masamune realized that he had said the wrong thing after speaking, and immediately changed his words: "Or expel it or distract it. In short, you can't let it wreak havoc anymore."

   If you continue to raging, he will be finished.

   When he spoke out, the people present were silent.

   Cthulhutan is the sleeping god, the old ruler, and an irresistible fear. How could a mortal expel him? The modern weapons of mankind are useless to Cthulhutan.

  The creator of Cthulhu of the Eastern Ying descended around looked around, gritted his teeth and said, "You can try to hit it with a boat."

"Rolled him with a boat?" Masamune Tianchuan was shocked. Although he supplemented some knowledge about Cthulhu mythology, it was all related to the sound of the evil celestial body, Geheros, and Yugsothoth, the one who unified everything. Knowledge, I don’t know about Cthulhutan.

   can face the evil god, is it really effective to use a boat to crash?

  From a scientific point of view~www.NovelMTL.com~The power of ship collision is not as powerful as missile bombing.

  If the ship impact is effective, why not bomb the missile?

  The price of missiles is much cheaper than that of ships.

   "Prime Minister." The creator of Cthulhu of the Eastern ancestry hurriedly explained: "In the novel "The Call of Cthulhu," the evil **** Cthulhutan once appeared, and the people inside hit him with a boat."

"If Old Mr. Lovecraft was really polluted by the evil god, and thus saw part of the true face of the evil god, and created the Cthulhu mythology novel "The Call of Cthulhu", then we would use a boat to hit the evil **** Cthulhu Futan. It may be effective."

   "You mean the evil **** Cthulfutan has specific weaknesses like the vampires in the West and the zombies in the East." Masamune Tagawa understood, "No matter how powerful it is, as long as you catch the weakness, you can kill it."

"I am also not certain."

  The creator of Eastern Cthulhu shook his head. He didn't dare to be 100% sure, and then said: "But let's try, after all, Cthulhu was killed in the novel like this."

   Tagawa Masamune nodded.

   Although the evil **** Cthulfutan is afraid of the ship, it sounds a bit unbelievable, but even if there is only one in ten thousand hope, he will try.

   What if, what if it succeeds.

   As for the consequences of unsuccessful...the brave Dongying people are never afraid of sacrifice.

  The creator of the Eastern Cthulhu thought for a while, and added: "You must use a speedboat. In the novel, you use a speedboat to hit it."

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