I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 107: : Rush to Cthulhu

The panic caused by Cthulhu is spreading.

   The screams on the street came and went one after another.

   Faced with the directly visible Cthulhu and all the news broadcast by all TV stations for 24 hours, countless people rushed out of Saitama Prefecture, and the streets were full of abandoned vehicles.

   At the request of the Ministry of Transport, an empty plane and Shinkansen (high-speed rail) were quickly deployed from other places to carry people away.

   As soon as they heard that they were going to Saitama Prefecture to watch the Cthulhu, the captain and pilot went into various situations.

   I was drunk, ill, caught a cold, broke my hand, was beaten, and even stabbed by an unknown person and went straight to the hospital.

  At this moment, it seemed that some invisible evil **** was cursing these captains and pilots.

Until the Ministry of Transportation first reassures that the destination is the station and airport farthest from the Cthulhu, there is no danger, and then it means that you will get out of the situation again, and the whole family is included in the blacklist and notified to the whole society. It is from the curse of the Cthulhu. Just stopped.

   Korao is the Ministry of Transportation's efforts to deploy. There are still countless people stranded in airports and stations, and there are signs of increasing numbers.

   "Let me in, I want to leave, I want to leave here, I don't want to be here anymore."

   "I have money, I will give you money, I will give you all the money, you all let me go, I want to get in the car."

   "Please let me go. There are still two elderly people in my family. I am still in high school just now. I can't die here. If I die, my family will collapse."

   When the Shinkansen came, some people waved checks, and some people begged.

   But when the danger comes, all money and sympathy have become trampled on the soles of the feet, worthless, no one will sympathize and pity other people when their lives are threatened.

   Norio Kitagawa hid in a convenience store, closed the door, and carefully watched the scene like the end of the day outside.

   Countless people polluted by the evil gods yelled in the street in a crazy manner, fighting with each other, and running around aimlessly.

   "Haha... I'm going to be on fire, I'm on fire, a lot of money... Maria Ozawa, wait for me, I'll go to you right away... Haha."

   A middle-aged uncle walked stumblingly on the street with a mobile phone in his hand.

   "Flowers, a lot of flowers, a lot of flowers, red, purple, blue, orange, so beautiful, haha, hahahaha,..."

   "I saw it, I heard it, Cthulhu is calling me."

   "Long live, long live! Long live Cthulhutan!"

   is over.

   Saitama Prefecture is over.

   Norio Kitagawa looked at this scene like the end of the day, and his heart was cold.

   It is said that the rear is complete. Why would I encounter the evil **** Cthulfutan when I stayed in the rear? I had known that I might as well go to the front line. At least the monster had no resistance at all after it was suppressed by modern weapons.

It's not that he didn't expect to run away, but those damn, lunatics contaminated by evil spirits, seeing him as a normal person turned out to be like seeing a rare animal giant panda. As soon as he went out, he was on three floors and three floors outside to watch him. .

   he couldn't leave at all.

   had to stay here and wait for support.


   Kitagawa Norio’s cell phone vibrated. He immediately took out his cell phone to answer. Before the person on the phone could speak, he quickly said, “Tatsuya Takano, is the one to answer me here?”


   As soon as my friend said these two words, Noriori Kitagawa's ambition was cold.

   "...The current air resources are either responding to the retreat of people from Saitama Prefecture, or transporting our soldiers to Saitama Prefecture. You may have to wait."

   "And you don't have to worry too much, the Prime Minister is trying to deal with the evil **** Cthulfutan."

   Prime Minister wants to deal with the evil **** Cthulfutan?

   Norio Kitagawa was shocked, and asked the friend on the opposite side, "The Great Priest has woke up."

   Except for the Great Priest waking up and summoning the great Lord of Heaven to descend, he can't think of any other way. As for human weapons, don't be kidding, you think Cthulhu is the weak monster before.

   "No." Takano Tatsuya shook his head and said.

   Norio Kitagawa was startled, "What is the prime minister's plan to rely on against the evil god?"

   Takano Tatsuya gave a dry laugh, his voice a little embarrassing, "The Prime Minister intends to let people drive a speedboat to hit the evil **** Cthulfutan."

"He's crazy."

   Norio Kitagawa screamed.

   Take the boat to hit the evil **** Cthulfutan, why don't you drive a motorcycle?

   Tagawa’s authentic IQ, is this contaminated by Cthulhu?

   "Kun Kitagawa, please speak carefully." Takano Tatsuya immediately became serious. This is a special line, and maybe what he said to Norio Kitagawa will reach the Prime Minister's ears.

   "The plan for people to drive a speedboat to hit the evil **** Cthulfutan is just one part of the preparation."

   "In addition, the Self-Defense Forces have begun to gather, and the United States has supplied us with a large amount of advanced munitions."

   "There are also people from the Great Priest of Pity who are preparing to use a slightly more radical method to try to awaken the Great Priest who has run out of power."

   "In the Tokyo area, a large number of priests are preparing to hold a large festival, trying to communicate with the great gods of the East. Onmyojis and wizards are also preparing for each."

   "The Prime Minister is currently lobbying Iceland, Egypt, and the Papal States, hoping that they can send their extraordinary power to support us."

   "It can be said that we have done many preparations~www.NovelMTL.com~Do you think we can win?"


   Takano Tatsuya got stuck, you ask me how to answer, everyone is a colleague, don’t you know what people say?

   He thought for a while, his face turned straight, and said: "The great God of Heaven protects Dongying, and we will surely be able to fight the God of Cthulhu."

   "Hope to win." Norio Kitagawa took a deep breath.

   Over Saitama County, a helicopter hoisted a modified speedboat, flying upside down and approaching Cthulhu.

"Dahe-kun, it's up to you next." A middle-aged man in a black combat uniform and gloves said over the radio: "Whether you can succeed or not, you are our Dongying hero, you owe it. The loan sharks of China have been wiped out, and people from Ji Dao Club will not go to your home to harass you."

   "Your parents will receive a considerable amount of compensation, your wife will get an easy and stable job, and your daughter will transfer to the best high school and be recommended to the University of Tokyo."

   "Oga, I hope you won't disappoint the Prime Minister."


   Oga Taku nodded without force.

   After performing his magnificent inverted flight skills, the helicopter pilot quickly put the speedboat down at the designated position and ran away in a hurry.

   Oga Taku did not remember his instructions, closed his eyes, and drove the speedboat towards the ugly, tentacled, octopus-like terrifying evil god.

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