I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 105: : The time has come for the stars to return

Submarine city?

   Norio Kitagawa had a word in his mind, and immediately thought that if this is a mirage, does it mean that a certain place, to be precise, in a certain ocean, there is indeed such a city.

   He looked inquiringly.

   I only saw that this empty city was wet and covered with green mud, and the green color seemed to indicate that there was a certain horror in it.

On the stones that make up the city itself, some hieroglyphs that he can’t understand are depicted. A sense of spatial dislocation surges up after a glance. It seems that these hieroglyphs carry some peculiar visual pollution. Just take a look. , Will be nauseous to want to vomit

   In the depths of the city, somewhere where the location cannot be determined, there seems to be something extremely terrifying lurking, even if she can't see it, she feels dangerous and ominous.

"What is this."

   Kitagawa Norio's subordinate Onodera Ryohei looked at this peculiar sight.

   The ocean that almost overlaps with the entire Saitama Prefecture, and the majestic city in the ocean that is larger than Saitama Prefecture, this is the first time he has seen such a spectacle in his life.

   "This, is this Laleille?"

   The priest connected with Norio Kitagawa also saw this majestic and majestic city because of the camera. He was familiar with the myth of Cthulhu and immediately recognized the origin of the city.


   Onodera Ryohei trembled all over when hearing the name.

  Laley, the sleeping place of the evil **** Cthulfutan.

   Is the evil **** Cthulfutan about to wake up?

   Suddenly, there was a sound of children singing and singing.

   listen carefully, and it seems to be the chanting of countless people kneeling before an unknown and terrifying altar,

   "When the rust-red stars return from the starry sky, the hymn of the heavenly body sings in the dark night sky..."

   "The time has come for the stars to return..."

   "In Lalaiye's mansion, Cthulhu, sleeping, please wake up!"


   The sea trembled, and the tattered membrane wings wrapped in a mountain-like body rose from Lalaiye’s mansion.

   Under the wings of the membrane is peristaltic, like a body of an abnormal human being splashed out in green in madness, which is incomprehensible to normal people.

   Green tentacles hung from its head, wriggling like a bug, drops of rotten, disgusting liquid dripped down the tentacles.

   Just looking at it, you will feel that you are slipping from a normal person to an abnormal person.

   seems to have heard the sound of chanting, this terrifying evil **** from among the stars opened his extremely **** eyes.

   When facing the gaze of the evil **** Cthulfutan, an indescribable fear instantly attacked the defenses of all those who looked at the evil god, crushing their sanity severely.


   "It wakes up, wakes up!!!"

   "Quick, run away, run away quickly, the farther the better, the farther the escape the better!!"


The people on the ground looking at the evil gods fleeing frantically with their eyes covered, but even if their sights are obscured by darkness, the deep and ancient craziness is still firmly engraved in their minds, lingering in their gazes. .

   "Don't look at it, everyone."

   Norio Kitagawa turned around, closed his eyes, pinched his thighs with both hands, fighting the unstoppable fear with severe pain.

   He yelled, trying to maintain order.

But it's totally useless. When this huge evil **** woke up, the indescribable horror spread to everyone's hearts. Their sanity quickly collapsed under the evil spirit's sight pollution, and no one cared about the seventh. The head of the search section.

   Even if it is his subordinate Onodera Ryohei, who is always respectful to him, he is still holding his head at this time, and he will run to the east for a while, and then to the west. It seems that he has lost his sense of direction.

   The streets are full of people running wild, they are like mice and cockroaches before the natural disaster, they use all their strength to stay away from the fear that is coming.

   Occasionally there are people standing still, sometimes laughing frantically, sometimes crying frantically, sometimes squatting on the ground with their heads and squeezing their heads.

   Order completely collapsed.

   Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, the priest who was connected to Norio Kitagawa's video connection had cut off the video connection with Norio Kitagawa as early as when he saw Laley.

   He was anxiously calling the priest Tomioka at this time. He didn't know what the other side was doing. He got through after several calls. Once he got through, he yelled anxiously, "The priest Tomioka, it's not good..."

   "Prince Suwon, please pay attention to your manners." Priest Tomioka interrupted him.

Since fighting side by side with the Great Priest and ousting Huangquan together, his position in Shintoism has skyrocketed, and he has won the admiration of many younger generations, and even the big figures of the upper class have been invited by the celebrity and regarded him as a guest. , Whatever you fancy, someone will offer it with both hands.

   I have spent a lot of time with those big people who pay attention to etiquette, and I have paid more attention to my manners unconsciously.

   "...The priest Tomioka, the matter is not good." The priest Suwon was shocked, and immediately said anxiously: "Lalaiye has appeared in Saitama Prefecture."

   "Lalaiye." The priest Tomioka's expression also changed. He didn't have any manners, and asked in horror: "You mean Lalaiye, the sleeping place of the evil **** Cthulfutan, appeared in Saitama Prefecture?"

"It is ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The priest Suwon nodded vigorously. He repeated what he saw, and finally said: "I am afraid that I will be contaminated by the power of the evil god, so I cut off the connection with that side. I don't know what's going on over there, whether the evil **** Cthulfutan has woken up. "

   "I called the Prime Minister." The priest Tomioka said decisively.

   He never thought to first check whether the evil **** Cthulfutan is awake before calling the prime minister.

   That's Laley, the evil **** Cthulfutan who is asleep in it will go crazy just by looking at it. Who knows if it will go crazy if you look at it through the screen. It's better to be on the safe side. I'm not sure.

   Anyway, the Prime Minister will send someone to make sure.

   At the Kennedy Space Center, creators of Cthulhu mythology from all over the world gathered at the Space Center at the invitation of leaders of various countries to discuss how to deal with Yugsothos in outer space.

  Because there are so many people, the meeting room cannot fit, so I had to temporarily change the dining hall hall to the meeting place.

   As the proponent of this meeting, Prime Minister Masamune Tagawa was about to speak, and his secretary hurriedly came over with the phone, "Prime Minister, the call of priest Tomioka."

   Masamune Tagawa frowned, answered the phone, his face changed after hearing a few words in his ear.

   Putting down the phone, he rushed and said: "Everyone, we have Lalaiye in Saitama Prefecture, what should we do?"

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