I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 104: : A huge sea city?

"This monster is dead?"

   Watching the monster's undulating abdomen stopped, even the breathing disappeared, and one of the combatants questioned.

   "Come over and take a look."

   Captain urged quickly in his headset.

   The above is called for a job.

   was urged by the captain and judged that the monster was dead. The combatant finally approached with the courage. He only took two steps. The monster on the ground suddenly changed, and his fat body shrank rapidly.

   After a while, the monster on the ground turned into a handsome boy.


   He froze for a moment, and quickly told the captain of what happened here through the headset, and the captain quickly passed the situation to the superior, layer by layer, and finally sent to the hands of Norio Kitagawa.

   "After the monster died, he became a human being?"

Norio Kitagawa, who was commanding at the rear, was also shocked when he heard the information coming back from the front line. He looked at the professionals who connected with him, "Mr. Lord, after the death of the monster, it turned into a human being, do you know? what's going on?"

   The priests being questioned, the Onmyoji and the mages looked at each other.

   Monster becomes human after death?

   I have never heard of this situation.

   Although it is said that in the folklore of Dongying, there are many monsters who like to transform into a human form, such as Jiu Tun Boy, Gu Huo Bird, and Otter Beaver.

   But these monsters are transformed into human forms when they are alive, and they return to their original appearance after death. I have never heard of them becoming monsters when they are alive, but turning back into human forms after death.

   "Section Manager Beichuan, listening to your description, this monster seems to have been transformed from human beings. The section manager may wish to start from his own identity, and perhaps it will be rewarding." A priest suggested.

   Norio Kitagawa reacted as soon as he was reminded by the priest. Yes, he could start with this man himself.

  When faced with extraordinary powers, he always wanted to listen to the opinions of priests, and wanted to get answers from these professionals, but instead forgot his own way of doing things.

   After giving the order, Mizuno Takuto's message was quickly sorted and sent.

   Although the Dongying government does not have an archive database established by ID cards, it also has an information database based on information such as resident tickets, driving licenses, and personal numbers.

   As long as it is not deliberately disguised, or its appearance becomes unrecognizable, it can be found by a search in the information database.

"Takuto Mizuno, a male, 18 years old, a student of a national university, once had a girlfriend Miko Sakuma who was dating. Half a month ago, Miko Sakuma cut her wrist and committed suicide. Before she committed suicide, Sakuma Miko once called a police report that someone was violent. *Own."

  "But the day after the case was filed, Miko Sakuma changed her words with her parents.

Norio Kitagawa looked ugly. Without a detailed investigation, the story of the girl being beaten with money and threats emerged in his mind after calling the police, and the background of the person who dropped the money is not simple at all, otherwise the case will not be so fast. Just withdraw.

   is really malfeasance.

   Turning to the next page, this time it is not based on information from the information database, but the information compiled by the Internet Security Department from Mizuno Takuto's online records.

   Under the modern Internet, what ordinary people do on the Internet can't be hidden from the Network Security Department. They only need an order, and those Internet companies responsible for providing services to users will hand over the information stored on their own servers by the users themselves.

   "One week after Sakuma Miko's death, Mizuno Takuto asked on the real-name Q&A website qixil how to resurrect a person."

   Mizuno Takuto wants to resurrect Sakuma Miko? Noriori Beichuan guessed in his ambition.

   He clicked on the link on the data and took the initiative to browse the question.

There are many people answering Mizuno Takuto’s questions on this website, and the methods for resurrecting people are also varied, such as transplanting the brains of the deceased into other people’s bodies, reincarnation techniques, and throwing the jade of the four souls onto the corpse. After that, just wait for the dead to resurrect.

   Finally, he saw the answer of a person named Takenaka Kaidou: "You can ask Yugsothoth how to resurrect a person by summoning Yugsothoth. It will give you knowledge, provided that you can summon it."

   Norio Kitagawa's expression changed. Although his position was not high enough to compare with many bigwigs, the seventh investigation class, as the department that directly faced extraordinary powers, still knew a lot of things.

   For example, he knew that the voice of the celestial body Gheros and Yugsothos, the one who unified everything, appeared outside the Blue Star.

   For another example, he knew that a woman named Florence in the Kennedy Space Center communicated with Yugsothoth, gained knowledge from it, and alienated into the son of the monster Cthulhu.

  The son of the evil **** is the code name given by the rice party to Florence, a person who gained knowledge after communicating with the evil god, meaning the son of the evil god.

   "This guy named Mizuno Takuto did not intend to resurrect Sakuma Miko, and then summon Yugsothoth. In the end, he really allowed him to communicate and alienate into the son of the evil god."

   He looked down, and sure enough, Takuto Mizuno and Yuduo Takenaka chatted, and the two also added friends to the chat software LINE.

   He quickly asked Takuto Mizuno to call up the chat history on LINE.

On the chat software LINE, Mizuno Takuto asked Takenaka how to summon Yugsothoth. The two even exchanged progress with each other until the end of the chat log, which was 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon, and Mizuno Takuto gave Takenaka to Takenaka. Jiedou sent a message.

   "I, feel the existence of my lord Yugsothoth!"

"Sure enough, he communicated with Yugsothoth and alienated him into the son of Cthulhu~www.NovelMTL.com~ What a pity." Norio Kitagawa exclaimed. It was not a pity that Mizuno Takuto suffered, but that he didn't manage to get alive. of.

   If you can catch alive and ask him about the knowledge he has gained, it would be a credit to the sky.

   Beichuan Nori was a pity in his ambition, but suddenly, he asked about a salty and wet taste. He often wandered around the beach and immediately realized that it was the smell of sea breeze.

   But how is it possible.

  ? Ordinary invades Xian Kang, which is more awkward? The pure stilbene stilbene 7

   He raised his head and saw only the ocean appeared in the distance.

   is not a river or a lake, but an endless blue ocean.

   But the ocean that brings the salty and wet sea breeze is not a real entity, but a kind of illusory illusion, because he clearly saw the overlap with the ocean, which belonged to? 斡裣氐慕ㄖ?

   "A mirage?"

   Norio Kitagawa instinctively jumped out of a noun.

   Then he saw the sky darken inexplicably, and wind and waves protruded from the illusory ocean in the distance. A whirlpool with a diameter of several hundred meters stirred the ocean under the storm, and huge stone pillars protruded from the whirlpool.

   A coastline composed of silt, wetlands, and mossy boulders slowly emerged in his vision. Looking along the coastline was a majestic city composed of majestic boulders and tall pillars.

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