I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 103: : Long live, long live!


The armored vehicles that rushed over made a roar, and one grenade was launched from the grenade launcher, accurately hitting the monster not far away, the huge impact caused the monster to retreat again and again, and the shrapnel exploded from the grenade pierced its body. Inside, a splash of flesh and blood was brought out.

   Special bullets were vented from the aircraft cannon carried by the helicopter, leaving rows of holes in it, and red and black blood flowed out from it.

   "It hurts...."

   Mizuno Takuto, who was alienated into a monster, sent out, a pale face twisted. Although the physical strength has been strengthened after the alienation, he still doesn't look enough in front of modern human weapons.

   Seeing the firepower of the armored vehicles and helicopters suppress the monster, the uneasy heart in the body of Norio Kitagawa who was commanding the battle from the rear also calmed down.

   Since the last time Hyakki Nights and Huangquan happened in Pingcheng Jingdong, Prime Minister Masamune Tagawa has ordered the establishment of the seventh investigation class, which is responsible for investigating and handling various extraordinary incidents.

  He is Norio Kitagawa, the newly appointed deputy head.

Although an adverb was added in front of   , it is actually the same as the class leader, because the position of the class leader on his head is still empty.

The boss above promised that as long as he did well, he could become a class leader. As for the result of a bad job, the boss didn’t say anything, but he knew very well that if he didn’t do well, he would be a mediocre person. Roll back where you are transferred from, and because your position is occupied by others, you will be transferred to a cold bench for retirement.

   So after this extraordinary incident, he immediately looked like an enemy.

   not only pulled all the ground armored vehicles and helicopters that had just been deployed, but also remotely connected several well-known priests, onmyojis, and Buddhist mages, hoping to get guidance.

   I was afraid that my performance was bad this time, and the people on it told him to roll his clothes off.

   But I didn't expect the process to be smooth.

   This monster is vulnerable to modern weapons.

   After a sigh of relief, Norio Kitagawa asked in a relaxed tone: "Mrs., can you recognize which monster this is?"

   There have been too many monsters in the history of Dongying. It can be said that everything can become a monster. He, a Dongying person, doesn't recognize it at all.

   Besides, modern people, who would go to read ancient monster books in idle time? Isn’t it good to see Saiyans and Doraemon?

  Although he had added a lot of relevant knowledge after he was transferred to the seventh search class, but the monster in front of him, he could not find the source of the knowledge in his mind, so he could only ask the masters for help.

   "Why haven't you seen this monster?"

   "The belly is a bit like the Hidden God Punishment Division Tanuki, but it looks a bit different from the Hidden God Punishment Division Tanuki."

   "It looks a bit close to the owner of Haifang."

   Hearing what the expert said, Norio Kitagawa immediately asked him to call up the pictures of the tanuki and the owner of the hidden **** punishment department, but he just glanced at him.

  Hidden Divine Punishment Division raccoon and this monster have no similarities except for their stomachs. Haifangzhu is closer to the appearance of this monster, but Haifangzhu does not have so many red eyes.

   "How do I feel that this is not like a monster in our native East Asia."

   An onmyoji who held a paper fan and fanned it from time to time said that although the weather is relatively cold now, the air conditioner is turned on in his room.

   His words resonated with everyone.

   "Yes, I don't think it's like our Dongying monster."

   "It may be a monster from a foreign country. A foreign country should be called a demon or a devil or undead."

   "I bought an atlas of monsters called Shan Hai Jing, and I went to look for it to see if there is any name for this monster."

  As an Onmyoji/Priest/Mage, it would be embarrassing not to know the name of the monster, but it would be different if the monster is foreign.

   We don’t know that foreign monsters are not normal.

   Kitagawa Norio's subordinates walked in with a relaxed tone: "Chairman, Hayakawa sent a message saying that the monster is dying, what should I do next."

   is too easy.

  The combination of helicopter and armored vehicle can easily abuse monsters.

   The so-called extraordinary creatures are really vulnerable to human modern weapons.

"Grab it, remember, to live." Norio Kitagawa immediately ordered, this is a superb creature, catching it is a great achievement, but he knows that since the emergence of supernatural power, those big people who have been disappointed in science They turned their attention to the extraordinary power.

   In the face of death, there is no distinction between high and low, but how can the big people with large amounts of banknotes in their hands be willing to bury them in the soil with the civilians and become a pile of bones? Although cremation is popular now, the civilians can't even keep the bones.

   Therefore, whether you can get power from this extraordinary creature is second, and getting longevity is the most important thing.

   As for whether there will be any danger, it is necessary to take the risk for credit. Anyway, I am in the rear.

  The combatants who can be transferred to the Seventh Search Division are all elites selected from the whole country of Dongying. They have very strong psychological qualities. After receiving the capture order, they quickly replaced the bullets with anesthetic bombs and opened fire on the monster.

   Then they cautiously approached the monster lying on the ground, looking immobile.

   Mizuno Takuto, who was alienated into a monster, lay on the ground, breathing fresh air forcefully, but the vitality of his body was quickly lost, and waves of life-threatening pains struck him, weakening his consciousness a little bit.

   "Am I going to die?"

  The dazzling sunlight shone on his pupils~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the blood-red eyes were closed.

   Cowardly since he was a child, he will always be a victim of campus bullying, and he who dares not to resist will always be the object of others to make fun and vent his emotions.

   Finally, I have someone I like. I confessed, and the other party agrees. Life seems to have become brighter, but the scum has ruined everything.

   They dragged Miko away in front of him and laughed at him wantonly. He knew that he could not beat them, so he could only stand there with his head down, pretending to see nothing.

   Kamiko's screams still passed into his ears loudly, and the sound was harsh.

   Suddenly, he saw the desperate eyes that Miko looked at him when she was being dragged away.

   "I'm sorry, Miko, I can't revive you."

   "This kind of me, this kind of world, no longer has the value of existence."

   Mizuno Takuto's lips squirmed, and he said strange syllables.

   A fighter from the Seventh Search Division approached Mizuno Takuto and heard a weird sound, and his body rushed back like a conditioned reflex.

   "What happened?" a team leader asked.

   The man replied: "It seems to be talking?"

   "Go to someone and listen to what he is saying."

   Mizuno Takuto listened to the sound in his ear, and the corners of his lips curled up, with a little sarcasm, he exhausted his last strength and shouted:

   "... Long live, long live. Cthulhutan!"

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