Another rich night has fallen.

The weak sunset on the earth, like the ebbing tide, is gradually emptied.

Everything as far as the eye can see is painted with an extremely oppressive pitch black.

In the four base cities of Kyushu, the lights are bright.

At this moment, almost everyone stayed in front of the screen, watching this final live broadcast.

Extrapolated from the data of the Monitoring Bureau.

It is expected to be 12 o'clock tonight.

The ghost gate will officially descend to the depths of the Central Plains.

The passage of the underworld to the world,

Coming to open at that moment.

Maybe it's just experienced a real despair,

Now the people of Kyushu are also much relieved about the upcoming endgame.

Regardless of the final outcome.

Think of it as the end of the last movie.

In the city of Longdu Base, Dean Cheng sat cross-legged on the futon, and once again opened the Heavenly Eye Vision.

The next moment.

The screen in the live broadcast room lights up.

The whole picture began to travel through the dark night and flew to the depths of the Central Plains.

On this night, the yin qi was extremely thick.

All the earth and the sky seemed to be filled with black.

With the perspective of the eye of the sky, it constantly crosses the mountains and rivers, moving rapidly.

The scenes outside the defense line also affect everyone's hearts, and people can't help but have a sense of loneliness and fate.

It was the ruins of abandoned human towns that were once home to humanity but were now completely reduced to hell.

In the shadow of the street buildings,

One after another oozing ghost silhouettes appeared.

These evil spirits seem to be extraordinarily excited, they are surging, they are howling, they seem to welcome something.

Walk through countless abandoned cities.

The perspective of the eye of the sky entered the mountain and continued to go deeper.

until two hours later.

Arrived at the most ghostly place in the world today.

This is the depths of the Central Plains.

Now it's a black ocean.

The surging black substance flowed like a swamp.


With the movement of the black matter, the entire space was rubbed into bursts of oozing trembling.

It was a tremendous mass that cannot be described in words.

It seems that this world will collapse in the next second.

The Sky Eye Vision is still advancing.

But this surging black seems to be endless.

This pure sense of absolute suffocation hangs over the hearts of every (bfae) person, almost making people's hearts stop.

"This is the Origin Level that has reached the limit value..."

"Oh my God..."

"The end of the world has finally come..."

"Ugh... I was fortunate to be born in Kyushu in this life, and I have no regrets if I can live to see the present world of the underworld in this life. "

Looking at this desperate scene, all the audience's hearts were dark.

And now, from the ghost gate to the world.

There are only two hours left.

In the city of Rendezvous base.

All front-line combatants have long been assembled.

On the square, there was a figure wearing combat uniforms and ready to go.

Everyone here has the strength of L6 or above, and it is the last remaining force in the human world today.

In addition to this, there is another column of young figures who are members of the Tinder Project.

There are less than two hours left until the final battle.

But all the battle plans were temporarily stalled.

Because the man hasn't been there yet.


The atmosphere was solemn.

Although everyone has been prepared for the consciousness of sacrifice, but when they really face this moment, they still feel the weight of the word death.

More than ten minutes later.

A young figure with a little white fox on his shoulder appeared in the field. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was Gu Bai who was belated.

"It's Master Gu!"

"Master Gu is here!!"

"Mr. Gu!"

Gu Bai's arrival caused a commotion at the scene.

The originally extremely oppressive atmosphere finally eased up at this moment.

Countless flashing eyes converged on that person's body.

"I'm sorry, it's a bit late. "

Gu Bai smiled slightly apologetically.

"Gu Xiaoyou, we are all waiting for you. "

The Heavenly Master and others also solemnly greeted them.

"What is this?"

Gu Bai looked at the young queue not far away, and An Tang, Song Quan and others were also among them.

However, looking at their anxious and unwilling looks, it seems that they were forced to be placed in that team.

"They are members of the Tinder Project that was discussed last time, Mr. Gu, we hope that you can become the person in charge of the Tinder Project and lead them to find a way to escape from our world. "

The chief chief's voice was a little hoarse.

The members of the Tinder Project are the most selected by the ministry after a lot of screening.

If they are lucky enough to escape, they will be tasked with the continuation of humanity and multiply in the New World.

Like a dandelion drifting into the distance.

Like the only flame in the world of ice and snow that is emitting heat.

Countless pairs of eager eyes looked at Gu Bai.

In today's world, only this young man in front of him has the ability to do this.

No matter what the price is.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope in the Kyushu Terrans, they cannot give up.

A spark can start a prairie fire.

Even if there are only a few hundred people left, as long as this fire is still there, it will definitely be able to create a new heaven for mankind in the future.

Feeling the gaze around him, Gu Bai was also a little stunned: "Tinder plan, didn't I say it was unnecessary last time?"

Gu Bai's reaction was also expected by everyone.

"Gu Xiaoyou..."

Li Dongxuan and others still want to persuade a few words. []

But Gu Bai had already spoken again: "This plan is really useless, over there at the Ghost Gate, I will try my best, it should be able to deal with it, but the movement may be a little big at that time, just pay attention to protecting the civilians." "

As soon as this statement came out.

There was a sudden silence around them.

Everyone looked at Gu Bai with incredible eyes.

Death...... Should it be able to handle?

Gu Bai sighed, "Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if I fail and take these hundreds of people to flee for my life, I don't know where to flee." "

Gu Bai is also telling the truth.

Now the Corpse God Society has not appeared for the time being, and there is no doubt about their path.

As for the secret realm, don't think about it.

The secret realm of the five great immortal families in the living world has long been closed.

Even an insider like Tu Shanqing, if he wants to return to the enchantment in this situation, he can only bring one or two people inside at the same time, and it is absolutely impossible for hundreds of people.

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