Looking at the screen, this piece of information beats with time.

The atmosphere in the conference room was unprecedentedly dull.

"This moment is still coming after all. "

Yang Taichu sighed slowly.

This seems to be the fate of the world, and you can't escape the first day of junior high school, but you can't avoid the fifteenth.

4,300,000 ghost energy values.

That's the magnitude of the ghost gate.

In the face of this kind of existence that surpasses all cognition, everyone can't even have a fighting spirit.

Because no matter how much you have a meeting, no matter how you discuss tactics and strategies.

Under this level of strength gap, it is just a mayfly shaking a tree, and it is impossible to play any role at all.

And the only topic that you are meeting here today.

It's not for the sake of battle, either.

Instead, they want to restart the Tinder program.

"What about Mr. Gu?"

Li Dongxuan asked.

Everyone else shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know.

Gu Bai hasn't shown up in the past few days, and he doesn't know where he went.

"Mr. Gu didn't come, our tinder plan, but it can't be started. "

A military general said with a wry smile.

The Tinder Project is to select the best 500 young men and women as a guarantee for the continuation of human civilization.

All tinder has the highest priority right to life.

Before disaster finally strikes, all other humans must do their best to find a way to survive and escort the fire through.

This is cruel, but it is also the last retreat and choice of a civilization.

And Gu Bai is also the leader of the fire that everyone agrees.

Before everything was destroyed, Gu Bai wanted to take the last five hundred young men and women to escape from this world through the window of the Corpse God Society.

Of course, that's the plan.

But everyone thinks that Gu Bai himself will definitely not agree to escape from this world as the number one person in the fire.

And he's not here now, so everyone can only talk about it.

"Guys, there's no need to be so pessimistic. "

Zhuge Yun said suddenly.

In fact, with Zhuge Yun's qualifications, it really seemed a little strange for him to say this sentence in front of a group of seniors and leaders.

But he said it anyway.

"Five, what do you mean by that?"

The deputy chief asked a little dazed.

Zhuge Yun laughed: "Have you forgotten that this sentence was said by Gu Bai during the last meeting, and I believe him." "

And during this time.

The pessimism of the people of Kyushu is also spreading.

Since the day after the last Styx impact, the Monitoring Bureau has disclosed on its official website that there are specific matters about the "Ghost Gate" ghost.

At the same time, the values are also synchronized on the Tianyan live broadcast room.

In just a few days.

Gu Bai returned strongly, and the strong excitement brought by defeating the River Styx had been completely washed away by this ensuing bad news.

The ghost gate is about to appear.

The Ghost Dragon's energy value has broken through from two million to more than four million all the way, and it shows no signs of stopping.

The great crisis that destroyed everything had once again hung over everyone's heads before they knew it.

And this time, it is far more terrifying than the River Styx. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No one knows what that will look like.

The constantly beating numbers on the public screen have long exceeded the limits of everyone's imagination.

And now.

There are only ten hours left in the countdown.

This time...... Will you be able to get through it?

"How did this happen? How did it suddenly become like this?"

"Is this really the fate of our generation?"

"Ugh... Heaven is going to kill me..."

At this moment, every audience in front of the screen is filled with a sense of unwillingness and powerlessness.

If it weren't for Gu Ye's return, a single River Styx, or even Satan, Pharaoh, Izanagi and the like, would be able to easily wipe out the entire Kyushu.

What's more, it is now a ghost gate with more than four million energy values, and there are immeasurable companion ghosts.

Anyone who knows a little bit knows that this is no longer a question of whether it can be defeated.

It's a question of whether the world can afford it.

Deep in the middle of the unknown. []

Gu Baipan sat on top of a boulder, slowly running without a beginning.

Between one breath and one breath, it seems to resonate with all things and merge with heaven and earth.

And next to him, Tu Shanqing was also meditating and practicing.

It's just that between the closed eyebrows and eyes, the expression is quite rich, like a game stuck in the level, racking his brains to think about how to clear the level.

".~ Rest and concentrate, have no distractions, just take your time in the way I said before. "

Gu Bai said in his mouth.

Tu Shanqing held on for a long time, and finally gave up, and said dejectedly: "Forget it, your exercise is too difficult, it is more difficult than the immortal method taught to me by my grandmother, so let's come back when I have time in the future." "

"Okay. "

Gu Bai was not surprised by the difficulties encountered by Tu Shanqing in cultivating the Beginningless Dao Book.

This is an innate treasure exercise, if it weren't for the foundation laid by Tu Shanqing's thousands of years of cultivation, he wouldn't even need to learn it, let alone get started.

"But your practice is really powerful, I've never heard of this kind of practice, it's really mysterious. "

Tu Shanqing got up and moved,

Although she didn't (Zhao Li Zhao) was able to learn, after urging the operation in the way of the exercises, she also felt that her muscles and veins were much smoother, and the whole person became more transparent.

This is a technique that strengthens the foundation of the physical body!

Gu Bai absorbed the last breath of heaven and earth into his body, and then slowly finished his work.


Exhale a cloudy breath.

Gu Bai's blood veins were smooth all over his body, and the blood flowed like a rushing river.

The limbs and bones, the internal organs, including the muscles, bones and skin, have become more refined and condensed, and the momentum is majestic.

It's a pity that this world is too lacking in aura, and I can't absorb anything after meditating here for a few days.

You can only take one or two breaths of the essence of the heavens, earth, sun and moon.

Gu Bai got up slowly, and his gaze was on the gradually darkening skyline in the distance.

"Now, it's time to go back. "。

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