"Anyway, this plan will be shelved for the time being."

Gu Bai said, his gaze looked at the old man next to him, "Chief Chief, why don't I take over the temporary command?" "

"Yes, no problem."

The chief hurriedly said.

Gu Bai took the communicator, pressed the full-band call button, and tried the tone: "Hey, hey, hey." "

"I'm Gu Bai."

"Now temporarily take over the command of the whole army."

"I declare that all combat units in the four major base cities will immediately withdraw from the defense line and disperse to various residential neighborhoods to protect the safety of the people."

"At the same time, evacuate all urban residents living in high-rise buildings and concentrate them in parks, squares and other open spaces to avoid the threat posed by collapsed buildings. ~"

"And just like that, all the units immediately began to move."

"All subsequent actions will continue to be commanded by the Chief of Spiritual Adjustment."

After speaking, Gu Bai directly returned the communicator to the chief chief.

But Gu Bai's explanation stunned everyone.

All combat units withdrawn?

Then when the ghost tide hits the defense line, won't there be even a little hindrance, and you can directly attack the town?

"Mr. Gu... This, this, this..."

"Gu Xiaoyou, is this too risky? Our line of defense must be defended! "

The surrounding high-level officials were a little anxious, and they didn't know what Gu Bai's intention was.

"Don't worry, just do what I say, I have the defense line."

Gu Bai also reassured everyone that they didn't have to worry.

The impact of the ghost tide brought by the ghost gate is absolutely different from the ordinary ghost impact.

If the Inhuman warriors are allowed to defend the town, it is estimated that they will not be able to hold out for even a minute, and they will be defeated on all fronts, so it is better to recall all of them to the base city and let them protect the civilians.

And he's going to sacrifice the flag tonight.

If someone is there, it seems that they are a little constrained, and they cannot completely liberate their combat effectiveness.

Gu Bai said that he had said this, and the chief and the others could only do it, and they began to dispatch all the strong people to evacuate the citizens in the residential buildings according to Gu Bai's instructions.


Everyone in the four base cities moved, but there were also many people who expressed puzzlement.

"What's going on?"

"Evacuation? Isn't it, it's all like this and still evacuated, can't everyone stay in their own homes and wait for death? At least it's a comfortable death. "

"And even the people stationed at the border have withdrawn, I don't know what the situation is."

"Isn't it? The soldiers on the defense line withdrew, isn't it completely undefended, why do you have to evacuate, isn't it fragrant for everyone to smoke and drink at home. "

"I heard that it seems to be an order given by Gu Ye himself!"

"I'll go??? Gu Ye's order ???? "

"What do you mean???

The people were also confused.

But if you are confused, what you should do is still what you have to do, if you don't say anything else, just rush at the word "Gu Bai", even if they go to jump into the fire pit, there will be a bunch of people to jump.

The appeal of the living immortals, that is definitely not a joke.

"Whatever, if it's really Gu Ye's personal orders, just listen to it."

"Everyone's cooperative! Hurry up!! "

"Go downstairs, go downstairs!"

For a time, the elevators of all residential buildings were crowded, and even the stairwells were crowded with people dragging their families.

In the night sky of the town, a sharp air raid siren sounded, reminding everyone to evacuate quickly.

In an environment where people have already given up on themselves.

This sudden evacuation actually caused a sense of tension in the entire Kyushu human world.

Nervousness means there is hope.

Listening to the sharp and rapid air raid sirens in the sky, everyone inexplicably gave birth to a sense of security.

"All the personnel of Hangzhou Base City have been evacuated!"

"All the personnel of Guangdu Base City have been evacuated!"

"All the personnel of Longdu Base City have been evacuated!"

"All the personnel of the Demon Capital Base City have been evacuated!"

In the frequency band of the High Command, there was a nervous debriefing.


It is far from the ghost gate to the world.

There are only five minutes left.

"I'm relying on me! How nervous I am! "

"Same as nervous! Damn... Originally, Lao Tzu was ready to wait for death, but now he feels like he can still live corpses, what's the matter? "

"I also feel like I'm a little hopeful, Gu Ye should have a way to deal with it, otherwise he wouldn't let everyone retreat to the open space!"

"! I saw Dean Yang! Dean Yang is here to sit in Hangzhou!! "

"Our Guangdu side is Li Dongxuan Dao Chief!" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"The latest news is out, the Heavenly Master is in Longdu, the Holy Monk is in the Demon Capital, and the Four Saints have been dispersed to the four base cities! There are also many supernatural powerhouses who have also dispersed! "

"Isn't it... Everyone on the border line has retreated, and now even the top combat forces have retreated? "

After learning about these news.

In the hearts of all the audience, they only felt shocked.

Everyone retreated.

Could it be that Gu Ye wants to deal with this world destruction crisis alone?

How is this possible with such a long border line?

You must know that the number of companion ghosts in the Ghost Gate Pass may exceed the total number of all ghosts since the revival of ghost energy!

How can one person be guarded?


In the open space of the four base cities, countless people held their mobile phones and looked at the screen nervously.

The Directorate has completed the final calibration.

The countdown to the ghost is beating.

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