"Mr. Gu, is the outside world you are talking about the fairy world in myths and legends?"

A righteous leader was thrilled and asked questions.

Everyone also bowed their heads.

According to the normal thinking of Kyushu people, when it comes to another world, such things as "fairy world" or "god world" are the most consistent basis for current judgment.

After all, this is the same as the current revival of ghosts, and it belongs to the same mythological system background.

It's just useful information for everyone, information that can be determined.

It's just too little.

Looking back at the past history, in those folk legends, or the scriptures and meanings passed down from various Taoist Buddhist sects, the integrated information cannot form a complete world view at all.

Some may actually be traceable,

But most of them are fabricated out of thin air in order to gain folk beliefs.

As a result, every time this topic is discussed, it cannot be effectively extended, and there is still a mysterious blue ocean ahead that has not yet been explored.


Everyone turned their eyes to Gu Bai, quietly 14 waiting for the inference of this living immortal.

Gu Bai rubbed his chin with his fingers and said slowly:

"Actually, I don't know much more than everyone else. "

"These are just my personal judgments, just listen to them. "

"I think that the origin of the Corpse God Society should not be the same place as the fairy world that everyone thinks. "

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were fixed, and their hearts were extremely shocked:

"Not the same place?"

"If you really want to do what you say, then isn't there another world besides the fairy world?"

Gu Bai shook his head and said:

"I don't think there should be a fairy world. "

"In other words, the fairy realm and heavenly court in the traditional sense are gone. "

"The resurgence we are facing today is not accidental. "

"The fundamental reason for this, nine times out of ten, is because of the disappearance of the Heavenly Dao, which will lead to the complete disorder of the underworld. "

"Together with the Yin Gods who serve in the underworld, all of them have rebelled, or been manipulated. "

"In this context, the role played by those people of the Corpse God Society is very strange. "

"Judging by their actions, they are neither here to dominate the world, nor to destroy it. "

"The only possibility is that they want to take something from this world, and then leave here and return to their original world. "

"The revival of the ghost spirit is just a general trend that they take advantage of. "

Listening to Gu Bai's analysis, everyone felt that their previous worldview had been subverted.

An iron curtain covering the sky has long been unconsciously shrouded in all the skies of this world, and people can't help but suffocate their hearts.

At this time, everyone suddenly remembered Gu Bai's description of the Corpse God Society just now.

They were a flock of vultures, pecking at corpses everywhere.

And now, the whole world today is the corpse that the Corpse God Society has already targeted.

"That's my rough assumption. "

"As for the root cause of the disappearance of the Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Court, and the gods, I am afraid that only by capturing the head of the Corpse God Society alive can we know. "

Gu Bai squinted his eyes, and slowly spit out smoke from his mouth.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the time he came out to search the whole world and lift up the old bottom of the Corpse God Society.

But the last time I met the backbone of the Corpse God Society, I was a little shocked.

There's not much hope of finding them out now.

However, the ghost gate is about to appear.

Gu Bai had a hunch that at this critical juncture, the other party would definitely show up on his own in order to achieve his goal.

That's when it's time to figure everything out.

After the meeting.

It was already completely dark.

All of them were anxious about these things, and each returned to his post and his front.

Gu Bai channeled Tu Shanqing and asked her about the gods.

Although Tu Shanqing is a thousand-year-old fox demon, and she also lives in Tu Mountain and Qingqiu, which are ancient sacred mountains with a slight heavenly background, she does not know much more information than Gu Bai.

It's basically the ones I've talked to before.

The Five Great Immortal Families live in the secret realm of the world all the year round, and they are restricted by the Heavenly Dao, they never come out of the world, and they know very little about the things in the outside world.

As for Tu Shan's Heavenly Court background, I don't know how many thousands of years ago.

Many of the past events have been forgotten in the long river of time, and what has been handed down is just legends.


Standing alone on the city wall, Gu Bai sighed.

Although he desperately wanted to know the answer,

But now the corpse god will be temporarily hidden, and he can only wait.

The little white fox appeared from mid-air and stood on Gu Bai's shoulder, and the pair of somewhat sad crystal eyes were also looking into the distance.

"Gu Bai, aren't you afraid?"

Tu Shanqing asked, her voice low. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Afraid of what?"

Gu Bai stretched out his fingers and teased the edelweiss hair on the little white fox's neck.

"The ghost gate is closed... Don't make a fuss!"

The little white fox was about to bite, but Gu Bai retracted his fingers.

"What are you afraid of now, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, and the lights of thousands of homes behind me are still on, I can't run away by myself, right?"

Gu Bai said very calmly.

Tu Shanqing didn't speak anymore, she silently leaned closer, and her petite body gently leaned against Gu Bai's neck.

The next few days of 047.

The entire land of Kyushu was spent in an extremely anxious atmosphere.

The monitoring department in Kyushu worked almost all night long, keeping an eye on the depths of the Central Plains.

In these two days.

The Ghost Gate Pass's Ghost Snake Energy Index has soared from the original two million to a peak of three and a half million.

That's an almost desperate number.

The entire staff of the monitoring station has lost any idea of this, and only calmly reports the latest values to the above. []

Three and a half million.

is also at the origin level, and now it is still in an embryonic state, and it is already thirty times that of Satan's ghost.

Moreover, this number is far from the limit ...

Kyushu strategy meeting room.

The top bosses gathered again.

It's completely different from the last one.

In their eyes, there is already a sense of relief and calm in accepting reality.

At the moment, everyone is looking at the information on the big screen.

No. 01 Ghost Snake [Ghost Gate]

Ghost Level: Origin (Extreme)

Estimated appearance time: 17 hours after 24

Ghost Snake Energy Value: 4,332,000

Number of Associated Ghosts: Unknown


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