This sentence is like a thunderbolt from the sky,

Let everyone in the field instantly shake their pupils.

Those invited gods turned out to be just a spiritual body?

"Mr. Gu... What you mean by the spirit body is..."

A military general asked, stunned.

Gu Bai explained:

"The spirit body is the soul clone of the righteous gods. "

You can simply understand it as a wisp of power released by the righteous gods, transformed into an independent individual. "

"They have the personality of God, they have part of the power of God, but they are not gods, but more like a program, responsible for enforcing order. "

"At first, I was also skeptical, but then I got some corroboration and sorted out the clues, and I can basically confirm this fact. "

The Heavenly Master hurriedly asked, "Gu Xiaoyou, how did you notice this matter like 'Eighty-Sixty-Three'?"

As the leader of the Dao Sect, the Heavenly Master is more eager than anyone else to know the answer, and behind this is a great secret related to the entire world today!

Actually, I realized this later when I thought back to the scene. "

"When I asked the Spirit Master to descend to earth, before he ascended to heaven, I asked him if the way of heaven was still there?"

He replied with only four words: I don't know. "

"If it's an immortal who is in charge of the Heavenly Court, how can you not know if the Heavenly Dao is still there?"

Speaking of which,

Gu Bai's slightly gloomy gaze also looked out the window, a little stunned.

"If it's just a spirit body, then where will the righteous god who left the spirit body be? Could it be Heavenly Court?"

In this matter, the old dean Cheng Shanhe raised questions, which was also the confusion of most people present.

Li Dongxuan shook his head and said, "Mr. Gu has said that the Heavenly Dao may have collapsed, if this is the case, how can the Heavenly Court still exist?"

This sentence also makes people think about it.

Gu Bai says:

"The biggest possibility is that the entire Heavenly Court, including all the immortals, has disappeared along with the Heavenly Dao. "

"Of course, this is the worst-case scenario. "

"It may also be because Heavenly Court was blocked by external forces for some reason, completely cutting off contact with the human world. "

After listening to Gu Bai's analysis, everyone felt that their heartbeats were accelerating, and they seemed to be getting closer and closer to the truth.

Why did Heavenly Court and Heavenly Dao disappear?

Why did the underworld get out of control, and this world became a real hell?

What is the source of all this?

It's just a pity that there are too few clues of information that can be grasped now, and even Gu Bai can't deduce the real reason behind it out of thin air.

"If that's really the case, what does the disappearance of the Heavenly Dao have to do with the Corpse God Society?"

Questions were raised.

Gu Bai took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled:

"Regarding this, in fact, you can know by paying attention to what the Corpse God Society does. "

"In the beginning, the Corpse Gods existed as an underground organization, disguised as vultures, and ate corpses everywhere. "

"But I guess they are collecting some kind of power, and by the way, they are extending their invisible tentacles to the body of the highest power of each great power. "

"Kyushu has a Taoist rule, and the powerful moat formed by all of you here, as well as the strength of the representatives behind you, makes it difficult for their tentacles to reach into Kyushu, so the main target is the West. "

"Do you think that for the strong people who have reached the transcendent and transcendent realm, what else can attract them to work hard? to be loyal to an underground organization like rats and cockroaches?"

Li Dongxuan: "More strength, more power?"

Gu Bai said: "No, these people's status and strength are high enough, and these are far from attracting them." "

"There is always only one thing that can make such a big man in a high position willing to sell his soul. "

That is, eternal life. "

As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Everyone felt their hearts stop beating half a beat.

I just listened to Gu Bai continue: (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Immortal person, this is something that almost every supreme being dares to abandon everything and chase after it. "

"But it is still unknown what means the Corpse God Society will use to make them believe, convince them, and bow down to them. "

"But one thing is for sure, the corpse god will do this, on the one hand, to increase his control over the world, and on the other hand, to improve the efficiency of collecting certain powers..."

"In order not to completely reveal the matter, their actions are very secretive, and their presence is rarely overnoticed. "

"Until I showed up. "

"Since the Yin Soldier borrowed the Dao, I have had my first meeting with Ghost Eye. "

"The actions of the Corpse God Society have only gradually begun to become more radical. "

"Manipulating the World Council. "

"The big scene that directed Skull Island. "

And in the end, Sakura Island sacrificed a million people, and Izanagi was summoned. "

These actions all reveal an important message. "

"That is, they want to kill me, they want to get rid of me completely. "

"Everyone should know that since I was sealed in the Time Realm, the Corpse God Society has disappeared. "

"If their purpose was just to collect resources and subvert human civilization, it is estimated that they would have taken action against Kyushu a long time ago. "

"But no, they don't even bother to care, because for them, the only variable is removed, and the destruction of Kyushu is already a foregone conclusion. "

"Or, the destruction of Kyushu or not has little to do with them at all, anyway, the whole world will become hell at that time, and no one will be spared. "1.8" is a foregone conclusion in this world, but now, my variable has appeared again. "

"I have the ability to sabotage their plans, which is why they are so anxious that they immediately sent cadres to spy on me. "

"Speaking of which, everyone should be clear. "

"An underground organization composed of human beings, completely detached from the human world, indifferent to the destruction of the human world, and even personally acting as the promoter of the destruction, even if they finally get eternal life, but the world is destroyed, what is the point of eternal life?"

Gu Bai slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, his eyes narrowing slightly.

And hearing this, everyone's hearts at this moment have already set off turbulent waves.

Only then did they understand the question that Gu Bai had raised just now.

The corpse god will probably come from the outside world.

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