
【Obtain [Taicang Sword] (S Rank)】

(Confirm Extraction/Continue Randomization)

Go on.


【Obtain [Dragon Lance] (Rank B)】

(Confirm Extraction/Continue Randomization)

Go on.


Izanagi's sixth eye within the time realm.

Gu Bai's figure sat in the void.

His eyes were blank and he was hungry.

I don't know how long it has been.

The process of randomly coming out of the third super artifact is an unprecedented torment.

White light flashed in front of me again and again.

Gu Bai's nerves and body were already completely numb.

From the beginning to the present, has it been random thousands or tens of thousands?

He has no concept anymore.

"It's not going to be out yet... I'm dying here..."

Gu Bai's voice was hoarse, and he scolded in a deep voice.

He is running out of strength to scold now.

The food and drinking water in the small world have long been consumed.

Although he has practiced the Beginningless Dao Book, he is still still a mortal in the flesh, and he can't bear it if he doesn't eat or drink for too long.


Even if it is an immortal, it must have aura to open the valley.

Not to mention that there's no bullshit in this place.

He is now like a withered lamp, with the last small cluster of flames left.

"In the end, a hundred random times, if it still doesn't come out, Lao Tzu will have to go out, Lao Tzu wants to eat hot pot, and he wants to drink soda..."

Gu Bai muttered in his mouth and pressed the (continue random) button again.

The first time...

The 8th...

The 16th...

The 37th time...

When it is random to the 59th time.

Suddenly, the system beeps.


"Since the host has reached 10,000 random times!, the guaranteed prize pool will be triggered!"

【Demon Bow Through Heaven and Earth】(R)

The forbidden things of the ancient era of immortals, made from the backbone of the fairy demon phoenix, tempered by ten thousand years of demon fire, are the supreme innate treasure.

Trait 1: [Absorption] (In the state of retracting the bow, every time the wielder kills a ghost, the spirit sword will absorb the original power of the destroyed ghost as its own nutrients, and it will be permanently enhanced.) )

Trait 2: [Through] (The demon bow is born, and everything cannot look directly at its edge.) The demon bow uses aura as an arrow, and every time it is shot, it has its own power that penetrates the order, and with a single blow, it can penetrate all things in heaven and earth!)

Trait 3: [Fusion] (Can be fused with two other immortal weapons, [Immortal Sword Silence Heaven and Earth] and [Demon Bow Piercing Heaven and Earth], the result of the fusion is unknown.) )

Gu Bai looked at the light curtain that appeared in front of him, and was stunned for a long time, until a tear crossed his face.


Finally out of the special.

It's still guaranteed.

Moved to tears, moved to tears, Gu Bai is now eager to strangle the system to death.

Ten thousand times!

Nima's, which god-damn lottery mechanism has to be drawn 10,000 times before it is guaranteed?

Isn't Krypton's life a life?


"Pick it up now!"

With infinite indignation, Gu Bai slammed to confirm the extraction. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next second.

A bright and soft light was ushered in before his eyes.

A mysterious and simple longbow slowly emerged from the light.

At this moment, the sharp rays that pierced through everything from the beginning of chaos instantly filled the surrounding space.

This longbow is made of gray wood that I don't know what it is, engraved with mysterious runes on it, and the bow body is like a fairy bird spreading its wings, and the lines are natural, with a sense of extreme perfection that fits the avenue of heaven and earth.

Gu Bai took a deep breath, bit his finger, and dripped the essence blood on it.

The next moment.

A vision is born.

Gu Bai was once again in the Flood Immortal Ancient Era.

This time, he saw a red cloud wonderland.

It was an incomparably blazing red flame.

Suddenly, a figure leaped up from the red flames, as if reborn from the flames.

His wings were like fire, his voice was like jade, his feathers were extremely brilliant, and he spread his wings and sang for nine days.

The Immortal Gu True Phoenix was born in the fire.

Blessings shine on all things, and the fire pierces the sky.

That's a true meaning that runs through everything.

The whole desolate land is full of brilliant brilliance, all things bow down, and heaven and earth resonate.

Eventually, the vision disappeared.

In the world in Gu Bai's eyes, the light gradually faded until it returned to its original state.

In front of him. []

The ancient and mysterious Immortal Gu Longbow, hovering in the misty light, quietly waited for its master.

Gu Bai stretched out his hand and slowly closed his grip.

In an instant, he felt the endless surging power that came from within this longbow, and the true meaning that pierced through the heavens and the earth.

This is the demon bow that runs through the heavens and the earth!

Gu Bai couldn't help but be excited, and at the same time, he felt a sense of relief.

Right now.

The three ancient immortal artifacts were finally assembled by themselves.

At this moment, an unfamiliar entry appeared in front of his eyes.


At present, he already has three immortal weapons: [Immortal Sword Annihilation Heaven and Earth], [Spirit Sword Pardoning Heaven and Earth], and [Demon Bow Piercing Heaven and Earth], triggering all fusion preconditions!

[Are you starting to fuse?]

[Immediate Fusion/Maintain the Status Quo of the Immortal Weapon]

(Note: After the fusion is completed, the original three immortal artifacts will disappear, please choose as appropriate.) )

When Gu Bai saw this prompt, he also fell into hesitation.

He also didn't know what kind of peerless divine weapons would be produced by the fusion of these three immortal weapons.

It's impossible not to look forward to it.

But the fusion means that these three immortal weapons will disappear, and Gu Bai is a little reluctant (good).

I haven't used it yet.

It's a bit of a pity to fuse now.

"Keep the status quo of the immortal weapon!"

Gu Bai finally chose not to fuse.

It's better to cool it first, and then talk about it, and when the time comes, it's almost useless, or if you encounter a situation that can't be done, it's not too late to fuse.

When the button is pressed, the light curtain disappears.

In the description of the immortal weapon in the background of the system, there is also an additional [Fusion] option, which can be selected at any time.


Gu Bai put the demon bow into the small world and slowly exhaled a breath of turbidity.

Until now.

His spirit was finally completely relaxed, which made him feel more comfortable than ever.

Slowly got up from the void, stretched comfortably, and the bones of his whole body crackled.

Then, Gu Bai looked at the time realm in front of him.

Now, it's time to get out.

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