
The heavens and the earth trembled violently.

The terrifying power of the undead annihilated in all directions, turning the entire flat space into constantly distorting ripples.

The body of the pharaoh was completely submerged in the River Styx.

Billions of undead gnawed and tore at its body, gradually devouring this Origin Lord.


A wave of spatial turbulence swept through.

This piece of ghost snake from the lion statue country completely dissipated at this moment.

Turned into ashes all over the mountains.

All the ghostly energy was swallowed up by the River Styx.

Boom ——!

The River Styx landed in mid-air, turning the earth into a huge ravine.

The amount of energy supply has allowed Styx to usher in another growth and evolution.

Its length tends to be almost infinite, and its width expands from tens of kilometers to more than a dozen kilometers.

Again, this is seen from a wide-angle view from a great distance.

If you get closer, it's a sea of styx!

Everywhere it goes, it can easily overwhelm and swallow an entire medium-sized city!

The hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room only felt a huge shock in their hearts and numbness in their hands and feet.

This image alone brings 15 an unprecedented visual impact that makes everyone feel like their soul is trembling.

The development of this situation was something that no one expected.

The legendary pharaoh... It's just gone?

And the demon Satan who just crossed the Pacific.

Just used as a ration by the origin level of Kyushu?

What about the good lose-lose situation?

What about the mutual consumption of the promised ones?

Didn't you say that they were all at the origin level?

It doesn't look like he's at the same level!!

"Damn... I'm all numb... How can it be so strong?"

"Don't you understand? This is the gap in the mythological background, why Kyushu will be the most stressed area in the world after the revival of the ghost, the reason is here, alas..."

"There's no hope here..."

Satan and the Pharaoh, with almost no ability to resist, were swallowed by the zombie king, the Styx.

Let everyone instantly recognize the gap between the origin level.

The Zombie King and the River Styx alone are already strong to this point.

Then the strongest Origin level that hasn't been born yet...


Everyone didn't dare to imagine how terrifying that Unknown Origin level would be.

To be sure, it is absolutely beyond all understanding.


The River Styx rushes across the earth.

It's like a blood-colored giant serpent, winding and swimming.

Mountains and rivers are nothing in front of the River Styx, and they can't stop it from rushing forward.

It's a torrent of blood that no one can resist.

And this time,

Its target is directly locked onto the city of Longdu base.

The real end is coming.

The latest data from the Monitoring Bureau was also quickly synchronized to the Sky Eye Vision.

Styx's current path: Dragon Capital Base City

[Styx] estimated time to impact the dragon capital: 1 day, 15 hours and 55 minutes

Looking at the information above the horizon, the entire live broadcast room fell into a dead silence.


In front of the screen, desperate faces are reflected.

Someone wept bitterly because of the fate that was coming.

Someone lit a cigarette and leaned back in a chair with a miserable smile on his lips.

Some people ran out into the street, crying and shouting as if venting.

If there is no miracle, there will be less than two days left, and the Dragon Capital Base City will be gone.

Next, there are the other three base cities...

Wait until the last large base city dies.

It is time for the history of human civilization to come to an end.

No one is immune from this destruction.

The revival of ghost qi in the past few months has produced a large number of ghosts, destroying almost all the lives of countries outside of Kyushu. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Internet lost all information, and even the servers were completely down last month.

I am afraid that the number of survivors is less than one in a thousand, and it is still rapidly decreasing.

Oni will constantly look for a surviving life, and the stronger they are, the easier it is to become a target.

Weak people, even if they are extremely lucky and have not encountered large ghosts, but with the drastic reduction of life in the world, they will also face the threat of countless low-level ghosts every day in the future.

Kyushu has become the last isolated island in the world.

And now, this isolated island is also facing sinking.


Rendezvous Meeting Room.

On the smoky conference table, you can faintly come to those resolute eyes.

"Where's the Zombie King?

The old man asked slowly, with endless exhaustion and despair in his tone.

"Without a line of sight, our equipment could not detect it, the satellite signal was interfered with, and we could not take pictures of the scene. "

One of the leaders of the technical department shook his head.

"Come on, come on, no matter what, this last battle of mankind will be fought with a bang. "

The old man slowly stood up.

The others present also stood up at this moment.

There are too many words hidden in the meeting of a pair of eyes.

The old man smiled gently:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to meet you in the land of Kyushu in this life. "[]

"Go and raise our flag in Kyushu and let it fall last. "


In the four base cities, various buildings, schools, hospitals, and other large-scale infrastructure projects.

Brand new national flags began the last flag-raising ceremony.

The flag hits the ball at the top, stops in the air, and spreads out in the wind.

Countless people below are looking up and saluting.

Look at the last flag that symbolizes humanity, hunting and stirring in the wind.


100,000 mountains in the southwest.

The Zombie King has completed his final devouring of the demon Satan.

This Origin-level super boss turned into a black powder.

All the blood-red aura was sucked into the fangs of the generals.

The power of the generals has become stronger.

But instead of going directly to attack the human settlement, like the River Styx, it turned around and flew in the other direction.

At the end of that direction.

There is an incomparably terrifying energy that is constantly converging.

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