Gu Bai breathed on the spot, then sealed his hands and began to operate without a beginning.

The spiritual power was released,

It turned into countless invisible tentacles, reaching out to every node of order in the realm of time.


At this moment, the entire realm of time trembled.

It's like the inside of an extremely complex clock, and every gear part turns at this time.

The rate of time begins to change.

From one hundredth of the base time, it gradually accelerates and begins to align with the flow velocity of space-time to the outside world.

It's like adjusting the combination lock of a giant safe, waiting for the moment when the two planes are perfectly aligned.

The entire time realm made a crisp "click".

This field, which has been lost in the long river of time, has finally returned to the anchor point of docking with the benchmark time.

Followed by

Gu Bai manipulated the spiritual power tentacles and began to break the blockade of the time realm.


One by one, the locks of void time that constituted the order were opened by Gu Bai one after another.

Until the last lock is opened.

In the void space in front of him, a flash of light suddenly appeared.

The bright spots gradually become larger and take on the shape of a doji.

That's a door.

A door to the outside world.

The warm sunlight from the outside world spilled into this time realm, turning into a dazzling pillar of light150, which made people extremely nostalgic and comfortable.

Gu Bai couldn't wait.

His body flew up, directly through the gate of time, and threw himself into the embrace of that dazzling light.

Back to the real world.

Gu Bai felt that his whole person was completely relaxed.


He closed his eyes and opened his arms, feeling everything he had not seen for a long time,

The temperature, the humidity, the salty sea breeze, and the warm sunshine that enveloped the whole body.

It made him feel like he had been given a new lease of life.

After a long time, Gu Bai slowly opened his eyes.

This is still the battlefield of the last battle.

What's different from before is that

The land that was devastated at the beginning is now partially submerged,

Cracks in the earth's crust, flooded by seawater, form trenches embedded in the land.

A layer of green vegetation has regrown on the ruins of the earth, growing freely in the sun.

It seems that at least a few months have passed since his departure.

"There really isn't much aura in this world, but it's okay. "

Gu Bai muttered to himself.

After practicing the Beginningless Dao Book, his sensitivity to aura has already been countless times greater than before.

That's the benefit of practicing the exercises.

Where is the blessed land of the cave and where the aura is rich, he will know it as soon as he explores it.

Now my body is too hungry.

It's going to have to be replenished on the hour.

Gu Bai had no beginning, peeling off the cocoon from the air around him, absorbing the thin aura and feeding back to his body.

Just a dozen minutes.

The aura of this heaven and earth has been sucked out by him.


Gu Bai breathed out, feeling that his weakened body felt a lot better.

Do it all.

Only then did he look back at the Gate of Time behind him, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled slightly.

It's pretty much what I expected.

This time realm has not disappeared because of its own cracking.

It exists in the avenue of time in a constant form.

It is equivalent to the existence of a small world.

"Izanagi, you old ghost, you die when you die, and you even gave such a big gift to the master. "

Gu Bai raised a palm and urged the Beginningless Gong.

In the next moment, countless spiritual power tentacles penetrated deep into the realm of time, pushing the gears of order.


The entire Doji Star Gate of Time began to slowly close until it was cut off from the present world.

Then, Gu Bai tried to open the door again and close the door.

After several attempts in a row and confirmation that it was correct, this field was completely closed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

From now on, this is my place of retreat.

One hundredth of a time flow rate.

If there are enough resources, this is definitely a goldfinger-like BUG-level existence.

"What a heavy evil qi, the Origin level came out so quickly?"

Gu Bai's gaze turned to Kyushu.

He could clearly feel the majestic ghostly breath coming from that direction.

Two origin levels.

In addition to this, there is an even more terrifying aura brewing.

This one is the destruction of the world.

Fortunately, I moved quickly, if it was time to analyze the order of time, it would have been an hour or two later, maybe the whole of Kyushu would have been swept away.

Gu Bai directly launched the square inch world domain.

The figure "swished" and disappeared in place.

Half an hour later.

A city on the edge of the Eastern Theater of Operations.

A young figure suddenly flashed into a clearing, staggering a few steps forward, gasping for air.

"No, no, no, I almost died. "

Gu Bai's face turned pale, and sweat was dripping on his forehead.

Just now, he used the square inch world to get here from Sakura Island in one go, and he almost didn't empty the little strength he had left.

"I'm going to lose my strength... Gotta get some food and get some sleep. "[]

Gu Bai wiped his sweat, sat on the ground and rested for a while, he took out his mobile phone, wanting to call someone to pick him up.

It's just that there is no response after pressing the power button a few times, and the phone has long been out of battery.

No way.

Gu Bai slowly got up and walked out onto the street.

After months of solitude.

Returning to the bustling environment, Gu Bai was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

There seem to be a lot of people on the streets today.

As far as the eye can see, there is a crowd of people.

People's faces are either depressed, or desperate, or some kind of indifference and emotion that sees through life and death.

"Dude, what's going on now?"

Gu Bai casually found a passer-by and asked.

The passer-by was carrying a bag of incense in his hand and turned his face a little blankly.

When he saw Gu Bai, he was obviously stunned: "No, buddy, you Gu Bai?"

"You know me?"

Gu Bai thought to himself, that would be easy.

But in the next second, I heard a passer-by say:

"Awesome, you are similar enough to COS, I have seen all the people of COS Gu Ye recently, you are the most similar, but your beard and hair are better shaved. "

As he spoke, the passer-by sighed a little abruptly:

"If only I had to take a picture with you before, but I'm going to take the last stick of incense now. "

Gu Bai was a little confused: "Shangxiang?"

Passers-by didn't answer, just patted Gu Bai on the shoulder and left.

Gu Bai watched passers-by walk towards a line on the side of the street, and lined up at the end of the line.

Gu Bai followed the team and looked over.

At the end of the line of sight, a giant sculpture stands.

Next to the sculpture, a newly built temple is crowded with people's heads, and incense is flourishing.

Gu Bai looked stupid.

I've been out for a while, and you've built all the temples for me.

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