Before all the detection equipment around the desert is destroyed,

The highest peak of the detected ghost snake energy has reached an incomparably staggering 168,000!

More than Satan's ghosts!

It was an army of death that had come out of the vast yellow sand.

A mummy covered in white rotten cloth.

A skeleton soldier dressed in tattered armor and with a skeleton covered in rotten flesh.

Hundreds of meters in size, the decomposing only a giant elephant with white bones remains.

Countless huge chariots made of white bones, the wheels rumbling and rolling, bringing a sense of oppression like a mountain.


The loess fog has spread across the desert.

With the emergence of this army of the undead, the sand on the desert also produced a super-large-scale flow.

There was a boom and a bang.

It's like a storm on the sea.

Boom...... Boom......

Accompanied by a loud trembling footsteps.

In the yellow sand and mist, an incomparably huge body appeared in the army of the undead.

It was an ancient creature with the head of a crocodile, the upper body of a lion, and the lower body of a hippopotamus.

Its body reaches an astonishing height of several thousand meters, almost like a moving mountain.

The monster of the ancient legend of the Lion Elephant Country, Amit.

And on its head, stood a decaying figure.

The figure,

The whole body has long been rotten to the point that only white bones remain,

He wears a crown like a cobra spreading its wings on his head, and holds a golden scepter that symbolizes all power.

This figure once ruled everything in the past.

Now He has appeared, and He will rule over the present and the future.

This sudden change in the desert.

Let the official power of the lion statue country crumble completely.

They saw the evil creature Amit, and they saw the rotten figure on Amit's head.

Ordinary people collapsed to the ground, trembling and fear making them forget to even pray.

The disintegrating official forces, the aliens of the people, fled in fear and desperately wanted to escape from here.

Face the horrors of the desert.

No one can rebel at this moment.

The ancient kings are coming.

He and his army of the undead will tread everything.

News from the Lion Statue Country.

and the amazing images captured by Kyushu through satellites.

The despair has been thoroughly felt by people around the world.

Satan is just the beginning.

Now, more Origin tiers are coming.

The whole world has begun to accelerate towards the abyss of doom...

In such extreme cases.

Even Kyushu netizens, who are still safe at the moment, are also in fear.

The headlines and front-page reports of major media outlets, and all online platforms are fried.

The top 50 hot searches are almost all about the news of Satan and the Pharaoh's existence.

At this moment, in the Tianyan live broadcast room.

Hundreds of millions of people online.

In order to commemorate Gu Bai's deeds, the official also kept this wartime live broadcast room as a 24-hour chat room.

Every day, countless netizens chat in various sections and sections of the live broadcast room.

"It's over... It's all over..."

"One Origin level is enough, two at once?"

"This is simply not something that human power can contend with, the end is really coming..."

"Ugh... Now the four base cities of Kyushu are still safe, and the rest of the city is already hell. "

"I just went on the Internet, and I can't see the news of these origin-level ghost scenes at all, and it is estimated that many places have been disconnected. "

"Who can shoot it? When the satanic ghost appeared, the whole of Texas was gone, and now the satellite can still shoot it. "

"Actually, you don't have to worry, those Origin Levels are far away from us, and our overall strength is so strong now, we may not have the strength to fight in the future!"

"Alas, speaking of this, I think of Gu Ye again. "

"Gu Ye went to another world to cultivate immortals, he is so powerful, he must have become an immortal now. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ugh... Don't they all say that the gods in the sky eat the incense of the world, everyone has the conditions to have more. "

"We can't do anything, at least this piece of the card, we have to fill it up for our Gu Ye, and we can't make people look down on it in the heavenly court." "

"It's all on the hemp, I don't know how many temples have been set up in the base city for a while, I wanted to go to a plant of incense last time, but I couldn't line up for five hours, and finally I still found the incense on the line of scalpers, and it took Lao Tzu 500 oceans!"

"Damn, I'm going to be a scalper!"

"You are too stupid to invite the tablet to your home to offer, and you can make incense every day. "

"There are three shrines in my family, the land lord on the left, the second master Guan on the right, and the Gu master on the top. "

"Eh, eh, you say that when Gu Ye preaches the godhead in the heavenly court, can our folk Taoist monks open the altar and invite Gu Ye down from the sky?"


"I'll go!"

"Niu Pi! Maybe it really can! Everyone, hurry up and spread the news!!"

The divergence of the topic and the novel ideas generated by mistakes made the netizens in this chat section excited.

Netizens rushed to tell each other one by one, spreading this important news in various forums, sections, and group chats.

In just one day, this news has been on the top of the hot search on the whole network!

Hot search first: Gu Ye's possibility of preaching the divine position

Hot search second: The first card of Heaven in the world!

Hot search third: various models of pillar incense are out of stock, and major manufacturers are actively expanding production

For a time, the whole of Kyushu set off an unprecedented incense boom.

The various Taimiao, which were already lined up in long queues, are now more difficult to squeeze.

At the entrance of each temple, traffic control was forced to be implemented in order to barely maintain order. []

Pull up the cards for Gu Ye in the heavenly court!

This novel slogan that has sprung up seems a little witty,

But it is also invisible, carrying the hopes and expectations in people's hearts, and also dispersing the dense clouds that shroud over Kyushu.

The difficult years passed slowly in thoughts and prayers.

In the blink of an eye.

More than two months have passed.

The sixth eye in the realm of space-time.

A dense aura slowly wandered around.

The figure in the middle of this aura was still sitting and contemplating.

According to the (Li Lihao) according to the time scale axis to calculate.

Gu Bai's consciousness time had only passed for less than thirty hours.

But nearly four months had passed since his physical body, as well as his time in the outside world.

Gu Bai's hair had grown a lot, covering his forehead and eyes, and his beard had already filled his chin.

If it's not neatly dressed, then it's a sloppy bum.


Gu Bai slowly exhaled.

Run the beginningless Taoist book and begin the final work.

Two minutes later.

He slowly opened his eyes.

Two bright golden rays flashed from his eyes, like shining stars reflected in the long river of time.

He's got it all figured out.

But what he has penetrated is not the avenue of time, but the order of time here.

Gu Bai pinched the seal with both hands, and spit out a mantra in his mouth:


The next moment.

All the surrounding order of time, like a myriad of tightly toothed parts,

At this moment, the reverse work started.

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