
The temporal realm began to flutter at high speed.

The law of order here is extremely mysterious,

It's like the inside of a large clock with billions of parts.

Gu Bai had already eaten everything here.

Under the operation of the Dao Law, countless spiritual powers were released from Gu Bai's body, turning into a massive amount of filaments, intervening in the surrounding order.

The entire realm of order that was originally in high speed.

It was gradually forced to stop.


The flow of time slows down rapidly until only a tiny flow remains.

Gu Bai felt the changes before and after.

The current speed of time has been reduced from more than a hundred times the base time to about one percent of the base time.

From now on,

A hundred days have passed in the realm, and only one day has passed outside.

"This is the comprehension blessing of the Beginningless Dao Book, as well as the degree of control of spiritual power, it is really powerful. "

Gu Bai couldn't help but sigh deeply.

If you only use the talisman, you can only crack this field.

But now, I'm in control of the field.

In other words,

This supreme pupil realm hidden in Izanagi's sixth eye,

Now it's all your own.

It's a pity that reducing the flow of time to one percent is already 460 the limit.

Time is the fundamental law of the world.

No matter how strong Izanagi's realm of time is, it can't stop time completely, or turn it back.

But it's nice to be able to do that.

It's just that Gu Bai is still a little unsatisfied.

The cultivation resources he carried in his small world had basically been used up now.

If there are enough resources.

Then this is simply the only supreme cultivation dojo in the world.

"It's a bit of a shame to go out now. "

Gu Bai secretly thought in his heart.

He still didn't know where this time realm of Izanagi was and the real world were punctuated.

Getting out is not a problem.

But after going out, if you can't get in again, then you will miss such a good opportunity.

Now that I have a hundred times the time.

Then you have to put it to good use.

Gu Bai's mind moved, and he opened the system panel after a long absence.

【Extreme Soul Detection System】

Host: Gu Bai


[Flesh 4] (Base 12x Increase!)

Yang 4 (Base 12x Increase!)

Magic Weapon Items:

[Amulet] (A-level), [Taboo Encyclopedia] (B-level), [Zhenwu (befc) Tiangang Compass] (A-level)...

【Fu Zhen Shu】(S Rank)

【Conjuring Banner】(SS Grade)Capacity:(18143/100000)

【Small World】(SS Grade) Capacity: (912m3/8000m3)

【Universal Random Ticket*2】

[Heaven Replenishing Earth] (Unknown Item): An extremely mysterious piece of transparent white clay, if you take it out in a place where the aura is strong, you may have a wonderful reaction.

Ghost Arts/Domains/Exercises/Innate Abilities:

[Super Thunder Method] (Growth) (EXP 1576/50000)

[Domain Inch World] (R Rank)

Chaos Pupil (R Rank)

【Book of the Beginningless Path】(R) (can grow)

Current realm: [Beginningless Daoshu World Open Source] (First Glimpse of the Doorway)

Call Contract:

[Baojia Immortal] (Fox Immortal): Cultivated for 3,400 years, he has comprehended the primary immortal method.


【Immortal Sword Annihilation】(R)

In the depths of the chaos of the fairy world, the essence of heaven and earth, the splendor of the sun and the moon, and the immortal weapon formed after 10,000 years is an innate treasure.

Trait 1: [Absorption] (In the sealed sheath state, every time the wielder kills a ghost, the fairy knife will absorb the original power of the destroyed ghost as its own nutrients, and the permanent enhancement will be obtained.) )

[Absorption] Current cumulative number: 9893 points

Trait 2: [Hidden Blade] (The longer the blade is kept in the sealed state, the stronger the first knife will become, and the "Hidden Blade Characteristic" will re-enter its initial state after it is unsheathed.) )

[Zangfeng] current cumulative time: 2 days

Trait 3: [Fusion] (It can be fused with two other immortal weapons, [Demon Bow Piercing Heaven and Earth] and [Spirit Sword Pardoning Heaven and Earth], and the result of the fusion is unknown.) )

Current Status: None

Today's panels have changed a lot compared to before.

However, what Gu Bai paid most attention to was the new unknown reward of "mending the heavens and soil".

"Take it out in a place where the aura is strong, maybe there will be a wonderful reaction?"

Gu Bai saw this line of description,

It was also a very interesting thing.

With a movement of his mind, he took out the Heaven Replenishment Soil.

A white light flashed.

In his palm, a transparent and crystalline clod of earth immediately appeared.

"This is the material that Nuwa used to mend the heavens in the legend?"

Gu Bai played with it in his hand.

There is no breath, and there is no weight.

It's like holding a cloud of transparent air in your hand.

But where do you go to find a place with a strong aura?(To read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's the time of ghost resurgence.

The ethereal thing of aura, except for some caves in the deep mountains and old forests.

It is estimated that only those resources produced by ghosts above the catastrophe level in the world contain some aura.

But the number is still very small, and it is obviously impossible to make this piece of heaven fill earth react.

"Forget it, let's go out and try it later. "

Gu Bai put away the Heaven Replenishing Soil, and then set his eyes on the two universal upgrade coupons.

I rubbed my hands together with some excitement.

Now, it's time for the main event.

Gu Bai picked out a weapon at random in the small world.

[Do you want to use the "Universal Random Ticket" for the "Giant Pincer Spider's Fang"?]

[Yes / No]

[Note!After use, the fangs of the giant pincer spider will disappear!Please choose as appropriate!]

Click to use!

The next moment, a familiar curtain of light appeared in front of him.

【Consume Universal Random Coupons!】

【Random items in progress!Please be patient!】

[Countdown to 9:59]



【Obtain [Ghost Bone Spur] (S Rank)】

(Confirm Extraction/Continue Randomization)

Keep it random!


【Obtain Vajra (D Rank)】

(Confirm Extraction/Continue Randomization)

Keep going!



The light curtain has lit up countless times,

Countless superb weapons that were hard to find in the outside world appeared and disappeared in front of Gu Bai.

In the constant handover of black and white light.

Gu Bai didn't know how much time had passed.

Fortunately, after he practiced the Beginningless Dao Book, his body, soul, and spiritual power had all been upgraded.

It's not a problem for him to get through this repetitive boring time.

After more than ten SSS levels, hundreds of SS levels, and S levels, came out at random.

The light he had hoped for had finally arrived.

An extremely long string of black stars occupied his line of sight.

【Obtain [Spirit Sword Forgiveness Heaven and Earth] (R)】

(Confirm Extraction/Continue Randomization).

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