Time flies, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Since the battle of Sakura Island, the traces of the Corpse God Society have completely disappeared from all over the world.

Eagle dogs such as Andrew and Morgan also disappeared completely after the war.

The conservatives in Kyushu and other countries have completely liquidated a group of superficial Corpse God Society supporters, but they still haven't been able to find any useful clues about the hiding place of the Corpse God Society's headquarters.

With the intensification of the revival of ghost energy,

The situation facing countries has become even more difficult.

In the period after the Midyear Festival, Kyushu has given birth to a total of more than seven catastrophe-level ghosts.

Four of them have been cleared, but the remaining three are still putting extremely pressure on the base city's defenses.

And most importantly, a more powerful and extensive ghost embryo is still in the making.

No one knows what kind of posture these ghosts will eventually take to this world.

However, fortunately, the huge resources brought by the four catastrophe-level ghost snakes 14 that Kyushu did its best to eliminate greatly increased the growth rate of the younger generation in Kyushu.

The number of super-level powerhouses ushered in a blowout during this time.

The overall strength of Kyushu has been greatly enhanced.

But the good times were short-lived.

October 17th.

It was a day that made the whole world shudder.

Because on this day.

The world's first ever [Origin Level] ghost snake has appeared.

The origin of the ghostly dragon, in the lighthouse nation of Texas,

The basement of an ancient church with a history of more than 1,000 years.

The moment the ghost was born,

The terrifying ghost spread throughout Texas.

All human cities, defense lines, ushered in a devastating disaster in an instant.

This ghost snake does not have any accompanying ghosts.

The only existence is the figure that terrifies the world.

He resembles a human form, his skin is dark blue, he is more than ten meters tall, with rotting wings on his back, dead black air floating from his eyes, and two demonic horns on his forehead.

It was a terrible aura that could not be described in words.

It is as if he is a master from the underworld and was born in this world.

And this figure has a name that has been in Western folklore for a long time, symbolizing death and terror.


Satan, the demon, was born.

His appearance made the entire lighthouse country directly start the countdown to total destruction like Sakura Island.

For a time, the world was alarmed.

Almost all the media and online platforms are discussing this matter.

However, almost no live video streams.

This time it's completely different from Sakura Island,

The Origin-level ghost snake was too mysterious and powerful, and the moment it appeared, it destroyed all the lives and all electronic devices under the super-level powerhouses within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and all electronic devices, including electromagnetic waves, were all interrupted.

It turned the area into a dead land.

Even the super-level powerhouses who escaped by luck have never seen the legendary Satan, because everyone who has seen Satan has died.

When this incident happened, the whole world was plunged into extreme panic.

Because no one in the entire Lighthouse Nation can solve this problem.

Since the disappearance of the Corpse God Society, the Super Sages, who symbolize the strongest combat power of the major forces, have almost disappeared!

The Holy Cross Church now has only one transcendent archbishop left to preside over the situation.

The parliament of the lighthouse country has only one-third of its combat strength left, and it has long been detached.

Which of these strong men is willing to give away the head?

Everyone took advantage of this last opportunity to make an extra sum of money, and ran away after the fishing.

Some even looked for a way everywhere, and those who broke their heads wanted to go to the Corpse God Society.

After these events were revealed, they completely aroused the anger of all the citizens of the Lighthouse Country.

Without the restraint of order, the whole lighthouse country is now full of turmoil.

The aliens burned, killed and looted, the armies were divided, the civilians were armed with guns and robbed each other, and the terrible flames of war burned the entire Beacon of Freedom in the blink of an eye.

Before Satan comes, they are about to slaughter their own people.

As for today's world parliament, it is almost non-existent.

After the Skull Island incident, Kyushu has officially withdrawn, and the councilors controlled by the Corpse God Society are worried about being liquidated and have disappeared.

The world parliament, which once symbolized the global order, is now an empty shell.

Large countries have come to the verge of collapse, let alone small ones.

The new totalitarianism of the law of the jungle and the supremacy of strength has replaced everything in the old world, and the era of human life has come.

Prices for food, clean water, daily necessities, thermal weapons, etc., have skyrocketed.

The ghost relics have risen to the sky in a very short period of time, and it is difficult to find thousands of gold.

Some rich people even use their entire family property to exchange it for a deadly ghost relic.

As for those ghost resources that can be used to enhance their strength, they are the exclusive use of the strongest in the local area. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention being a rich man, even if he is a stranger below the super level, he is not even qualified to smell it.

Under these circumstances, Kyushu, which still maintains the order of the human world, has become a utopia for all ordinary refugees around the world.

They tried everything 487 to enter Kyushu, but they were basically devoured by ghosts on the way.

During this period.

Kyushu also sent several detection drones to the lighthouse country to detect the energy of ghosts.

When the drone first flew into the ghost, it was destroyed by the order of the ghost.

The last information sent back sent chills down the spine of the staff of the Monitoring Bureau.

Ghost Snake Energy: 137,000 points!

Ghost Level: [Origin Level] (Low Risk)!

You must know that when the super giant ghost snake on Sakura Island first appeared, the value of the detected ghost snake was only 6800 points!

Although by the time Izanagi finally appeared, the number of oni was no longer detectable,

But it is certain that the energy value of the Izanagi Oni is definitely not half that of the Satanic Oni!

And this detection result has just been transmitted back to Kyushu less than two days ago.

Another news that shook the world came out.

The ancient pyramids in the desert of the Lion Statue Country have fluctuated in the value of the ghost!

The initial value of the fluctuation was 47,000 points.


All the pyramids in the entire desert were shattered and cracked.

Unleashed the old kings from the ancient world, who were long dead. []

The second origin level.

Pharaoh's ghost has appeared.

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