With the complete destruction of the realm of illusion.

Everything in the world finally calmed down at this moment.

Not far away,

Izanagi's shadow hung in the air.


In his third eye, the black magatama made a cracking sound, and a crack appeared, from which a black blood flowed, and a blinding black streak of blood was cut on his face.

At the same time, the eight-point mirror in his hand also "clicked" and shattered from the very middle.

One eye, one artifact.

Fall now.

It wasn't until they saw this scene that all the viewers in front of the screen gradually came back to their senses from the extreme shock of Gu Bai Yifu washing the world just now.

This was the first time after the battle that Gu Bai had inflicted great damage on Izanagi.

This kind of strong shock caused by challenging the gods with human bodies made everyone's hearts begin to ignite a fire, and their eyes were straight.

It wasn't until this moment that all of them really realized one thing.

Gods are not invincible.

A strong and incomparable emotion rose in everyone's hearts.

On the public screen, the barrage also ushered in a huge outbreak!

"Groove Groove Groove !!!!"

"Cattle Batch !!!"

"Bai Ye Beef Batch !!!"

"The heavens are swinging, and my Tao is prosperous!!"

", this talisman is too awesome!!, 000!

"There are also eight mirrors, the artifacts are all scrapped!"

"One-sixth of the way to kill! I'm so excited by me! There's hope for this fight!"

"Will the moment of god-killing come tonight?"


"Don't open half the champagne yet, there's a tough battle to be fought later!"

"Anyway, at least there is hope now, when Izanagi appeared just now, and killed the fourth-stage slippery ghost with one finger, you don't know how desperate I was!"



Gu Bai slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes quietly looking at Izanagi in the distance, and slowly exhaled a turbid breath in his mouth.

He was a little tired.

From the moment you enter Skull Island, you have been fighting tough battles along the way.

If it weren't for the natural energy state of the super-level thunder method, it is estimated that he would be exhausted to death by now.

This final showdown,

It can't be put off any longer.

As long as you kill this evil god, everything will be completely done.

As for the Corpse God Society, Gu Bai was not worried at all.

Once the ghosts and people die, the corpse god will lack high-end combat power, and it is estimated that there is nothing that can threaten the existence of himself (bedj) for the time being.

If there were, it was long overdue.

As for those super saints under the control of the Corpse God Society, none of them dared to come here.

They did not dare to face their own edge, nor did they dare to approach this evil god.

Gu Bai moved his shoulders and back, his right hand clenched the Kusanagi Sword, and with a flip of his left hand, the eight-foot Qiong Gou Jade jumped above the palm of his hand.

"Come on, don't think you have an artifact. "

The corners of Gu Bai's mouth curled slightly.

And the figure of the evil god in front of him finally moved slowly.

Then Izanagi opened his fourth eye.

Another magatama appeared.

Black gas flowed down from it, pouring into the ten-fist sword he held in his left hand.

In an instant, on the sword body of the Ten Fists Sword, a series of quaint lines lit up.

A majestic aura that shook the heavens and the earth spread out from the sword body, rolling like a wave.

The power of this sword is almost as vast as an abyss, and it is impossible to speculate.

But that's not all.

Izanagi, at this moment, continued to open his fifth eye.

In His fifth eye, Magatama took on a silvery-white color, which was the color of divine power.

At this moment.

This supreme evil god who controls the two worlds of yin and yang has used the divine power that belongs only to him!

Buzz Buzz...

Between heaven and earth,

Suddenly, a supreme majesty descended.

It was a feeling of extreme oppression that surpassed anything else before.

Under this divine authority. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Every living being will uncontrollably want to kneel down on the pilgrimage, and dare not look up to look directly at the lineup of gods.

But God is so authoritative that he doesn't seem to give any chance to surrender to all living beings.

Because at the moment when theocracy came.

As far as the eye could see, black strong vertical lines appeared in the space, instantly crushing all the remaining creatures in this heaven and earth.

The ground within a radius of hundreds of kilometers around it was unable to withstand the pressure and slowly sank downward.

Even Mt. Fuji, a cherry blossom mountain, was no exception, and the entire mountain collapsed into countless pieces and was crushed into the ground, along with the terrifying boiling magma under the volcano.

Finally, there are the clouds, the churning clouds above the firmament, descending at a speed visible to the naked eye, until they hit the ground, like a thick white blanket, covering the earth.

This world-shaking scene shook the audience's hearts and their eyes were full of disbelief.

This is the real Izanagi.

The fifth eye, the meaning of suppressing everything.

This moment.

The earth, the sacred mountains, the clouds, all bow down to His presence.

Between the entire heaven and earth, only a human figure remained.

His figure, against the heavens and the earth, began to slowly rise into the air.

until it is on par with the figure of the evil god.

He is the God Eater of today.

This is a world-shattering scene.

It was as if it had frozen in this moment. []

Subsequently, both sides moved.

This was the first time Izanagi had used the power of his body.

His figure drew a black mist in the sky, and he came to Gu Bai in an instant.

Ten fist swords, one sword slashed out!

Gu Bai's figure disappeared in an instant.

But the next time it appeared, the Ten Fists Sword was still in front of him, and it was slashed straight down.

This blow is locked on his body!

There is no way to avoid it!

Gu Bai's palm shook!

The eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade unfolds instantly!

This ancient artifact blooms with dazzling light, surging the power to bounce everything!

Bell ——!

A sound of swords slashing jade sounded.

From the top of the Ten Fists Sword, the blessed endless evil qi was frantically poured into the eight-foot Qiong Gou Jade.


The eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade is completely shattered!

Gu Bai's eyes widened, looking at the ten-fist sword that slashed straight at his head, and swung the grass sword to block!

The sword breath realm is blessed to the extreme!

At the same time, he also infused the power of the immeasurable realm, and crossed a layer of brilliant purple gold light on the sword body!

Bell ——!

A crisp snap shook the heavens and the earth.

The figures on both sides were bounced away by this huge force of the shock, and they each bounced away a distance.

Gu Bai raised his sword and was about to attack again.

Suddenly, I found that a huge crack appeared on the body of the Kusanagi sword!

And with the fading of the power of the immeasurable realm.

The Kusanagi sword lost its stable external force and was directly broken into two sections.

Gu Bai looked at the broken sword in his hand, his whole person was shocked, and said to Izanagi:

"No, you Sakura call this thing an artifact?"

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