In the darkness of the eyes, a third magatama appeared.

A trace of blood-colored fire flowed out of Magatama and melted into the eight-sword mirror in its hand.

The Eight Mirrors suddenly glowed with a rhythmic red glow.

The endless blood-red color, centered on the Eight Mirrors, instantly spread out to the four heavens and the earth.

The whole world completely changed at this moment.

The grains of smoke and sand turned dark gray, and the sky was like blood, a thousand miles of blood red.

On the earth, huge lonely mounds appeared, as if they were the tombs of the gods buried in ancient times.

Then, the shadows of the distorted gods emerged from the tomb.

With swords stained with divine blood, they wandered the sky like ghosts, flying towards the tiny figure.

This extremely terrifying realm of illusion,

Let all the audience tremble.

"Oh my god... What kind of field is this..."

"I'm... Holy..."

"Are those ghosts dead gods?"

"This is the realm of illusion! The ability to manifest the world of illusion into the real world is terrifying..."

"Illusion realm manifestation??? isn't this real???

"No, just look at that mirror, this is indeed an illusion, and the talisman formation on Gu Ye's body that defends against illusion has moved!"

"This is outrageous, isn't it? There really is this level of illusion in the world???

"It's over, it seems that the talisman on Gu Ye's body can't hold it anymore..."

"What to do, what to do, what to do, what to do!!!"

A netizen who knows a lot about the myth of cherry blossoms posted a barrage tremblingly: "Izanagi's six eyes.... The folklore is true...."

"What legend is true?

"What do you mean by six eyes?"

The netizen used his almost trembling fingers to create a barrage: "Legend has it that Izanagi's six eyes hide six supreme powers. "

"They are the fire that burns the world, the shield of absolute defense, the mirror that imprisons the soul, the sword that cuts off all things, and the will that suppresses everything..."

"These kinds of powers correspond to the abilities that Izanagi used just now. "

The netizen's barrage was quickly left at the top of the public screen because of millions of real-time likes.

It instantly sparked a huge heated discussion.

"Damn... This Nima ???"

"What the hell are you going to do?"

"Izanagi is the father god of Takamagahara, a god-king level existence, do you see those souls, those are ordinary gods. "

"Why is there only five types that the big guy just said?

"I'm a scholar in this area, and what the netizen said just now is right, the Izanagi in folklore does only have five abilities, and the last power, no one knows what it is, saying that Izanagi never opened the sixth eye. "

"Do you have hidden skills !! !! pay him back?"

"How can this Nima fight!!"

"It's not good this time, Gu Ye is really dangerous now!"

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!!!!"

"it! So this is the back hand of the Corpse God Society! Do they want to destroy the whole world by sacrificing this evil god?"

"Bai Ye, retreat quickly!! you can't fight it!!!!"

"Damn! the talisman can't hold on!!"

"Don't panic, don't panic!! Bai Ye is drawing talismans!!!"

The barrage on the public screen erupted one after another.

At this scene in front of them, the audience was so nervous that their nerves were almost broken.

I saw countless gods and spirits, all surrounding Gu Bai's figure.

Raising the blood-stained sword in his hand, he stabbed at him.

Bells, bells, bells...

At the same time, he was attacked by hundreds of illusion souls,

The Thirty-six Heavenly Gang Breaking Illusion Array around Gu Bai shook violently.

Because it couldn't withstand the attack from the Supreme Illusion Realm, countless cracks had already appeared in the formation barrier.

Click! Click......

At this moment, Gu Bai, who was in the formation, bit his finger and quickly drew a talisman on the paper with his own essence and blood.

The traces of essence and blood, wandering on the rune paper, the pen is simple, and it is natural.

It's just the difficulty of this talisman he draws,

Far more than anything before.

Gu Bai spent a few minutes, but he still only drew defective products that were not very satisfactory.

Until the surrounding defensive arrays are almost unable to hold on.

Gu Bai picked up this half-finished talisman with some regret, and sighed: "Alas, I knew that I should think about it before I came, this thing is really difficult to draw." "


With a crunch sound.

The Thirty-six Heavenly Gang Breaking Illusion Array was broken!

Countless distorted gods and souls, holding blood-stained swords, stabbed at Gu Bai's eyebrows, pointing directly at his soul!

Also at this moment,

Gu Bai calmly threw the half-finished talisman in his hand into the air, and the rune paper instantly burned into ashes.

He recited the mantra from his mouth:

".~ Heaven and earth are natural, and Qi is scattered. "

"The universe is infinite, and the cave is too mysterious. "

"The mighty gods of the eight directions shook through the nine heavens. "

"The ferocity dissipates, and my Dao Qi lasts forever!"

"Pure Heaven Divine Curse!"


The mantra fell.

The rune power is fully released.


The whole world of illusion came to a standstill.

In the eyes of all the audience who were almost stunned.

With Gu Bai as the center.

A Dao Qi from Hongmeng's innate nature slowly spread out in all directions.

That was the power of a supreme source (good Zhao).

It made no sound, but the crowd seemed to hear it.

Like a breeze blowing,

Like a clear spring flowing. []

It crosses everyone's heart, cleanses away anxiety and fear, and makes everyone's heart become extremely peaceful.

And Gu Bai was around.

This piece of supreme illusion realm that shrouded this world, the moment it was touched by the Pure Heaven Dao Qi, it shattered inch by inch and was purified into dots of ash and dust.

All the surrounding gods and spirits completely turned into ashes at this moment.

The earth has been restored to its original appearance.

The blood of the sky was torn apart, and even the black ghost snake brought by Izanagi was completely purified, and the black curtain above the sky spread out, and the soft and bright starlight and moonlight sprinkled through the clouds.

The whole world was completely cleared of filth and became vivid and intimate.

Like a washed mirror.

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