Gu Bai was a little confused.

He sensed the Kusanagi sword in his hand.

The divinity in the sword has been annihilated, and even if the sword is repaired, it will be considered scrapped.

As for the eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade, not to mention, it was directly broken into slag.

"What's going on...?"

"The eight-foot Qiong Goyu and the Kusanagi Sword can't even hold it for a while?"


The audience couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and their eyes were stunned.

That's the artifact that Bai Ye snatched from the Yaqi Orochi and the Great Tengu~.

Compared to Izanagi's ten-fist sword, it was as brittle as paper, and it shattered when touched.

The same artifact is still like this, if the flesh is slashed by that sword, the consequences are almost unimaginable.

But fear is afraid.

Everyone still has confidence in Gu Bai.

"Gu Ye is going to use a knife!"

"Coming, coming!!"

"Then it's hard work. "

"I'm so nervous!!"

"Will Gu Ye's knife come out of its sheath?"

"Definitely, is this thing on the same level as the ghosts?"

Seeing Gu Bai reach out and press the handle of the knife on his back.

All the audience were so excited and nervous that they didn't dare to blink their eyes.

When he was on Skull Island, Bai Ye, a platinum and gold divine weapon, cut off the blade of the ghost knife with the first knife, and directly smashed the ghost knife, the strongest existence of the ghost people, with the second knife.

In this showdown with the gods, will this knife come out of its sheath?

I saw Gu Bai pick up the fairy knife and point straight ahead with the sheath.

A wisp of purple gold flowing yarn containing the power of heavenly thunder slowly flowed to the sheath, covering the entire immortal knife with a layer of destructive energy.

The extremely domineering thunderous aura spread to the entire world.

And at the same time.

Izanagi also raised his ten-fist sword, and an endless stream of evil energy was unleashed.


The whole world seems to be divided into two areas.

On the left is the purple and gold color of the majestic righteousness.

On the right is a dark color.

The two are distinct and cannot be fused.

The next moment.

Gu Bai's figure moved.

Infinite world field, full power!

Square inch world field, five times stronger!

He turned into a long rainbow that pierced the night sky, and swept towards the evil shadow in the air in front of him.

Izanagi's ten-fist sword also instantly locked Gu Bai's body and slashed it down with one sword!

At this moment, the two supreme realms began to invade each other.

This final showdown,

It's officially kicked off!

Hand-to-hand combat, only in an instant.

The next second.

When the two blades collided.

A terrifying shock wave that was enough to wipe out everything exploded from the center of the collision in an instant!

Boom ——!

Under the annihilation of unprecedented divine power.

The space around the two of them was actually at this moment, and a circular pitch-black airspace was directly cleared!

If the spatial barrier is a lake, then those previous battles are equivalent to raising water ripples on the surface of the lake.

But the blow just now was almost equivalent to throwing a cannon battle in the lake, and a cavity was blown out in an instant!

And that's just acting on space.

At this moment, the entire world has undergone incomparably amazing fluctuations because of this top-notch collision!

The air trembled violently, and the cirrocumulus clouds, altocumulus clouds, and even the altostratus clouds in the sky at a height of tens of thousands of meters were instantly emptied in all directions!

The entire night sky seemed to be completely cleaned, and the stars and moon were brighter than ever.

The earth below has cracked into countless terrifying rifts, and the entire earth's crust has been destroyed.

Mt. Fuji, which was suppressed just now, also produced an unprecedented volcanic eruption at this moment due to the crazy squeezing of the earth's crustal plates!

Rumble...... Rumble!

Everything as far as the eye could see was shaking and shaking.

The massive amount of magma turned into a red pillar that stretched through the sky. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Countless vast volcanic ash almost replaced the original clouds, filling the entire sky.

As far as the eye can see.

There are apocalyptic scenes everywhere.

At this time, all the audience were so frightened by this scene that their whole bodies trembled.

"Groove Groove Groove !!"

"The volcano erupted and !!! the trough"

"This is too terrifying, isn't it?

"Damn, I'm scared, my house is here in the magic capital, and the whole building shook just now!"

"My furniture is shaking!"

The audience was in shock.

No one could have imagined that this battle would be exaggerated to such an extent.

If you continue to fight like this, the entire Sakura Island must not be directly sunk?

Before everyone could recover from the shock just now, the next fierce collision came.

Boom ——!

Boom ——!

Boom ——!......

The perspective of the entire Tianyan kept jumping in the vast space, almost unable to capture Gu Bai's figure.

Again and again the earth-shattering sound spread,

Between heaven and earth, there is a chaotic aura of destruction everywhere. []

Gu Bai and Izanagi fought all the way from the original site of the Eastern Capital to Kana-Nara, and then to Wakayama.

The intensity of the whole battle continued to increase in the fierce confrontation.

Everywhere you passed, countless town streets were wiped out in an instant.

Mountains were shattered, forests were razed, and rivers were blasted into countless mist.

Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, no living creature could survive the aftermath of this battle.

Boom ——!

With the last fierce collision.

The breath of the heavenly thunder surging wildly and the monstrous aura of the Ten Fists Sword were intertwined with each other.

An iron curtain of destruction was formed, flattening the entire majestic mountain range of Wakayama.

The blade has split the underground.

The sea water from the surrounding coast poured into it frantically, blowing up a shocking wave of several kilometers.


The waves break up in the air into droplets, which are broken up into mist, which then condenses into droplets after being contaminated with a large amount of dust.

Between heaven and earth, it rained a vast gray rain.

Gu Bai's figure stood in the air, and the immortal knife in his hand was still intact.

However, the layer of pure heavenly thunder energy covering it had a lot of gaps.

On the other side, Izanagi, the evil qi released by the ten-fist sword in his hand also showed some signs of malaise.

And most importantly, of the five eyes it has opened,

The two eyes, which symbolize the fire that burns the world, the shield of absolute defense, have been shattered, and a dazzling black blood stain has flowed out.

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