
"Dean, stop!"

The staff next to him was anxious, with tears in his eyes, the old dean couldn't hold on anymore, and if he continued like this, he would die!

But Dean Cheng still shook his head and refused to sever the only connection.

That kid was alone on the front lines.

This is the only thing I can do for my useless old bones.

Even if you let go of this old life, what about it.

At this moment, the barrage on the public screen is filled with an unprecedented atmosphere of fear.

The power of the evil god is far beyond everyone's understanding.

It's just another plane entirely.

Even a powerful ghost at the level of a demon king, such as a slippery head ghost, couldn't disobey half a point under his hands.

How to fight? Is this something that a human being can beat?

What a god this is!

"Run... Run away!!"

"No... I can't fight it!"

"Master Bai, retreat!!"

"Withdraw, !!"

"Hurry up! Please, Master Bai! I really can't continue to fight!"

Looking at the evil shadow in the darkness and chaos, all the audience almost despaired.

14 They kept sending barrages and shouting in front of the screen.

But no one dared to think about one thing in their hearts.

That is,

Even if Bai Ye wants to escape now, can he still escape?

The slippery head has evolved a fourth form, and he has not been able to escape from Izanagi's hand.

Even if Bai Ye has reached the realm of transformation, he is still a human after all, and he has gone through so many battles that consume a lot...

If you really want to fight to the death, then the final outcome...

No one dared to think about it anymore.

At this point.

The final battle between the king and the king has also arrived.

In the midst of everyone's frightened and trembling gazes, Izanagi's chest stretched out a third hand again.

The tip of the index finger, in the direction of Gu Bai, is a little more empty.


The space let out a rhythmic moan.


A burst of invisible order enveloped Gu Bai's body, forming a square space cage.

The cage is formless, but it has an irresistible power.

It's constantly compressing inward.

He wanted to squeeze Gu Bai directly into a ball of meatloaf like he had killed the slippery ghost.

Gu Bai felt this strong pressure, and the Kusanagi Sword in his hand automatically trembled.

The divine power is being disintegrated, and the sword breath realm is also completely suppressed by the cage!

Gu Bai's eyes condensed slightly.

The other party can suppress the domain of the Kusanagi sword, but he can't suppress his own domain.

The world is full of unfolding!


In an instant, Gu Bai flashed from the cage to Izanagi's back.

At the same time, he threw out a super-level purification talisman to release the breath of the gods that suppressed the Kusanagi sword.

A sword out!

The majestic sword breath erupted! like a sword hell!

This slash used almost all the strength of the Kusanagi Sword!

Everything within the range was instantly cut by the mighty sword breath storm, and even the space turned black.

Izanagi, who was in the field of attack, was also shattered in an instant.

However, Gu Bai didn't feel any attack feedback.

Izanagi's body is nothing.

As he disappeared, the eight-blade mirror in his hand flashed with a strange cold light.


Gu Bai reacted immediately.

The next moment, his body was tied to a dark and chaotic void.

And all around, countless gods with twisted figures looked down on him condescendingly.

The dense whispers of the ancient gods echoed in his mind.

It was a sound that was enough to make people lose all their minds in an instant, and they fell into complete madness. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The world in Gu Bai's eyes was spinning, the noisy whispers in his ears became more and more dense, and one after another distorted faces of gods appeared in front of him one after another.

This is the supreme realm of illusion.

It is a hundred times more powerful than the illusion of the ghost eye before.

If you change to any extraordinary powerhouse, I am afraid that you will have an instant mental breakdown, and your soul will forever fall into this dark abyss.

Gu Bai meditated.

Close your eyes and open them again.

A wisp of divine luster instantly purified all the pollution of the gods.


The entire dark and chaotic world around him shattered like a glass mirror.

Gu Bai returned to reality.

Around him, thirty-six high-level talismans swam around him, forming an illusion-breaking formation that blocked all the attacks of the gods!

This process can take seconds in the world of illusions.

But in the real world, only a split second has passed.

And success returns to reality for the first time.

Gu Bai used the square inch world and teleported to other places.

Almost at the same time.

Izanagi opened his first eye, and in the dark and empty eyeball, a black magatama lit up, and the terrifying power of evil surged.


I saw that Gu Bai's original position instantly ignited a black flame!

The black flames seemed to be able to incinerate everything, and even the space was burned out of a large depression, forming a black hole with extremely strong suction power!

This scene frightened the audience to the extreme.

His methods are terrible.

No large-scale destruction, no earth-shattering fluctuations.

But every time you make a move, it's an order-level force that people can't imagine at all!

If Gu Ye hadn't had the talisman 587 and the teleportation realm, he would have been unpredictable in those two moments just now.

And even more amazing is yet to come.

As Izanagi's eye moved, the black flame that annihilated everything also shifted at a high speed as the visual distance changed.

The vast and terrifying Black Flame drew a black trail in mid-air, catching up with Gu Bai's leaping figure at an extremely fast speed.

Infinite world field, full power!

Miracle Source Heavenly Thunder Ring!

Gu Bai's eyes swelled suddenly, and the strength of the entire immeasurable world realm around him directly increased to the extreme.

I saw a purple thunder light divine ring, generated at the edge of the entire realm, and then instantly shrank inward!


In an instant, the Thunder Light Divine Ring cut off the air of the entire field, and in an instant, it shrank to within a hundred meters, trying to lock Izanagi away!

But at this moment, Izanagi opened his second eye.

A transparent shroud of order.

Appeared all around Him.

This is an impassable wall, and legend has it that it is used to form the absolute defensive power of the Takamagahara!


The divine ring was tightly bound on the light mask, and the power of the heavenly thunder that was refined to the extreme surged and eroded wildly, turning the light mask into a gourd-shaped. []

Sure enough, it didn't make a breakthrough.

And Izanagi's third eye also opened at this moment.

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