Gu Bai at this moment.

The whole body was surrounded by majestic heavenly thunder energy, and the spiritual flames in his eyes danced wildly, as if the thunder god had descended into the world.

After such a terrible battle.

His aura was still at the peak of its strength.

The slippery ghost on the other side is also majestic and does not show decline.

It's a pity that one of the horns on its forehead has been broken in the battle just now.

Between the teeth of the slippery ghost, a turbid gas like steam came out.

Slowly bend down.

Then, the thorny bone spurs on its back began to move.


The terrifying sound of bone growth and friction is terrifying.

As the bone spurs squirmed and bulged, the flesh and blood on its body began to move, and the bones shifted with it.

A powerful aura that was completely undisguised was also completely released at this moment.

Seeing the audience here, they were already nervous and didn't dare to breathe.

"it" one, three, three, "isn't it..."

"What the hell is this thing? There's a fourth form?"

"Hey... Isn't that strong enough? Is this slippery ghost going to evolve into a god?"

The audience can hardly put into words the fear in their hearts.

The immortal body of this monster, infinitely evolving, has far exceeded the capabilities of other ghosts in the world.

The most terrifying thing is that every time it evolves, it will usher in several times or even ten times the growth of its ability!

Many people are speculating in horror,

The true ability of the slippery ghost, whether it evolved through battle, or did it steal Gu Ye's energy aura during the battle.

But in any case, this battle is completely unsuitable to continue.

This is a world-destroying demon.

If you continue to fight, you will know how many forms it has.


Just when everyone was terrified of the re-evolution of the slippery head.

The sky suddenly darkened.

It's the ultimate black.

It was as if someone had covered the entire sky with a black cloth.

There was not a single ray of light falling from the sky.

"Look at the sky!!

"Why is it dark!!!"

"What's ?????"

"Is this a new ability for the slippery ghost?"

There was a panic on the barrage.

No one knows what happened at this moment.

Fortunately, Tianyan's night vision ability is extremely strong, and even in this completely dark situation, it can still see the situation in all directions.

At first, everyone thought it was because of the evolution of the slippery ghost's form.

Because the multitude can see it clearly.

The evolution of the slippery ghost is accelerating wildly, and it will soon become a complete body.

At this moment, its body has reached nearly ten meters, its body is covered with hideous bone spurs, and its head has also turned into a skeletal bull's head, one by one thick veins, tense with brown muscle fibers, full of extreme sense of power and destruction.

It's even more powerful.

It's several times more powerful than just now!


The slippery ghost at this moment does not have the terrifying killing intent just now.

Even the most basic fighting spirit is gone.

Its head looked around, looking up at the darkness of the sky from time to time, and its steps were unconsciously backing away.

It was clearly visible through the two ghostly fires that were constantly shaking in its eye sockets.

It's panicking.

The slippery ghost, who was already so powerful, was actually scared.

And the person it was afraid of was clearly not the human being who was at war with it.

The appearance of this scene.

made the audience's faces pale slightly, and the fingers that were originally sending the barrage stopped in mid-air and couldn't help but tremble.

In everyone's heart, that premonition invariably emerged.


The next moment, the slippery ghost was so frightened that its whole body trembled, and it bent its knees slightly, and stomped on the ground hard, trying to escape from here!

But it's too late.

An invisible force of order.

It came to it at this moment.

"Roaring !!!!" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The skeletal bull head of the slippery ghost let out a howl of fear, and used all the strength of his body to try to break free from the shackles of the power of order.

But it didn't work at all.

The gap between the two sides is dimensional.

"It's coming so soon..."

Gu Bai narrowed his eyes and looked at the surging darkness in front of him, this was the first time he showed a slightly solemn expression.

The strength of the other party is even stronger than he expected.


The space let out an unusual moan.

In the midst of the surging darkness.

A humanoid figure slowly appeared.

"Roaring !!!!!"

Feeling the arrival of that breath, the slippery ghost roared wildly, and had completely fallen into despair.

It struggled in vain, but still felt its body slowly moving off the ground.

That power of order is something that it can't disobey as a low-level ghost.

It's like it ate the hundred ghosts and demons of the Eastern Capital and absorbed the corpses of the other three catastrophe levels.....

Now, it's its turn.

"Roaring ——!"

The last roar.

It came to an abrupt end.

The huge skeleton and bloody body of the slippery ghost made a "poof" sound at this moment. []

It was crushed into a bone patty.

Immediately after, the bone patty was compressed again, turning into a black ball the size of a fingernail, slowly drifting towards the surging darkness behind it.

A huge, pale hand with long slender nails sticks out of the darkness.

The palm of the hand was turned up, and in the palm of the hand, a mouth was cracked.

The black ball of bone and flesh pressed by the slippery ghost's body floated into the palm of his hand and mouth and was eaten.

Slippery head.

This is an ancient demon king whose strength is unprecedentedly powerful and has the ability to evolve against the sky.

In the heyday of their own strongest.

I couldn't even escape and struggle, so I was eaten by one hand...

The audience's pupils twitched, and they couldn't even say a word at the moment.

In the midst of everyone's horrified gaze.

The owner of that hand appeared.

It was a huge figure, surrounded by a black light of order, slowly appearing in the eyes of the world.

Wearing a simple tattered robe, wearing a black divine ring, three faces facing three directions, and six eyes are closed.

He held a pitch-black sword in his left hand and a smudged mirror in his right hand.

And the third hand that had eaten the slippery head had slowly sunk into his chest.

He is the supreme being from the ancient 3.4 chapter of the Sakura Country.

The evil god who controls the two worlds of yin and yang.



A strange aura of defilement almost penetrated through the screen and penetrated into the eyes of every audience.

All the audience, including Inhuman, trembled from the bottom of their hearts with extreme fear, and their spirits were under great pressure.

If they were on the scene, it is estimated that the first glance at this evil god would have gone crazy in an instant.

But the Eye of Heaven endured all of this and cut it all off.

At this moment, Dean Cheng, who was located in Longdu, his old body was shaking, and the heavenly eye on his forehead was actually shedding a shocking blood.

"Dean's !!"

The people next to him stepped forward in surprise.

"It's okay, I can still hold on, this little thing is nothing!"

Old Dean Cheng said tremblingly, but his eyes, even the seven orifices, began to flow dazzling blood.

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