
The purple thunder and scorching sun in the sky slowly subsided.

As the light dissipates.

The body of the slippery ghost has completely ~ disappeared.

In the entire heaven and earth, only the thunder light god-shadow remained, standing in the air.

At this moment, in the eyes of every audience, there is still that dazzling spot of light.

My heart has already been shocked to the extreme.

In the face of that monstrous fist that was enough to destroy everything, in just a few seconds, the three steps of penetration, slashing, and annihilation were completed.

Got rid of such an earth-shattering boss as the slippery ghost.

The fastest speed, the strongest field, the strongest means of suppression!

The whole process is crisp and neat, leaving no trouble.

"Damn... it..."

"Slippery head... Dead?"

"That's too fast, isn't it?"

"Who told me, how strong is Gu Ye now?"

"I feel that Gu Ye has become a god now..."

The audience muttered.

The slaughter of this pinnacle battle.

It can't be described as anymore.

From the moment they enter Skull Island, they are literally witnessing the rise of a myth.

This is still true for the general audience.

Those alien audiences, and even the world's super-level and super-powerful people who are paying attention to the live broadcast.

I feel it even more strongly about it.

Only these strong people can truly understand it deeply.

What level has Gu Bai reached today?

Just when most of the audience was still immersed in the shock.

Only a very few people found that after killing the slippery ghost, Gu Bai did not lift the thunder law state on his body.


The air shuddered suddenly.

There was a fine "buzzing" sound.

Between heaven and earth, the dust and debris that were blown away by the wind are gathering towards the ground at this moment.

It's just that the size of these powders is extremely small, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find them with the naked eye.

I can only see that there is a strange rhythm in the sky.

"Not dead yet?"

Gu Bai looked at the ground indifferently, and at the end of his sight, a large amount of powder floating between heaven and earth had already gathered together.

It is only now that the audience can see the black shadow that is slowly forming like a swarm of mosquitoes.


The pupils of all the audience were shocked, and they couldn't believe what they were seeing.


"Slippery head... Not dead yet..."

"It's not dead!! it's still alive!!!!"

"My God!!"

"it, the ???? of the immortal"

"What the hell is going on?"

Everyone felt that their three views had been completely subverted.

Flesh regenerates at a rapid pace, they've seen.

Like the Roshan in the ghost people, it can not only be regenerated, but also split, and in the end, it was not completely destroyed by Gu Ye's sea of thunder.

But this slippery ghost, they really can't understand it.

Just now, they were all cut into a ball of blood mist by Gu Ye, and in the end, a handful of heavenly thunder was added to burn it directly, and there was nothing left left.

How the hell is still alive???

Soon, in the midst of everyone's shocked gaze.

Black debris is condensed and formed.

Morisen's hideous white skeleton, red muscle fibers, extremely hideous barbs and nails...

Just a few seconds.

The final form of the slippery head has appeared.

At this moment, it is nearly three meters tall, with no skin all over its body, and its red thick muscle lines are half wrapped in Sensen's white bones.

Rows of ribs were like armor, exposed to flesh.

The fingers are long, like ten spikes of white bones.

The bones of the head grew two long horns, and the back grew white bone thorns.

Compared to the previous huge monsters that could travel hundreds of meters at every turn, the final form of the slippery ghost was not large, but it was full of a desperate sense of oppression.

It's a demon.


Between the rows of sharp teeth, the slippery ghost spat out a cloudy breath.

It took a step forward and walked in Gu Bai's direction.

He didn't release any terrifying aura, nor did he use any earth-shattering tricks.

It just walked as it raised its demonic claws.

Facing the sky in Gu Bai's direction, he grabbed it downward.


Gu Bai's figure flickered.

Teleport thousands of meters away.

This blow did not cause any fluctuations in the space.

However, above the sky behind Gu Bai's original place.

The thick clouds were separated.

The whole cloud layer separated into five huge ravines, from which the starlight and moonlight shone down.

From the ground, it looks as if the sky has been torn apart.

This scene,

The heartbeat of every viewer who watched it was about to stop filming.

That's the true power of the slippery ghost.

Followed by.

The figure of the slippery head disappeared. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Gu Bai's figure also disappeared.

The next second.

At the point of battle, a shocking collision took place.

Boom ——!

With a deafening sound, the whole world trembled violently.

The confluence of energies.

The earth cracked, and a huge crack appeared in the earth's crust that stretched for more than ten kilometers.

And it is still extending downward, separating left and right.


It was a man-made abyss of terror, like the earth opening a huge mouth that swallowed the sky.

All the buildings and ruins in the four directions were instantly flattened by this strong pressure, and slowly settled to the ground.

The next moment.

The two sides separated and collided at another height.

This was followed by the ground, the mountains ...

Boom ——!

Boom ——!

Boom ——!......

The sensational resound of heaven and earth spread again and again.

The space was almost crushed into a surging water, and everything on the ground was destroyed. []

The perspective of the Heavenly Eye jumped with Gu Bai's ultra-high-speed movement.

The speed of the extreme battle between the two sides is close to the limit of the tracking of the Sky Eye.

At this moment, Dean Cheng, who was located in Kyushu, was covered with sweat on his forehead, and he was almost exhausted before he could barely keep up with the fighting speed of the two.

And in the field of view of high-speed beating.

It has long been covered with countless monstrous dust and mist.

No one saw what was happening at the point of engagement, no one saw the figure of Gu Bai and the slippery ghost, only a thick layer of dust and mist that permeated the ground into the air.

The entire eastern capital has almost been razed to the ground, and the surging dust and mist reflect the clouds stirring in the sky.

It's just that the clouds in the sky are white.

The clouds on the ground are dark yellow.

Boom ——!

With the last terrifying shock, the intense air pressure was generated.

All the smoke and dust clouds between heaven and earth were swept away in an instant!


The shockwave swept everything away, making the whole world clear in an instant.

The two stood in one place.

Across the long loess on the ground, face off from afar.

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