There was silence on the public screen for more than ten seconds, and the barrage finally exploded.

"the cow!!"

"Damn, !!!"

"Awesome!!! Lao Tzu can't find any other words now, I'm going to brush the word awesome a hundred times!!"



"Who brushed it just now, please God? Do you still need to invite God? Bai Ye is the god of thunder!"

"Straight and invincible!" I jumped out of bed!!"

"An entire piece of Roshan Hell can be instantaneous, how the hell is this done?"

"Sit down!Basic operation!This kind of AOE move Gu Ye has already been used in Anning City, but last time it was dark blue, this time it was purple!" "Three-six-zero"

And compared to the Kyushu people who are familiar with Leifa.

At this moment.

Netizens from other countries around the world were almost stunned when they watched this scene with wide eyes.


"This is the power of thunder and lightning that the people of Kyushu can control???"

"Oh my God, what happened in those seconds???"

The Inhumans they had known in the past were either in the realm of ghost magic with the power of ghosts, or with the help of God-given powers like the Holy Cross Cult and Tantra.

I never thought that human beings would be able to exert such a powerful technique with just the natural energy they controlled!

This kind of great power that clears everything and suppresses the momentum of heaven and earth.

It's not from ghosts.

It's from himself!

This is definitely the first human being to reach the pinnacle in the true sense of the word!

Witnessing the shock of this miracle made everyone's hearts unhappy for a long time.

And at the moment.

This battle for the pinnacle.

It has finally come to the most critical moment.

On top of a mountain in the distance.

The ghost knife was staring at the charred land, and he raised his right hand and grasped the hilt of the huge iron knife on his back.


The sound of gold and iron grinding sounded.

The moonlight shone on the blade that was gradually unsheathed, and a snow-white cold glow lit up.

Next to him,

The ghost child's body floated in midair, and the expression on the child's face was distorted by resentment and anger.


Ghost Eye slowly emerged from the ground, and the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to become even more crazy because of the death of his teammates: "Boss! Let's go! Let's kill him!!Ahemhahahahaha!!"

But the ghost knife only spoke slowly:

"Don't take the lead, you are not his opponent in a head-on battle, just be responsible for the sneak attack. "

The voice fell.

The ghost knife figure vanished.

Almost instantly, a sword light flashed from the top of the mountain to the scorched earth below.

There were no signs.

The sword light had already approached Gu Bai's neck.

This terrifying speed to the extreme, no one can predict in advance.

The next second.

Gu Bai's figure disappeared.

The blade almost grazed his skin and slashed over, if Gu Bai's movements were a little slower, he would definitely be in a different place at this moment!


The bright sword slashed a full moon.

The knife qi cut out from the blade directly penetrates thousands of meters!

Cut off a whole layer of the earth in front of you!

Boom!(If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The sound of the sword qi was like terrifying thunder.

The sudden change in the situation woke all the audience from the carnival.

Instantly broke out in a cold sweat.

It's too fast.

Even the very few super-level powerhouses in the audience did not perceive any signs of attack, nor could they see the process of the other party's attack, let alone those ordinary viewers.

At this moment, the tension on the scene was full again.

Everyone didn't expect that the strongest existence in the group of corpse gods would take action in person so quickly!

However, the other two ghosts were nowhere to be found.

The audience was apprehensive, and after the shot from Roshan, the blonde blindfolded man and the child disappeared.

"The response was good. "[]

The sound of the ghost knife was like cutting iron, and while the knife was retracted, his eyes turned to a certain sky.

Gu Bai's figure was falling in the air, "Your speed is okay....."

"Is it okay?"

The ghost knife lowered his body slightly, and the next moment, his figure turned into a horizontal dotted line, and flashed into the sky with a "whoosh".

Gu Bai slowly exhaled a breath, his gaze deep and distant.

Around him, bits and pieces of light dust gradually lingered, and those light dusts gathered into small rivers of light, flowing around him.

He was feeling the energy of heaven and earth.

This is the characteristic of the super-level lightning method, which is fundamentally different from the previous high-level lightning method.

The high-level thunder method is to consume one's own strength to attract natural energy.

The super-level thunder method is to resonate with heaven and earth and absorb the natural energy between heaven and earth.

As long as all things in heaven and earth still exist, he can use them infinitely as his regular combat power.

This is the super-order thunder method, the normalization of natural energy!

This state, although it is not as good as the third-level Shenxiao.

But it is still much stronger than the second-level Divine Sky Vientiane Heavenly Mourning.

Speed, power, perception, life force, each ability has been greatly improved!

And it's also unlimited!

Bump, bump, bump...

A terrifying sonic boom was heard in the air, which was the fluctuation caused by the high-speed movement of the ghost knife.

Gu Bai's eyes searched quickly in the air, and he completed his prediction in an instant.

The Infernal Knife slashed to the left!

The figure of the ghost knife appeared, and the iron knife 5.4 also slashed out at Gu Bai!

Two blades collide together!

Boom ——!

This terrifying impact shook the space into a large number of twisted ripples.

Both of them were shaken away by this huge force.

With the shock wave, it retreated a distance of several kilometers.

But in the next second, they flashed into another fierce collision.

Boom ——!

Boom ——!

Boom ——!......

In a very short period of time, the two have faced each other dozens of times.

The speed was so fast that outsiders could not see the details of the engagement.

Everywhere you look, there is a strong wind and smoke.

Space trembled, mountains and rivers cracked.

Just those terrifying sword qi that spilled out of the air cut the earth into cracks like an abyss.

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