This battle was fought directly from the coastline to the outskirts of the mountains.

The countless ghosts hidden in the mountains and forests were torn apart by the aftermath of the battle in the air before they even emerged.

Such a shocking fierce confrontation.

Let the audience in the live broadcast room almost stop filming in their heartbeats.

No bells and whistles, no large-scale attacks.

Only fist-to-flesh melee kills!

But it is this kind of hard-hitting extreme battle that makes people feel a shock from the depths of their souls.

It's just that what everyone doesn't know is that

Even such a terrible head-to-head confrontation.

For these two people, it was just a warm-up.

The ghost knife is still trying.

And Gu Bai has no intention of fighting now.

There are so many treasures here.

While he was fighting, he also had to transfer the battlefield and collect resources here everywhere in the world.

Just in case the scale of the battle is too big and these precious resources are lost.

At 14 o'clock, Gu Bai was still searching for the other two ghosts.

Their breath is still there, but the people have disappeared out of thin air.

Bumper ——!

Another terrible knife fight.

Gu Bai took advantage of his strength and retreated a distance of several thousand meters, and was about to collect the resources of the last area.


A huge eyeball appeared in front of him.

That eyeball was full of hideous blood vessels, and the pupils were filled with the breath of evil souls.

Just a glance at the ghost eye.

Gu Bai's whole person froze, and the whole person maintained his original posture and did not move for half a minute.

The live broadcast room was shocked.

"What's the matter with this big-eyed ball?"

"Oh no! it should be the ability of the blonde guy just now!!"

"It's a ??? to be immobilized"

"What's the situation, why didn't Gu Ye move???

The audience saw Gu Bai standing motionless in mid-air, sweating profusely.

And in the next second, something even more frightening happened.

The figure of the ghost knife actually flew over at this moment, and the huge iron knife in his hand slashed directly at Gu Bai's neck!


"Gu Ye, move quickly, !!"

"Get out of the !!"

"Get out of the way!!!"

At this time.

Gu Bai's entire consciousness had been transferred from the battlefield to an infinitely dark space.

There was nothing in the space, except for an eyeball floating in mid-air, staring at him motionlessly.


Gu Bai reacted.

This is probably the true ability of the Ghost Eye.

Just the moment he looked at him, his soul was pulled into the other party's realm illusion.

The eyes of the alpha in the last battle have the same ability.

But in comparison, the Ghost Eye is obviously countless times more powerful.

I haven't cultivated the exercises yet, and my spiritual power is indeed a weak point.

In the face of this kind of rule-level ability, the illusion technique is unavoidable.

But if you hit the trick, cracking the illusion is a trivial matter for Gu Bai.

And the most important thing is that there is finally a trace on the other side.



There was a maniacal laugh from the eyeballs, and the harsh sound echoed through the darkness.

However, Gu Bai did not show any panicked and frightened look as expected by the ghost eyes.

Instead, he gave the other party an inexplicable smile: "Have you hidden it?"

This sentence. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let the laughter of the eyeballs come to an end.

The next moment.

The entire dark space burst into flames.

Gu Bai instantly returned to reality.

Around him, three illusion-breaking talismans, suspended in the air, had burned out. []

And at the moment when Gu Bai returned to reality.

The deadly attack of the ghost knife has arrived!

At this critical moment, Gu Bai's figure disappeared in place, successfully brushing past the attack of the ghost knife.

And in this extremely short period of time.

Gu Bai has completed four limit transfers in a row.

Came to the source of the ghost's eye breath.

He saw the blond-haired, blindfolded man.

"The second time we met, the last time I was in Anning City, you hid it quite well, but this time, you didn't hide it well. "

Gu Bai looked at him with a smile.

The ghost eye that was found hiding in the place can no longer laugh.

Crack the illusion, return to reality, and track yourself in an instant.

The whole process only took a second for the man in front of him.

There was a hint of instinctive fear on Ghosteye's face, and a madness that decided to give it his all.

He ripped off the strip of cloth that covered his eyes, revealing his dark, sunken eyes.

There were no eyes in the sockets, only two ghostly fires burning.

In the next second, Ghost Eye's body was slashed by Gu Bai.

And the two clusters of ghostly fire in his eyes also flew into the sky at this moment, dividing into countless fine pieces of fire dust and scattering them throughout the sky.

Gu Bai looked up.

Countless giant ghost eyes have appeared in the sky.

These ghost eyes are all over the sky, and the number is far from incalculable.

When Gu Bai raised his head, the ghost eyes in the sky were also watching him.

It was a handover of countless sights.

The next moment.

Thousands of illusion realms, countless dark illusion worlds, were superimposed on Gu Bai's body, as if they were going to forge an eternal soul prison for him 463.

But Gu Bai just showed a smile, which made the ghost eyes tremble.

Because Gu Bai's technique had already been launched in advance.

Miracle thunderstorms.

The next second.

The thick stratus clouds in the sky emerged with a faint purple light.

The vast aura from the super-level thunder law instantly affected the entire world.

Purple thunder lines broke through the stratus clouds and fell like rain.

All the ghost eyes that are high in the sky,

Almost instantaneously, it was pierced by those lightning lines.

Each of these huge eyeballs is the body of the ghost eye, but under the full coverage of the thunderstorm and rain, none of them can escape destruction.

The terrifying power of heavenly thunder, in a very short period of time, those eyeballs were directly burned into broken ashes.

Thunderstorms reflect the earth.

It's fleeting again.

It's like completing a cleansing of the world.

Countless ashes fell.

The countless illusion realms that had been exerted on Gu Bai's body were also shattered at this moment.

This was only a few seconds before and after, but it went through several twists and turns, and finally it was extremely crisp and neat.

It made countless viewers almost breathtaking.

The reaction speed of their brains simply can't keep up with the changes in the entire battle situation.

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