
All the viewers in front of the screen have already involuntarily held their breath.

They didn't understand what Gu Bai was doing, but from the moment the thunder flame in Gu Bai's eyebrows ignited, they felt that their heartbeat instantly missed half a beat, and their whole person instinctively froze.

It's Lefa.

Gu Ye is about to perform the thunder method.

However, in his eyes, the flashes of purple made everyone glance at them, and they instinctively imprinted them deeply in their minds~.

That's so different.

It was different from all the thunder methods that Gu Bai had used before.

It's not the same as all the lightning and thunder in the sky that everyone has seen.

"Heavenly thunder..... It's a thunderbolt...!"

"It turned out to be a thunderbolt..."

At this time, the fellow Taoists of the Taoist sects who were also watching the live broadcast got up almost at the same time, and their whole bodies trembled with excitement.

Ordinary people may not understand, but how could they, who are from orthodox Taoist sects, and some of them are even majoring in Lei Fa, not understand the meaning of that touch of purple!

Blue, dark blue, and even blue-white thunder all belong to the same type of thunder.

Some people call it wind and thunder, and some call it Xuanlei.

But the purple thunder has only one name, and that is the heavenly thunder!

The strongest thunder in the world, the most powerful power!

Although it is a human thing, no one in the human world has ever been able to drive and control it.

Because, this is divine power.

Legend has it that only when the gods send down divine punishment, will they use their mighty power.

"Gu Bai... I have mastered the Heavenly Thunder..."

At this moment, almost all the famous people of the Daomen, the elder of the Gao Shi Pavilion, couldn't help but be so excited that they burst into tears.

This is a mystery that countless people have been searching for all their lives.

The power of heavenly thunder exists.

This amazing talent, who has not been born for thousands of years, spied on the Great Dao Tianmen when he was only in his twenties, and went to the realm of no one before!

The zenith that covers the earth.

It's not just the outside world.

At this moment, even the ghost knife located on the top of the mountain in the distance showed a dignified color for the first time.

Before coming here, he didn't understand why the president would attach so much importance to Gu Bai.

Even at the expense of manipulating the World Council, he wanted to force Gu Bai out, and after that, he even dispatched the strongest ghosts and a large number of strong people to encircle and suppress him.

Now the ghost knife is completely understood.

It's not just God who needs Gu Bai's blood.

But if you don't get rid of this person now, it will definitely have endless troubles, and it will even affect the future plan.

During the first Ghost Eye reconnaissance, his strength was judged to be super rank.

The second time in the Holy Courtyard, the strength he displayed had reached the peak of the super rank.

Now, only a short time has passed, he has broken through the super-level boundary and reached the transcendent realm, and he has the power of the Taoist method comparable to the rule-level ability.

Such a person must not let him have any future.

He must die here!

In the heart of the ghost knife, an unprecedentedly strong killing intent was born.

And the next second.

Gu Bai's Thunder Dao Power had already been activated.

After he drew a circle around it with his sword finger.

The space pulsed.

A purple that shone through the world appeared in that circle of spatial ripples.

Almost instantly.

Purple ripples spread across the land.

All the ghost pigs all over the land were swept across by that circle of purple light.


The world stands still.

The whole land is completely lit up, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

The terrifying Thunder Breath of the Extreme,

Burst out at this moment!

I saw countless purple thunderbolts with a diameter of several meters, rising from the ground in every part of the earth!

The thunderous energy pouring out at this moment almost flew off the brains of all the audience in front of the screen!

Boom ——!

Thunder Dance! Purple Light Rage!

The entire gloomy sky reflected a dazzling purple and gold glow.

Like a divine punishment of wrath from above, it will sweep away all the squalor and chaos in the world!

Boom, boom, boom!!......

The deafening roar of thunder resounded throughout the world.

The furious and violent energy danced non-stop.

Every ghost pig will be burned to ashes the moment it touches that energy.

It can't be resisted, and it's impossible to avoid it.

The ghost pig's ability to divide infinitely and regenerate infinitely,

It's like child's play in front of Tianlei, and it can't play any role at all.

No matter how he splits, he will be annihilated by thunder in the next second.

The power of regeneration is completely unleashed, and the speed at which this thunderous hell kills him is far stronger than the speed at which he regenerates.

"It hurts... I'm in so much pain..."


The earth was filled with the painful cries of ghost pigs.

His countless bodies turned into torn and elongated shadows in the sea of thunder, and finally completely annihilated into ashes.

And as the master of this thunder.

Gu Bai just looked at all this indifferently.

Until all the bodies of the ghost pig are completely wiped out.

He lifted his sword finger and pressed it down slightly.


All the thunder is gone.

All voices ceased abruptly and were silenced.

The whole world also fell silent in an instant from the manic.

A gust of wind blew, raising up scorched earth and fly ash all over the ground.

It was the corpse of a ghost pig.

The second ghost man died in battle.

And this scene that shocked the world came too fast and went too fast.

The whole process, in just three seconds, has already made countless people's minds confused, and they can't get out of this shock at all.

Until a long time later.

A burst of suppressed and tightened emotions to the extreme broke out completely!

In front of the screen, someone shouted as if venting, releasing the depression in his chest.

Some people's whole body trembled with excitement, and tears could not stop falling.

They may not know what kind of thunder method Gu Bai used, nor do they know what a powerful method it is.

But do they all know that they are witnessing a myth with their own eyes?

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