I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 88: Bullhead’S Nightmare

The bull head chased Han Xiaoleng all the way.

This attack method is extremely terrifying. If Han Xiaoleng wants to deal with it, it may be a bit difficult.

But at this moment, I am afraid that it will not solve the problem.

After a little thought, Han Xiaoleng came to Hu Lin and others.

After all, it was a shadow, and it walked forward along the wall. Except for the bull head following, no one noticed it.

Hu Lin and others saw the bull head rushing over, and they were terrified again.

But Hu Lin showed a happy smile.

"As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger. As long as we are ruthless enough, we can become rich."

As he said, Hu Lin rushed to the bull head and actually attacked regardless of anything, knocking the bull head to the ground.


He used the big iron fist skill. Unlike Han Xiaoleng, they went alone, but in a team.

After killing the monster, the skills obtained will be divided through fair competition.

But after seeing the 8 million health prompt, both Hu Lin and Han Xiaoleng were stunned.

Hu Lin's men were stunned for a moment.

"Why is there a monster with such an exaggerated amount of health?"

"This is too incredible."

"Where did this thing come from?"

Countless men were shocked, and some even wanted to escape.

But Hu Lin shouted in their direction.

"Don't run. If you run, I will kill you." Hearing this, the men could only stay where they were, but they used their skills to launch an attack. Niutou also became irritable because of Han Xiaoleng and Hu Lin's attack. Like crazy, he lowered his head and used his pair of horns to launch a fierce attack on Hu Lin and his men. In the blink of an eye, the sharp horns scratched Hu Lin and his companions. -5567 -1009 -7768 -19999 Another person was eliminated, leaving only Hu Lin and two teammates seriously injured and falling to the ground. The three of them widened their eyes. Although Niutou stopped attacking, he did not give up. He gently raised one of his front hooves and gently dug the ground. Niutou rushed forward. Hu Lin, who could not dodge, could only push his two teammates in the direction of Niutou. Although Han Xiaoleng was watching from behind, he also knew that he could not escape this disaster. Especially Niutou knew his position. Although he had turned into a shadow, he could still capture it accurately.

I can't bear it any longer, I have to make a decisive move.

The moment he pulled out the three-meter-long Miao Dao, Han Xiaoleng also stepped down hard. Although it stopped on the back of the bull head, the sharp edge of the Miao Dao also split the bull head in two.

But the effect was very ordinary.


This knife only lost 100,000 blood, compared with the 8 million blood, it was simply a small matter.

Perhaps running away is the most effective way. Holding on will only make you die more miserably.

Really helpless, Han Xiaoleng could only put away the Miao Dao and lean against the wall. Quickly turned into a shadow and fled.

Hu Lin and his two companions also escaped because of Han Xiaoleng's attack.

After saving their lives, the three of them screamed in fear and ran into the darkness.

Only Niu Tou was still standing there, reaching out to touch the scar on his head with a complicated expression.

Who could have expected that his head would be broken open?

But these were minor injuries, because his skull was hard, and the knife seemed to have no effect.

But in fact, there were some injuries, which hurt his dignity and made him doubt himself a little.

If he wasn't strong enough, how could those little people be so rampant here?

Although Han Xiaoleng ran away, he knew that Niutou would definitely catch up.

But now he had to run desperately, otherwise, it would be over.

But not long after running, Han Xiaoleng was out of breath.

A strange light appeared in front of him, and Qin Ge and Qinglin were seen walking slowly.

The light came from the round bead on Qinglin's head, soft and powerful.

For some reason, Han Xiaoleng saw the two people and put down all his vigilance and got out of the wall.

From the shadow to the original appearance in an instant.

"Save me."

Han Xiaoleng stretched out his hand, and the three-meter Miao Dao also fell to the ground.

Qin Ge and Qinglin heard it, although they felt strange, but they still walked forward.

"What happened?"

Qin Ge pulled Han Xiaoleng up, with both confusion and complexity in his eyes.

"There is a bull head behind, with 8 million HP, it can't be killed, you better leave quickly!

Maybe he didn't want to see Qin Ge and Qing Lin get hurt.

Han Xiao Leng no longer thought that the two could deal with the bull head like he did before.

At the moment, the most appropriate way might be to let them leave here.

"It's only more than 8 million HP, I thought it was nothing, isn't it just a bull head?"

Qin Ge shook his head, looking indifferent.

Han Xiao Leng was surprised again when he heard it.

The ease and calmness on Qin Ge's face were obviously real.

Doesn't that mean that they can really deal with the bull head.

If you are really sure, then I will attack with you!"

As he said, Han Xiao Leng leaned against the wall and turned into a shadow again.

But Qin Ge just glanced at Han Xiao Leng and shook his head.

"You are too weird, is that bull head so difficult to deal with?"

It's obvious that he can deal with it with a casual move, why should Han Xiao Leng be so panicked.

Hearing this question, Han Xiao Leng didn't answer yet, and Qing Lin on the side hurriedly said.

"Niutou, this name sounds familiar." Perhaps the consciousness of the empress still remained, and Qinglin's eyes flashed with excitement. Qin Ge saw this and said hurriedly. "Are you sure?" "Of course." Qinglin nodded. The eggshells had been eaten, and the Heavenly Dao also asked Qin Ge and Qinglin to set out. They could not stay in the city all the time, but had to go to all directions to fight and conquer. If Qinglin could absorb the consciousness of the remaining five emperors, it would help Qinglin return to the peak. This journey was destined to be long and difficult, but Qin Ge was willing to follow Qinglin. Even though Han Xiaoleng followed (Li Zhaozhao) on the side, his face was a little complicated. After the Niutou appeared. Han Xiaoleng finally saw his appearance clearly. The attack just now was all based on feeling. But now that he found that the Niutou was more than three meters tall, Han Xiaoleng was completely stunned. No wonder he only cut off one of the horns of the Niutou when he attacked. It turns out that this guy is so big, how can he consume more than 8 million HP to kill him completely?

Han Xiaoleng looked at Niutou from the side, and Niutou also noticed the three people, but when his eyes stopped on Qinglin, he was as scared as if he saw a ghost.

He actually made a loud cry, and then ran into the darkness, moving very fast, as if he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Qinglin was confused again.

"What is he doing? Why did he run away when he saw me? Am I that scary?"

"Don't worry, let's think of other ways. He must have lost his mind to run away."

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