I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 87: Beware Of People's Hearts

For a moment, Han Xiaoleng's heart sank. He thought he had found a treasure, but he didn't expect that it would be like this. Although he was speechless, Han Xiaoleng quickly found a way. He jumped with the three-meter-long Miao Dao and picked up the medicine bottle to replenish his blood. +9999 The medicine bottle was still taken from those players. But this medicine bottle seemed to be able to restore full blood, but the limited blood bar was always a problem for Han Xiaoleng. But just as he looked at the ghost face. That guy opened his mouth again and rushed over. The sharp teeth seemed to pierce Han Xiaoleng's body. After all, the size of the ghost face was extremely exaggerated. With Han Xiaoleng's ability, it was a fool's dream to want to avoid it. The ghost face just glanced at the surrounding environment and roared. "Die, you shouldn't have come here." The moment he rushed up, the ghost face had not yet swallowed Han Xiaoleng. The three-meter-long Miao Dao suddenly stabbed upwards and actually pierced through the ghost face's body, directly destroying his soul. -30000

Seeing the ghost face turn into a puff of smoke and disappear from the front.

Han Xiaoleng's heart sank.

[Congratulations on getting 30,000 health bars, the first-level invisible skill, and three blood pills. 】

The reward also fell to the ground.

But Han Xiaoleng felt that all this was like a dream.

I thought it would take a lot of effort to take down the ghost face, but I didn't expect it to be so simple.

Although happy, Han Xiaoleng quickly put away his equipment and installed the skills.

It is still unknown whether it is safe here, but if there are other people, these things may not be safe.

After installing the skills, Han Xiaoleng soon found that as long as he leaned against the wall, he would become a shadow.

You can shuttle freely in the dark.

After half an hour of walking.

Han Xiaoleng also saw that his physical energy was constantly depleting.




Why is this consumption layer by layer?

Why didn't it prompt me when I was moving just now?

After just a short while, Han Xiaoleng's physical strength was exhausted, and he finally sat down against the wall, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Fortunately, there was a 30,000 health bar and three blood pills, which were also a treasure.

But Han Xiaoleng didn't plan to use them.

The 30,000 health bar had been installed, and it would be 40,000 if it was superimposed.

But it would be a pity to use three blood pills to replenish physical strength.

Let's wait for the physical strength to grow back slowly!

While thinking, Han Xiaoleng sat in the same place again and waited quietly.

Unexpectedly, there were scattered footsteps outside.

Han Xiaoleng looked back.

Several people came with weapons, even with flashlights.

But they didn't notice Han Xiaoleng.

After all, the most powerful skill of the invisible skill is that it can turn into a shadow.

Unless those guys are careful, they can't detect it at all.

After noticing the weapons in those people's hands, Han Xiaoleng's face instantly darkened.

These people don't seem to be simple.

But fear can't solve the problem.

After they walked a few steps forward, the leader suddenly said.

"We finally came to the devil's cave, we can't just take nothing.

After hearing this, several men sighed.

"But we haven't encountered other monsters.

"If we can encounter those monsters, maybe we can get random rewards after killing them."

The leader turned around and said slowly.

"I have a way to summon the monsters in the magic cave." This statement shocked countless people. Han Xiaoleng, who was resting against the wall, was even more unbelievable. There were several huge moles on this guy's face, as if he was a small figure on the list. He ranked low. His name was Hu Lin. He didn't kill many monsters, but he was able to fill his combat power with the treasures in his hands, so as to rank high. Han Xiaoleng didn't have a deep impression of Hu Lin, but was deeply shocked by this approach. "What method?" Several subordinates stepped forward immediately after hearing this. Seeing their yearning expressions. Hu Lin was no longer vague. "Use our blood to attract those monsters. Those monsters with intelligence like the flesh and blood of people like them. If they can be attracted out, there is no need to worry about anything else in the future. This statement also made those subordinates excited. "Everyone can attract a monster by putting a little." A more naive guy suddenly said. The rest of the people looked at him, and then walked towards him, and the weapons in their hands were raised. Seeing those people so indifferent, the guy just screamed. -1999 His blood volume dropped instantly. Although Han Xiaoleng squatted quietly in the corner, his face suddenly became ugly. It was hard to imagine that these people could even kill their own people. After the guy fell to the ground, blood flowed all over the ground, but this was a game world after all. He was just eliminated, but his body was used for other purposes by those guys. Although Hu Lin stared at the speed of the blood flow quietly, he frowned, as if he was thinking whether this was enough. If not, he had to think of other ways. The others seemed to know Hu Lin's thoughts, and they all hid aside and didn't dare to come over. At this time, a pair of red eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness. Although it was a flash, it made Hu Lin ecstatic. "Look, the opportunity is here." He pointed behind him and shouted loudly. When everyone heard it, they hurried forward. Who would have thought that such a monster would hide in the dark night?

Although they were moving forward, Han Xiaoleng was faster.

When he arrived at the monster first, he swung out the three-meter 323 Miao Dao from his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the bull's horn was chopped off by Han Xiaoleng.

But because of this move, Han Xiaoleng exposed his position, but it was dark here.

Even if Hu Lin's flashlight shone over, it would be useless.

Han Xiaoleng just dodged to another place to avoid the light, but the previous attack did not cause any damage to the monster.

This was something Han Xiaoleng did not expect.

But the bull head stood in place, slowly raised his hand, and touched one of the bull's horns.

At this time, the bull head realized that something was wrong and roared in the direction of Han Xiaoleng.

The roar was extremely terrifying.

Even if Han Xiaoleng squatted against the wall and turned into a shadow, he knew that running away would not solve the problem, and he still had to attack head-on.

But even so, it might not really work.

As expected, Han Xiaoleng's whereabouts were completely locked by Niutou.

The Niutou in front of him was the one next to the Spider Queen.

This trip was to expel the invaders near the Demon Cave.

Strangely, there were so many people with strange looks and strange methods here.

They were not very similar to the ones Niutou had met before.

Especially the Miaodao just now, which just flashed in front of him and cut off one of his horns.

If it was a little more off, he would have seen blood.

It was really abominable that no one dared to sneak attack under his nose.

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