I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 89: These Are The Rules

Qin Ge grabbed Qinglin and said to Han Xiaoleng beside him.

"How about this, you take action against the bull head first, and we will attack from the dark. If we solve it, the equipment will be divided equally."

"No problem."

Han Xiaoleng agreed decisively.

It can be seen that Qin Ge and Qinglin are powerful, otherwise, how could they not be timid in front of such a huge monster.

The bull head ran away.

What does this show?

They are really strong.

Although he chased forward, Han Xiaoleng did not expect that he could not find the bull head after half a day.

For a while, Han Xiaoleng was also stunned in place, and simply said to the darkness behind him.

"The bull head is gone, I don't know where it ran to."

"What, did this guy run away?"

Qin Ge heard it and immediately walked out of the darkness.

Of course, he also loosened his hands and no longer covered the round bead light on Qinglin's head.

The light suddenly appeared.

Although Qinglin was a little cute, he knew what was going on and hurriedly said to Qin Ge.

"Niu Tou must have gone to find help. Let's be careful."

But as soon as he finished speaking, several gamers ran out from the passage beside him.

But they also recognized Qin Ge and shouted loudly.

"City Lord, why are you here?"

"City Lord Qin, I didn't expect that we would meet you here."

"What are you doing here?"

Several game 613 players rushed forward, and the clothes they wore were indeed a little strange.

Qin Ge looked at them.

Seeing his strange eyes, those people felt helpless again, and quickly spread their hands and said.

"This clothes was taken from the NPC."


This scared Qin Ge a lot, no wonder, he thought these people were dressed in a weird way.

As soon as the voice fell, those gamers showed frustrated expressions and pointed behind them.

"You don't know where we just passed through."

"It was covered with frost. When we came here, we were almost frozen."

"Yeah, we almost died. We could only snatch the clothes from those NPCs."

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes widened, but he did not forget to look in the direction they said.

"Then they should be okay?"

Seeing this, several gamers laughed and said.

"It should be okay, because they are still chasing us from behind."

Qin Ge looked at the crack behind him.

"Why do I feel there is a sound in here?"

It seems that something is crawling inside, and it makes a series of sparse sounds. (bbci)

Before Qin Ge had time to check, someone on the side pulled him and said.

"Hey, City Lord, don't look at these things, let's go fight monsters."

"I thought the City Lord would stay in the City Lord's Mansion all the time, but I didn't expect that you would come out. It's really rare to meet you here."

But Qin Ge didn't say a word in the face of their compliments, but listened quietly to the movement in the wall.

At this time, Qinglin raised his hand and pulled Qin Ge aside.

Everyone also saw Qinglin, who looked cute and dressed gorgeously.

Of course, the most shocking thing was the round bead on Qinglin's head.

"Who is this?"

"Isn't this a game player?"

It doesn't look like it, because Qinglin has a unique aura.

But after pulling Qin Ge away.

Everyone also saw the spiders in the wall crawling out from the gap.

The target was clear, Qin Ge, Han Xiaoleng and Qinglin.

Using the white spider thread, the blue spiders caught the three people at once, and then pulled the silk to the three people.

Just as it stopped on his body, Han Xiaoleng saw his blood volume, which kept dropping.




The drop was too outrageous.

Han Xiaoleng was no longer vague, and quickly shook off the blue spider. Unfortunately, the three-meter Miao Dao split the blue spider into two.

But Han Xiaoleng didn't see the blood volume prompt, but saw that the blue spider turned into two.

After that, it spit out silk again and pounced on Han Xiaoleng.

Seeing that the two blue spiders were so scary, Han Xiaoleng was terrified again, and then he dodged quickly, and with his agility, he split the two spiders into two again.

Even if the gamers were just watching, they were already dumbfounded.

"How can there be such exaggerated strength?"

"As expected of a Valkyrie on the list, she is really awesome!"

Many gamers gave thumbs up and praised, showing admiration.

But how could Han Xiaoleng care, seeing more and more blue spiders.

Not only were they split after being chopped, but there were also those that kept crawling out of the cracks.

Qinglin and Qin Ge were not affected much, after all, Qin Ge's health was a mystery.

The halo on Qinglin's head only shone on those blue spiders, making them smoke and unable to spit out silk threads.

The remaining blue spiders also saw that they were being served, and decisively pounced on Han Xiaoleng, and the offensive made Han Xiaoleng panic.

Qinglin hurried forward.

Qin Ge also followed.

Fortunately, there were those halos, otherwise Han Xiaoleng would really be doomed this time.

Although other gamers were not targeted by the blue spider, they were still frightened when they saw those guys running away from all directions.

"City Lord, what's going on?"

Qin Ge saw the problem and hurriedly urged them to leave.

"There is no time to lose, you should leave quickly, don't stay here."

Seeing this, the gamers gritted their teeth and turned away.

But just as they left, Qin Ge and Qing Lin also saw a demon spider.

When the demon spider spit out silk threads on them, it was not afraid of the so-called halo at all.

Even if the silk threads were burned by the halo, they would eventually turn into countless flying catkins and fall.

But the demon spider did not choose to retreat, but rushed forward. The halo would indeed weaken the abilities of these spiders.

But the demon spider is not an ordinary spider. He has long been a great helper beside the Spider Queen.

His moves seem to be restricted everywhere, but in fact it is not.

The sharp legs and feet suddenly slashed in front of Qin Ge and Qing Lin.

Seeing this, Han Xiaoleng hurriedly picked up the three-meter Miao Dao and rushed forward to meet the attack.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiaoleng would be so brave. Qin Ge thought Han Xiaoleng would hide behind all the time.

He was so responsible.

But this knife did not kill the magic spider, and even made it more rampant.

The magic spider continued to exert force. Even if Han Xiaoleng carried the three-meter Miao Dao, it was useless. He could only be crushed by the magic spider and retreated step by step.

In the end, Han Xiaoleng successfully avoided the attack of the other foot of the magic spider.

But this fight also shocked Han Xiaoleng.

Did his strength become weaker?

Or was the magic spider strong?

If it was the latter, then it was over. Qin Ge and Qinglin didn't even have a weapon in their hands. It was obvious that they were not capable of dealing with it.

Just as Han Xiaoleng was thinking. .

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