Chapter 94 Senior Sister, don’t die… (Please read! Please read! Please read!)

Pei Ling has no time to pay attention to Jin Sumian at the moment.

Because this special Nine Underworld Cold Spring is too painful!

As soon as his body was soaked in, it seemed as if he had begun a slack time.

Countless sharp blades swept across the body, and with the passage of time, it became more and more intense, and the pain went straight to the bones.

That’s all right, after all, he is a person who has received the fire into the body, Pei Ling can still breathe fragrance into the system while guarding Jin Sumian’s uprising.

But what he didn’t expect was that with the cultivation of the system, the originally quiet chill fire gradually became lively.

The azure flame lit up from the depths of his pupils, after absorbing the essence of the Nine Underworld Cold Spring, it slowly diffused and spread all over his body.

Fuck Fuck!

Stupid X system!

Spicy chicken mentally retarded!

Daddy fuck your ancestors!

Unexpectedly, Pei Ling took once to accept the fire into the body, and just carried Wanjian to cut his body, and now he has to carry the flames and burn his body again and Ling Chi.

“So you robbed me of my cold fire!” Just as he cursed the system, an angry rebuke suddenly came from his ear, “I…”

Jin Sumian’s mood fluctuated fiercely just now and was already traumatized. At this moment, under the anger, it was even worse. Before he finished speaking, he spit out a big mouthful of blood again, and fell weakly on the edge of the bathtub, unconscious!

Peiling: “…”


Destroy it.

The system is still indifferent and cultivates wholeheartedly.

The Jiu Ming cold spring water was originally very heavy, the color was like ink, and every drop was like a steel ball, but as time passed, the color of the cold spring water became lighter and lighter.

One night passed, and there was only a basin of clear water left in the bathtub. Pei Ling suddenly shook his whole body, and all the pain receded like a tide. Instead, it was full of power.

Among the hundreds of limbs, Spirit Power gurgled, and it was obviously stronger than the sixth level of Qi training!

Practice Qi seven levels!

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in his ears again: “Ding Dong! This cultivation is over. Thank you for using the intelligent cultivation system, one-click hosting, soaring to Wu You! Looking forward to your sharing of the cultivation evaluation, please give us your satisfaction Five-star praise!”

Pei Ling’s face was cold, and she gave it a one-star bad review with her backhand. Then she jumped out of the bathtub and dressed as fast as she could. She was about to seize the time to escape. From the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Jin Sumian lying on the bathtub, her head drooping. , His hair was messy, he recalled the opponent’s movements, it seemed that he hadn’t moved since he was in a coma last night?

“…” After hesitating, Peiling still walked on guard and pushed the other’s shoulder, “Senior Sister? Senior Sister?”

Jin Sumian slid into the bathtub in response.

Pei Ling’s face changed, this senior sister must not die!

The first time he went to Baibaolou to sell Medicine Pill, he had heard of Jin Sumian’s name.

Not to mention the three high-level Qi training disciples who were dedicated to Jin Sumian at that time, it is said that Jin Sumian has been appointed as a successor by Inner Sect Elders. Once the opponent has a long and two shortcomings, I am afraid that Zheng Jingshan will not be able to protect him!

Peiling didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly took her out of the bathtub and put her on the soft couch next to her. Pulling away the long wet hair of the other party, a green and white face suddenly appeared, and the corners of his mouth were stained with blood, which was already dry.

What made Pei Ling breathe a sigh of relief was that although the senior sister was breathing almost nothing, she was obviously still alive.

“I remember this senior sister is a pill refining teacher. In her Immortal Cave, there must be a medicine pill to treat…” Pei Ling thought so, and casually pulled the quilt to cover Jin Sumian, and went to find Medicine Pill in a hurry.

Soon, he dug out a lot of bottles and cans from every corner.

However, the problem came, except for the four Medicine Pills he had used, the bone-hardening pill, the jade pill, the blood pill, and the pill for cultivating the yuan, he didn’t know the others at all!

“Why don’t you just feed one?” This irresponsible thought came to my mind and was rejected by Pei Ling. After all, this is the pill refining master of the Demon Sect. Who knows what these Medicine Pills are in front of?

He thought for a while, stuffed Jin Sumian with a Peiyuan Pill and a Qi and Blood Pill, stuffed all the remaining Medicine Pill into the storage bag, and planned to go to Baibaolou to ask.

“Forced into Immortal Cave, robbed other people’s property, disturbed other people’s cultivation… I remember that I only fined a few thousand Spirit Stones together.” He thought about this, and didn’t dare to delay any longer, took Jin Sumian’s nameplate, and walked out hurriedly. “As long as this senior sister does not die, this fine is not a big deal.”

Jin Sumian’s Immortal Cave is surrounded by formations. Last night, the system manipulated his body to break in. Pei Ling himself did not know the formation. Fortunately, this Immortal Cave was difficult to get in, but it was very convenient to get out.

He only stepped out of the gate and was already standing outside Immortal Cave.

However, Pei Ling hadn’t had time to tell which direction Baibaolou should go. A giant lantern suddenly dropped from the sky. Inside the lantern, Lu Luqian looked at him in surprise: “Who are you? Why are you from Jinshimei Immortal Cave at this time? come out?”

“I…” Pei Ling’s thoughts turned, thinking about how to prevaricate, Lu Luqiang suddenly patted him with a palm!

Peiling didn’t think much in a hurry, and hurriedly dodged aside.

At this moment, he felt that his hands were empty, and he saw Lu Luqian standing three feet away from him, holding Jin Sumian’s nameplate in his hand, and his face mask Hanshuang: “Why is the nameplate of Junior Sister Jin in your hands?”

Without waiting for Pei Ling’s answer, he directly opened the formation and swept inward.

Peiling was shocked when she saw this, but didn’t even want to transport the blood ghost escape method, and flashed in close to her back.

The figure flickered, and the two appeared in Immortal Cave almost at the same time.

“Junior Sister Jin!” Lu Luqian yelled, and when no one answered, he immediately walked towards the inner room of Immortal Cave.

However, only to move, Pei Ling suddenly stopped her, and said in a deep voice: “Senior Sister stays, Senior Sister Jin is not feeling well, please don’t disturb her.”

Never let her know that Jin Sumian is dying!

Lu Luqian was furious: “Who are you? Junior Sister Jin has never mentioned you as a person to me!”


Does this senior sister know him?

Pei Ling was stunned, and immediately overjoyed, she immediately said: “Senior Sister, it seems that Sumian doesn’t have to tell you about Sumian’s affairs?”

“…” Sumian? How close is his relationship with Junior Sister Jin?

Lu Luqian choked, after thinking about it, she was speechless.

“Senior Sister, Sumian’s situation is not suitable for greeting you now. You should put down the nameplate and go first.” Seeing this, Pei Ling became more confident, “Don’t delay our business.”

Delayed your business?

Lu Luqian has always boasted that she has the same sisters as Jin Sumian, and even Shao Ningzhi, who has been pursuing Jin Sumian, dare not offend her. When was she so repulsed in the matter of Jin Sumian?

She glared at Peiling, and suddenly slapped him with a palm.

Pei Ling had just suffered a loss, but at this moment he was prepared for it. It is a pity that the system didn’t bring the horrible knife with him during this cultivation. Saber Technique of Blood Fiend!


Pei Ling’s hand knife was lingering around the rich Blood Qi, and it was extremely easy to smash Lu Luqian’s palm strength.

Without a single blow, Lu Luqian’s figure shook, and his steps were like walking through flowers and trees. He suddenly turned behind Pei Ling, his palm instantly turned into beast claws, and grabbed Pei Ling’s back heart.

But just as the tip of his claw touched Pei Ling’s robe, he turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared from Lu Luqian’s vision.

The second move failed again, Lu Luqian was slightly startled, and the opponent’s Cultivation Base only had seven levels of Qi training, so he could dissolve his own attack twice in a row?

However, without waiting for her to think about it, there was a sudden cold in her neck. She turned around and saw that Pei Ling’s hand knife had been placed on her neck…

This eighth-level senior sister is so weak!

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