Chapter 93 System! (Seeking collection! Seeking follow-up reading! Seeking everything!)

“Huh?” Jin Sumian stopped the hand that was untying the placket, and saw that the talisman suddenly turned into a skull, and the jaw opened, but a crisp female voice: “Junior sister, there is news about the Foundation Building pill recipe you want.” NS!”

Jin Sumian was startled, and immediately overjoyed: “Senior Sister Green Rose, really? Where is it? How much is the other party bidding?”

Over the years, she has learned the Medicine Pill during the Qi training period. Only the Foundation Building pill recipe has not been able to start.

This is because Babaolou does not sell pill recipes of special Medicine Pill such as Foundation Building Dan.

Only after providing them with a considerable amount of finished Medicine Pill, they are eligible for redemption.

But the problem is that although Jin Sumian is already the most famous genius alchemist of Outer Sect, she has a very high rate of alchemy. She herself also wants to cultivate, and it is impossible to pill refining Baibaolou without rest.

I think that when she entered the clan with Lu Luqian and others, she was the best in terms of aptitude, but now, among the four, she has the lowest Cultivation Base because she spent too much time on pill refining.

Therefore, while Jin Sumian continued pill refining to complete the mission of Baibaolou, he asked people to look around for clues to the Foundation Building pill recipe.

If she can get the Foundation Building pill recipe from the outside world, then she doesn’t need to be a pill refining tool person for Baibaolou.

“Junior sister, this is actually not a question of price or price, but the Foundation Building pill recipe in Han’s Villa.” Opposite, Lu Luqian said in a deep voice, “This is the last batch of people who took over the task of Han’s Villa. I have already confirmed the news brought back, and the credibility is very high.”

“Moreover, there is a red sudo vine in the villa.”

Jin Sumian asked hurriedly, “Who is holding these things?”

“It’s not in anyone’s hands.” Lu Luqian said, “Junior sister, you have been in Closed Door Training pill refining all this time, so I don’t know, the mission of Han’s Villa has failed four times in a row, and once again, it will hang up. It’s Inner Sect. The people who went there the last three times were all annihilated, and they couldn’t even convey a word. The most recent time, because Brother He Yi was among them, he escaped from birth and returned to the sect with injuries. ”

“What?” Jin Sumian was taken aback. “Senior Brother He Yi was promoted to the eighth level of qi training two years ago, and it is rumored that he is about to train the ninth level. He went out in person, but he failed to complete it, or is he returning with injuries?”

Lu Luqian said: “Yes. So this time, many people are planning to take on this task. As far as I know, there are already at least three teams and they will be able to set off soon. I have joined Brother Zhang Shuo. The day after tomorrow will be set off. Brother Zhang Shuo promised that if you are willing to refine two Foundation Building pills for him, both the Foundation Building pill recipe and Aksudo will belong to you.”

“This senior has already practiced nine levels of Qi. In terms of strength, the next Outer Sect competition is also expected to win the ranking.”

“Following him, not only is the safety guaranteed, but the possibility of taking the Foundation Building pill recipe and the red sudo is also very high.”

“If you are interested, you might as well consider it.”

Jin Sumian thought about it for a while and nodded: “If this is the case, please help me tell Senior Brother Zhang Shuo that I am willing to join his team.”

“Okay.” Lu Luqiang was overjoyed and said with a smile, “I will tell Senior Brother Zhang Shuo. By the way, the task of Han’s Villa is not easy. Although Senior Brother Zhang Shuo leads the team, we still have to be cautious. One point is better. Well, when will you be free, I will go to your Immortal Cave and tell you about the situation in person.”

“Sister, you can come here tomorrow morning.” Jin Sumian calculated the time required for her Body Tempering, and said readily, “My pill refining is over, so I won’t be busy anymore.”

Lu Luqian said: “Then it’s a deal. I’ll look for you early tomorrow morning.”

After speaking, the flame on the Fulu slowly extinguished, returned to the original place, and recovered as before.

“It seems that Saiweng loses his horse and knows no good fortune.” Jin Sumian said with a smile on his face and said to himself, “I didn’t expect that I just missed the cold fire, and this kind of good news came… It seems that the cold fire is gone, too. It’s not a good thing…Bah, baah! If you dare to grab this girl’s chance, this girl can’t let him go.”

She took off her clothes happily, glanced at the gloomy Jiu Ming cold spring water, and immersed her body directly without hesitation.


It’s cold!

The moment Jin Sumian entered the bath, the originally brisk smile suddenly stagnated.

The Jiu Ming cold spring water is as its name suggests. The moment he entered, Jin Sumian had the illusion that his whole body was frozen into an ice sculpture.

It’s not just that the body feels cold, but the most important thing is that even the thinking seems to be stagnated, and every thought is turned with difficulty.

At the same time, the whole body seemed to be stabbed crazily by thousands of small knives, and the pain was endless.

“It’s worthy of being comparable to the cold fire…” The whole body trembled uncontrollably in the extreme pain, but Jin Sumian was not afraid in her heart. Instead, she was full of anticipation. She secretly said, “After Body Tempering this night, I will definitely be able to Go to the eighth level of Qi training.”

She thought so, holding her breath, forcing herself to abandon the pain of the outside world, Spirit Power swam around and began to cultivate in the cold spring water.

With the operation of the Cultivation Technique, Jin Sumian’s pores widened, greedily absorbing the essence of the Nine Underworld Cold Spring Water.

As time passed, the Spirit Power among her Meridians became more abundant, and Jin Sumian was immersed in the comfort and steadiness brought by the strength Ascension. A ghostly figure suddenly jumped into the Immortal Cave!

At first, Jin Sumian thought she felt wrong, and she opened her eyes to see a slightly familiar male Xiu suddenly appearing not far away, she couldn’t help being stunned.

Although her Immortal Cave was temporarily set up in Danfeng pill refining for the convenience of it, six magic circles were laid around it.

Unless Jin Sumian takes the initiative to open the door from the inside, even if she comes in by herself, she will have to open it with the nameplate to ensure that she will not touch any formation and enter safely.

What kind of Cultivation Base is the other party, who can sneak in without knowing it?

Before Jin Sumian could come back to her senses, she saw a scene that made her eyes shattered——

The male Xiu stretched out his hand and grabbed the jade pill of the upper variety on the table!

“Stop it!!!” Jin Sumian yelled in her heart. If Body Tempering were not at the critical moment and couldn’t move, she would have jumped out and slapped this guy’s head immediately.

She has worked so hard for so long, refining the only seedlings that can only be found in nearly a thousand furnaces. This is a symbol of her progress in Alchemy. It is the condensation of her hard work these days. It is she… The kind of jade pill was stuffed into his mouth.

“Dingdong!” The system prompt was as flat as ever, “The gift of the upper variety Yudan is completed, and the system will continue to cultivate for you…”

Pei Ling’s mind was blank.

However, the system clearly does not intend to let him go.

The next moment, his body turned ninety degrees, toward the Immortal Cave master who was frightened, “Ding Dong! The system has detected an environment suitable for clearance…”

“Ding Dong! The system will give away half of the Nine Underworld Cold Spring Water for free…”

Pei Ling strode to the bathtub, and under Jin Sumian’s dumbfounded gaze, she took off all the clothes neatly and jumped down with a “bang”, causing Jin Sumian to almost stand unstable and shake for a while.

But her humiliation is not over yet.

Seeing Pei Ling stretched out a hand expressionlessly and pressed it to her face.

Like pushing away some obstructive object, she pushed Jin Sumian into the corner, and she took the most central position of the bathtub generously, opened her posture, and began to cultivate.

System: “Ding Dong! After the Jiu Ming cold spring water is presented, the system will continue to cultivate for you…”

Peiling: “…”

Jin Sumian: “!!!!!!!!!”

She couldn’t hold her mind anymore, “poofed” a big mouthful of blood, and the Spirit Power all over her body was messed up.

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PS: Read more about the post of the operating officer brother.

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