Chapter 95 The guest of the curtain. (Seeking to read! Seeking to read! Seeking to read!)

“You…” Lu Luqian was so shocked that he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Looking at each other for a moment, a weird thought came to my mind: Leapfrogging the battle, she suffered a small loss in less than three moves. Such a qualification can indeed enter the eyes of Junior Sister Jin who has always been above the top. This guy shouldn’t Are you really a guest of Junior Sister Jin?

“Senior Sister, please leave temporarily.” Pei Ling said in a deep voice, “Don’t disturb me and Sumian.”

When did Junior Sister Jin stay with this guy?

Damn it!

She has known Junior Sister Jin for so long, even if she knows about this, she won’t be unwilling to help cover Shao Ningzhi. Is it necessary for her to hide it so tightly?

Or did Junior Sister Jin actually not consider her a good sister?

Lu Luqian was angry and wronged in his heart, and his face was uncertain for a moment. He suddenly fluttered his sleeves, threw down the nameplate, and left bitterly.

Pei Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but Lu Luqian turned around and took two steps, then suddenly stopped and said to him: “Then Han’s Villa, can Junior Sister Jin participate?”

Han’s Villa? [See Chapter 24: It’s hard to move without money. 】

This place seems to be an impression… Pei Ling thought quickly, and quickly remembered that this was what he saw when he had just killed Miao Cheng’an and the others and went to the Ministry of Miscellaneous Affairs to find a task and slip out of Sect.

The rewards of that up to eight hundred low-grade Spirit Stones are simply outstanding among the tasks of dozens of Spirit Stones.

So now he still remembers probably, it seems to be investigating the truth about the sudden death of the Han family. Only disciples above the sixth level of Qi training can participate. The deadline is one month… Counting time, one month seems to have passed. Could someone pick it up?

Or is there something wrong with this task?

“She is not feeling well these past two days, so she won’t go.” Pei Ling’s doubts were in her heart, but she didn’t show it on her face. Jin Sumian had only one breath left. What mission did she take part in?

“Can’t go?” Lu Luqian’s pupils shrunk, his eyes looked sharply at Pei Ling, with a suspicious expression on his face, “Han’s Villa has the Foundation Building pill recipe and Foundation Building Dan master material that Junior Sister Jin wants, and she can’t possibly not go. !”

“And I have promised Senior Brother Zhang Shuo, Senior Sister Jin will not go, how can I explain to Senior Brother Zhang Shuo?”

Pei Ling’s heart sank. She thought she had passed the blunder, but she didn’t expect Jin Sumian to agree to participate in the mission.

At the moment this situation does not allow him to think too much, so he can only walk one way to the dark, and straightforwardly said: “You don’t have to worry about it, I will go for Sumian. If there is nothing else, you can go.”

Lu Luqian stared at him and said aggressively: “You go? If you go, Brother Zhang Shuo wants two Foundation Building Dans, can you agree on behalf of Senior Sister Jin?”

“Of course.” Pei Ling categorically said, “My relationship with Sumian, these are all trivial matters.”

“That’s good.” Lu Luqian felt quite depressed when he saw him taking Jin Sumian’s name for granted, and said, “I will explain the situation to Brother Zhang Shuo. If Brother Zhang Shuo agrees, then I will tomorrow Come to you again.”

After that, he left with his sleeves.

After she left for a while, Pei Ling quickly dressed up in disguise and left Immortal Cave.

It was okay this time, and I didn’t meet anyone again.

After a while, he came back from Baibaolou and immediately took out a medicine pill the size of a pigeon egg, which was a pale green medicine pill. According to Baibaolou Medicine Pill appraiser, it was used for cultivation problems, Cultivation Technique backlash and other conditions. .

Pei Ling squeezed Jin Sumian’s sakura mouth and forcibly stuffed the Resurrection Pill in it.

After that, two crimson Medicine Pills were poured out, the surface was covered with dense tiny grimace, Baibaolou said that this pill was a ghost flame pill, which can be taken internally or externally.

It’s just that internal use needs to be combined with certain fire cultivation techniques, otherwise it is easy to burn the lungs; external application is to get rid of the cold.

After Pei Ling crushed it, she carefully applied it to Jin Sumian’s forehead, throat, lower abdomen and other parts. As soon as the powder was sprayed, there was a misty chill that slowly diffused out.

After a lot of busyness, Pei Ling observed carefully and found that although Jin Sumian’s breathing was still weak, but at least not intermittently as before, it was obviously improved a lot, which was secretly relieved.

“It seems that there is no life threatening.” He secretly said, “You have to go to Senior Brother Zheng quickly.”

Taking Jin Sumian’s nameplate, Pei Ling left Immortal Cave and immediately rented a corpse cloud to Inner Sect.

However, after arriving at the Kolan Courtyard, the puppet who guarded the gate told him: “The Vessel Master has left Sect and will not return in a short time.”

Peiling: “…”

He asked unwillingly, “I have something urgent, can I ask Senior Brother Zheng to come back first? He probably hasn’t gone far yet.”

The puppet said: “The pulse master has left Sect and will not return in a short time.”

Peiling secretly vomited blood and asked, “Then where is Senior Sister Ouyang Xianxing? I want to visit Senior Sister Ouyang.”

The puppet still said: “The pulse master has left Sect and will not return in a short time.”

“System, come out to see your mentally retarded Little Brother.” Pei Ling said angrily in his heart.

System: “Dingdong! The intelligent comprehension system wholeheartedly serves you, one-click hosting, intelligent upgrade, fully automatic cultivation, to prevent accidents, Wu You Heart’s Demon, to fulfill your dream of ascension!”

Peiling: “Fuck.”

He had to return to Jin Sumian’s Immortal Cave again.

The Medicine Pill that this senior sister stayed in Immortal Cave was of very good quality. After such a period of time, her condition had stabilized a lot, and her face had even become slightly bloody.

“What to do?” Pei Ling looked at her and thought to herself. He grabbed the jade pill of this senior sister and occupied her nine cold spring water. He almost took a mandarin duck bath with her, which ended up hurting her. Body Tempering failed and almost survived…I want to know that once Jin Sumian wakes up, she will definitely not give up.

Without a backer of Zheng Jingshan’s level to come forward to make peace, this matter would simply not be good.

After all, thinking about it from another position, if someone robbed him of the jade pill he had worked so hard to refine, and then…there was no more, this person must die!

After thinking about it again and again, Pei Ling opened a jade bottle and carefully poured out a black Medicine Pill the size of a thumb.

This Medicine Pill exudes a bitter fragrance, but after smelling it, it feels clear in my mind.

“Requiem Pill…” Pei Ling looked at it a few times and said to her heart, “According to Baibaolou, this pill is good at calming the mind and nourishing the soul. The user will sleep for a full month, and nourish Hun and Po in their sleep. , To cultivate the spirit… is one of the essential Medicine Pills for the pill refining teacher, and one of the most precious Medicine Pills during the Qi training period.”

“Even Senior Sister Jin has only four here.”

“I will let her take one first, and replace her on the task of Han’s Villa tomorrow.”

“When the task is completed, if Senior Brother Zheng has returned, of course it’s best.”

“If Senior Brother Zheng is still outside then I will feed Senior Sister Jin another one.”

“I believe that the time for two Requiem Pills is enough for Senior Brother Zheng to come back and preside over the overall situation for me.”

Thinking of this, Pei Ling secretly rejoiced, thanks to Zheng Jingshan’s thigh.

Otherwise he would be dead this time.

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