Chapter 92 Sisters. (Seeking collection! Seeking follow-up reading! Seeking everything!)

At the back of Dan Peak, in a hidden Immortal Cave, the innermost chamber suddenly opened the door.

In the bursts of pill fragrance, Jin Sumian walked out in ragged and unkempt robes.

There is still a fresh bruise on her cheek, but her eyes are full of excitement, and she holds a Medicine Pill like a pearl in both hands.

As soon as I left the house, I saw a woman sitting cross-legged on the futon not far away with a high bun and neon feathers.

The woman noticed the movement, opened her eyes slowly, and was about to speak, but after seeing Jin Sumian’s appearance, her light purple pupils suddenly revealed a touch of disgust: “Why do you do it like this every time? Go and clean it up! ”

“Cousin, why are you here?” Jin Sumian gave her a surprised look, but quickly turned into excitement, “You just came here, let’s see what this is!”

He was busy handing the Medicine Pill to the other side.

“Who doesn’t know the kind of jade pill.” Her cousin Jin Sutai said casually, “It’s not that I said you, you are all the time…Huh?”

Before he finished speaking, Jin Sutai’s eyes dazzled, and he grabbed the jade pill, and looked at it carefully, “The color is like jade, it is flawless, the pill is rich in fragrance, and it is refreshing…this is the top variety of jade pill. ?!”

“That’s right.” Jin Sumian sighed proudly, “It’s the upper variety Yudan!”

Jin Sutai was surprised and delighted. The original gloomy mood was diminished a lot, and he said, “Good, good! You are indeed my Phoenix. It has only been a few days since the last time I made the high-grade Pei Yuan Dan, and you can actually make it again. Variety of Yudan…In time, my Jin family will surely be able to grow even stronger.”

“It wasn’t so fast before.” Jin Sumian said quickly, “Speaking of it a few days ago, when I was selling Medicine Pill at Baibaolou, I missed a top-grade bone quenching pill. Its refining method is exquisite and ingenious! That shot! My disciple didn’t know the goods, so I only spent dozens of dollars on the low-grade Spirit Stones and bought them.”

“I originally wanted to inquire about the refining person, and I wanted to go to the house for advice, but after returning, I only studied for one night, and I was touched.”

“Pill refining these days, it took less than a thousand furnaces of materials to become a pill of this high-grade jade pill.”

“And that disciple shot twelve top-grade bone quenching pills at the time.”

“It can be seen that compared to that master, I still have many shortcomings.”

“You are still young, so you don’t have to belittle yourself.” Jin Sutai was satisfied, and persuaded with a smile, “Moreover, the usefulness of planting a jade pill is not comparable to that of a bone quenching pill.”

“You must know the cultivation of my Saint Sect Bone Forging Secret Art, which is divided into three levels: iron bone, essence bone, and jade bone, and each level is divided into four levels: upper, middle, and lower, and top grade. There is nothing to say about the two levels of middle and lower. , But when the top-grade or top-grade iron skeleton is turned into essence bone, and when the top-grade or top-grade essence bone is turned into jade bone, additional assistance is needed.”

“Otherwise, it would be difficult to complete this transformation by relying solely on its own Spirit Power.”

“The body will instinctively resist promotion in order to protect itself.”

“Since ancient times, there has been no bone-hardening pill, and those with great perseverance can rely on their own will and talent to cultivate bone-forging determination. But if there is no jade pill, high-grade essence bones or top-grade essence bones, they will be trapped throughout their lives. At the sixth level of Qi Lian, there is no jade change.”

“So it’s also a top-grade Medicine Pill, it’s not a little bit more important than a bone-hardening pill.”

Jin Sumian smiled and said, “Cousin, I know. And I feel that the enlightenment that the top-grade bone quenching pill has given me is far more than this top-grade jade pill. Wait for me to pick up the one you said. The cold marrow fire mission, after receiving the fire into the body, my pill refining technique can definitely go further.”

She was still immersed in the joy of refining the superior variety of Yudan. She didn’t notice Jin Sutai’s ugly face instantly after hearing this. She smiled and asked, “By the way, my cousin, I can go to the bottom of Gu Yuan at any time now, you When are you free?”

“…” Jin Sutai was speechless for a moment before he sighed, “I came here this time specifically to tell you this: the cold fire is gone.”

Jin Sumian stayed for a while: “No? Why not?”

“Because Jiansang’s line forcibly took away the mission.” Jin Sutai said, “I wouldn’t let it go, but recently rumored in the clan that Li Zhen Chuan is about to leave the customs, Cultivation Base made a big move…Even Zhou Zhen Chuan was tossed and turned. We are in the same line as Shi Jing, and it is not good to turn our faces with Zheng Jingshan on this eye joint.”

“You can only calculate this account later.”

Seeing his cousin’s disappointed and lonely expression, Jin Sutai was a little distressed and quickly comforted, “However, my Shijing pulse is one of the middle five meridians at any rate, and Zheng Jingshan can’t have the five meridians. Even if I rely on Li Zhenchuan’s reputation, I snatch it away. It is impossible for your chance to come without a price.”

As she said, she turned her hand and took out a small clay pot, “This is Zheng Jingshan’s compensation for you, a portion of the Jiu Ming cold spring water. The Jiu Ming cold spring water, like the Jiu Ming Huo, comes from the ground, but it is higher than the Jiu Ming Huo. A grade, in terms of rarity, is actually on par with the cold fire. This water can cleanse the flesh and clarify the soul. From the standpoint of Body Tempering alone, it is better than the cold fire.”

Jin Sumian said in a low mood: “Cousin, you know, I want to chill, the main thing is not for Body Tempering, but for pill refining.”

“Oh, I’ll find you a pill fire in the future.” Jin Sutai also feels sorry, but the matter is over, he can only persuade his cousin, “Once Li Zhen Chuan has a baby, it will be my sect Holy Maiden, the future Sect Leader. You can also fight for the position! It’s really not worth the risk of offending her for a mere eight-pin pill.”

“The cousin said that.” Jin Sumian didn’t know the severity, but she had always thought that it must be her own thing suddenly lost, and she couldn’t even seek justice, so she couldn’t help but feel a little emotional.

At this moment, I pondered for a while, adjusted it, and said, “Well, it happened that I got down with the pill refining, and I even made progress with the Cultivation Base. Later, I will use the body tempering of the nine cold springs, and I should be able to practice breakthrough in one fell swoop. Eight layers of air.”

Jin Sutai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then said: “The Body Tempering process of the Nine Underworld Cold Spring Water is slightly better than that of entering the body by fire, but it is also very dangerous. You must be careful, no matter how painful the Body Tempering process is, it must be Keep your mind and mind and stay awake, otherwise the consequences of Killing intent backlash will be disastrous. Understand?”

Seeing her cousin nodded, she was still a little worried, “Forget it, I’d better stay to protect the law for you.”

“No need for my cousin.” Jin Sumian shook her head immediately, “Where is the Jiu Ming cold spring water used for such a big fight? If I didn’t even have this capability, why should I talk about longevity? , To pursue a higher Alchemy?”

“Without the cold marrow fire, I’m already one step behind. At this time, if I don’t even dare to face the Nine Underworld Cold Springs alone, what qualifications do I have in the future to compete with those real arrogances?”

Jin Sutai frowned slightly, she originally wanted to persuade a few more words, but after another thought, this cousin has a proud personality and may not be able to listen.

Moreover, looking at Jin Sumian’s appearance, if she forcefully stayed, it might hinder Jin Sumian’s mood instead.

So she had to leave the Nine Underworld Cold Spring Water, got up and left.

After the cousin left, Jin Sumian’s face was gloomy for an instant, and he coldly snorted, “Zheng Jingshan…I remember he had received fire into his body, so he robbed me of my cold fire for other people? Huh, it’s best. Don’t let me know who it is…”

With Jin Sutai’s cousin taking care of him, coupled with his outstanding pill refining talent, Jin Sumian has been going smoothly since entering the Chongming Sect, and has never suffered such a loss!

She was angry for a long time, and finally calmed down, took out a jade bathtub from the storage bag, and poured Jiu Ming cold spring water. This cold spring water seemed to be only a small jar, but in fact, there was no world in the jar, and the huge bathtub was filled 80%.

Jin Sumian first hand-seals to remove the dust and dirt from her body these days, and is about to undress and start Body Tempering. At this time, on the table of Immortal Cave, a talisman suddenly floated in the air, without fire spontaneously.

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