Ye Fan: "Let me go back quickly! I fucking regret it!"

Ye Fan: "I will only agree to push the bronze coffin of the Third Generation to you if I lose my mind!!!"

Su Lin: "Why are you panicking? It was me who pushed away the copper coffin, not you. I just carried you on my back to prevent the cause and effect. Wocao, the speed of absorbing the essence of life is incredible. It feels like being buried in salt." In the pile, moisture is constantly being absorbed.”

Horaishan Kaguya: "Do you want vitality? There are quite a lot of concubines in this thing."

Su Lin: "No, my Holy Light! It's too sour and refreshing, hiss--!"

Star: "People can't or at least shouldn't."

Ye Fan: "It's because you were carrying me behind your back that I panicked! Damn it, you're going to be sucked dry! It won't be my turn later!"

Xiao Yan: "How come the movie we promised to make has turned into a suicide party? I've been deceived!"

Song Shuhang: "The resurrection magic weapon I just got, isn't it going to be reimbursed now? QAQ"

Xiao Yan: "Brother Li, why are you just watching?! Don't stand so far away. It's safe here. Come over and try!"

Han Li: "Li is too shallow. It would be better for a few people to handle this kind of thing."

Su Lin: "Don't be afraid! It's over now!"

Klein: "When did you become so brave?"

If he remembered correctly, Su Lin should be a natural fortune teller to some extent, although he occasionally has the reckless duality seen while surfing the Internet...

Su Lin: "That's actually my historical projection."

Zhang Chulan: "."

Xiao Yan: "..."

Zhongli: “…”

Han Li: "..."

Lu Mingfei: "Cow"

Ye Fan: "I will have a spar with you later! Your clone is about to turn into a mummy!"

Xiao Yan: "Where are your teammates?! Save us. It won't be our turn next, right?!"

Song Shuhang: "Su Lin, where is your moral integrity?!!!"

Su Lin: "You don't even want to call me senior."

Su Lin: "Don't worry. I gave each of you a piece of Immortal Source before. The shield Zhongli gave you didn't trigger and can't hurt you. If you hold on for another 10 seconds, my clone will send you life force."

He is currently staying in the pores of history, with the temporary cultivation of the third-generation Yuan Tianshi on his body, and protecting a few people through Yuan Technique.

At the same time, he was also guarding against possible disturbances. If any emperor from other life restricted areas noticed this through some means, he could exchange it for the temporary emperor cultivation base at a high price as soon as possible. The Wu Shi one was a bit expensive, but If you endure it, you can still buy it.

When the time comes, just in case - drop! Emperor card.

But if you swipe this card, you will have to change your appearance today and go to other restricted areas to grab some losses.

The dense light mist inside the ancient bronze coffin filled the air, and an even louder divine sound filled the sky.

"Ahem!" Qu Yanping finally couldn't hold on anymore and coughed up blood and fell down. He seemed to have seen an extremely horrifying scene and was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

At this moment, Su Lin said to Ye Fan in the chat group: "It's your turn to show off, you've been strengthened! Come on!"

He transferred the power to Ye Fan through the mark left in Ye Fan's body. Suddenly, Ye Fan on Su Lin's back exuded a strong aura, and the surrounding space gradually distorted in the haze.

"Where did you get the Secret of Soldiers!? What the hell are you doing!" Ye Fan finally couldn't help it. After he sensed that the other party's god descended into his body, he was able to use the Secret of Soldiers in the Nine-Character Secret! ?

He asked why Su Lin dared to say that he could lift a corner of the bronze coffin of the Third Generation. It turned out that this was his confidence!

"The third generation Yuantian Master's surname is Cai. This is his ability. Buy one, get one free." Su Lin urged: "There is a time limit, hurry up! The camera is going to be scrapped!"

"Can't you buy a permanent ability with full payment?!" Ye Fan muttered, and then closed the group chat.

In reality, Ye Fan slowly opened his eyes from the "Gu Yue Fang Yuan" played by Su Lin.

The white emperor's robe is hunting in the wind, his temperament is pure, his black hair is flying, and his body is crystal clear. He is like a god, peaceful and calm, refining his body with a steady stream of essence.

But at the same time, a ferocious aura hit his face, which was unbelievable. Thin red hair grew on his face, and then quickly turned into ashes.

He sacrificed the Cauldron of Mother Qi of All Things from his chakra, which floated above his head. Thousands of black and yellow qi, strands and strands, hung down, like three thousand avenues taking form and coming to the world.

Then, a green lotus appeared beside Ye Fan. It only had three leaves, which contained the true meaning of the Tao. The Tao gave birth to one, which gave birth to two, the two gave birth to three, and the three gave birth to all things.

The three leaves swayed gently, and the chaotic mist covered Ye Fan. At the same time, the mysterious method of "Tao Jing" in the wheel and sea automatically operated, like a river returning to the sea, and like the resurrection of all things.

At this time, Mark's eyes suddenly opened and his eyes were focused, as if he was completely awake.

With the divine light of peace surrounding his body, Ye Fan raised his right hand and pressed down on the dense chaos emerging from the ancient bronze coffin. He was like an innate god who created the world, sitting against the ancient bronze coffin with the world born in his body. .

Of course, all this is just a superficial phenomenon. How can he, Ye Fan, have the power to suppress the ancient bronze coffin with his own vision at this stage? Anyway, the current image quality of the camera is only 1080, and it is impossible to distinguish the reality of the vision, special effects and other direct Just fill it up.

The most important thing is of course the "Bing Zi Secret".

During the confrontation between Ye Fan and the bronze coffin of the Third World, everyone was doing their best to fight against this terrifying vision. But the strange thing is that even the wonders of heaven have turned into ordinary items, and those magical artifacts have no effect at all. Unable to play.

The power of the Nine Secrets of Soldiers made Ye Fan's mind like a vast ocean. He resonated with the mother Qi cauldron of all things, as if he were one with heaven and earth, carrying the imprint of the great road.

Until this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. People who like to cheat do not have the mentality of being strong! Why does a truly strong person need to rely on external forces? .

But it’s so fun to drive!

No wonder that guy Xiao Yan has been thinking about cheats all day long.

He used the Bing Zi Jue, and the surge of cultivation power in his body allowed him to push back the coffin lid. Although he had used all his strength, it was still a bit heavy, but since he only used one hand, it was absolutely impossible for him to use it again now. Two hands.

"Give it to me!!!" Ye Fan screamed in his heart.

Gradually, the ancient bronze coffin gradually closed. After a loud bang, the ancient coffin closed tightly, and all the strange phenomena disappeared. The universe that was just born in the chaos seemed to have never appeared.

After doing all this, Ye Fan closed his eyes and fell down again. Gao Sheng, played by Song Shuhang, quickly stepped forward to catch Ye Fan and held him and Su Lin in his arms.

"Brother!" Gu Yue Fangzheng, played by Xiao Yan, stumbled and staggered over from a distance. This scene was very real, mainly because he really had no strength and couldn't use any strength.

But in Qu Yanping's eyes, the current situation is that Gu Yue Fang Yuan is on the verge of death. The life essence in his body can only maintain the most basic breathing. The dry skin is like a dead tree branch sticking to the bones, and Gu Yue Fang Yuan is in grief. Desperately there, he tried to wake up Fang Yuan who fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, Gu Yue Fang Yuan, who was like a dying old man, struggled to say a word from his mouth: "Go quickly... There is still a big terror in this place..."

"Leave" Li Feiyu covered his chest and stood up staggeringly from behind Qu Yanping, "Except for Fang Yuan, the loss of our life force has nothing to do with this ancient bronze coffin. There is something wrong with this land!"

"Brother, hold on!" Gu Yue Fangzheng held Su Lin in her arms and shed tears. With Gao Sheng's help, he tremblingly put one of Fang Yuan's arms on his shoulders and stumbled towards the road. Go to the door you came in from.

Li Feiyu and Qu Yanping walked out first, and not long after, the remaining people also walked out.

"Where is your uncle?" Li Feiyu reminded Gao Sheng.

Gao Sheng was stunned for a moment, then his heart went cold, his eyes widened and he hurried back to the portal.

Sure enough, there was a Kuangdao Sanlang who fell to the ground, also exhausted but still wanting to touch the bronze coffin of the Third World.

He quickly picked up the other person and ran towards the portal.

"Senior Sanlang, stop it. You will really die if you try to die here! Even Mr. Guangming can't protect you!"

You think everyone is a senior Ye Fan and a ruthless emperor, and you treat the ancient forbidden land as your back garden.

In the end, everyone who escaped from death worked together to block the ancient bronze coffin on the inside of the portal again.

Who would have thought that underneath an ancient bronze coffin there was a portal leading to a forbidden place in the unknown starry sky, and that there was an identical ancient bronze coffin on the other side.

Although they have returned to the ruins of Heaven, their cultivation has not yet fully recovered. It would be better to say that the influence of that forbidden land still remains in their bodies.

Qu Yanping clenched his fist. Not only his cultivation, but also his physical body had returned to the original mortal stage. At this rate, it would probably take several days to recover.

He looked at Fang Zheng in horror, who was taking out the elixir to treat Fang Yuan. Among them, Gu Yue Fang Yuan, who had the highest cultivation level, would have turned into this if it weren't for the man named Ye Fan on Gao Sheng's back. The young man wakes up, and they may be in danger now!

‘This first ancient bronze coffin is the door that suppresses and seals the other world, and what exactly is sealed in the ancient bronze coffin in that forbidden area.’

‘No, there are two kinds of terror. The first ancient bronze coffin suppresses the things hidden in the forbidden land, and the ancient coffin in the forbidden land’

‘There is something even more terrifying! ’

Qu Yanping felt cold in his heart. He even wondered whether the second ancient bronze coffin contained those supreme powers who had fallen into demons.

He looked at the young man on Gao Sheng's back again, and remembered the man's previous power to close the copper coffin with his supreme power. Could it be possible that this was also a supreme power! ?

No. The senior said that the only supreme power left alive now is the former Yang Jian.

"It's hopeless. His soul has dried up, his foundation has collapsed, and his cultivation has been completely taken away." Li Feiyu's voice came, interrupting Qu Yanping's thinking:

"And there is a strange force entrenched in all of our bodies, resisting recovery. In a short period of time, we will not even be able to use resurrection methods."

Qu Yanping's pupils shrank when he heard this, he took a deep breath and walked towards Gu Yue Fang Yuan's position.

"Fang Zheng. Ahem!" The flesh on Gu Yue Fang Yuan's face moved. Those ink-like eyes stared at Gu Yue Fang Zheng firmly, as if he wanted to smile, but couldn't: "Live well... .Go down.”

"Is there no way at all?" Qu Yanping couldn't help but feel a cold feeling when he saw the strongest among them become like this. Even the resurrection method couldn't work?

"If there are magic medicines or other wonders of heaven, then you can try them." Li Feiyu shook his head helplessly and pronounced the fate of Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

"Magic medicine, a wonder of heaven." Gu Yue Fangzheng murmured to himself. He glanced at Qu Yanping and said in a daze: "I gave Daoist Qu a Chaos Yunzhi before."

"It has been taken by me." Qu Yanping replied in order to prevent the other party from taking the idea of ​​​​his own flesh and blood: "Moreover, when I escaped from the weird time, I probably died once, otherwise the cultivation talent would not be as good as It’s just like cleansing the marrow.”

Gao Sheng also looked at Gu Yue Fang Yuan sadly and said: "I don't have it here, and Master Sanlang can't do anything."

Gu Yue Fangzheng was heartbroken and said: "I only have the foundation of Chaos Yunzhi left here. Brother."

"Do you have the foundation of Chaos Yunzhi?" Hearing this, Li Feiyu frowned slightly, then relaxed, and said to Gu Yue Fangzheng, "Give me a try."

"Fellow Daoist Li's Heavenly Dao Miracle Palm Vase can shorten the growth cycle of spiritual plants and elixirs." Gao Sheng quickly added at the side.

Qu Yan was stunned. He didn't expect that Gu Yue Fangzheng still left behind the roots of Chaos Yunzhi, but it was good that reviving an important combat force would be of great help to the next exploration.


He glanced at Li Feiyu imperceptibly, with greed hidden in his eyes.

‘This kind of treasure actually fell into the hands of an ordinary monk who transformed into gods. Even if his cultivation in this world is taken into account, he was just a heavenly monk. ’

‘Even if I become Yang Jian in the future, this heavenly wonder will probably be of great help to me. ’

"Fortunately, Taoist friends are here." Qu Yanping raised a smile on his lips and said kindly: "I wonder how long it will take?"

"Please, Fellow Daoist Li!" Gu Yue Fangzheng hurriedly handed over a white-gray fungus root.

"Generally speaking, it takes a day." Without raising his head, Li Feiyu took out a handful of spiritual soil from his storage bag and placed it on the ground, then put white-gray fungi into the soil:

"But now Fellow Taoist Fang Yuan probably won't be able to last this long."

"That's all, I also owe him a favor. If he hadn't stood in the front and used his own cultivation to compete, I would have died long ago and my cultivation would have become empty."

He took out a small green bottle and drank all the spiritual liquid in it.

"It can be ripened now."

With the dripping of the extremely rich spiritual liquid, the surrounding laws seemed to be in a certain degree of chaos.

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the Chaos Yunzhi with only its roots continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally transformed from an entity into an incorporeal cloud-like plant between nothingness and reality.

Without saying anything else, Li Feiyu picked this heavenly wonder, turned it into a medicinal solution and fed it into the mouth of Gu Yue Fang Yuan, who was still standing in the wind. Then he broke the opponent's neck, causing the opponent to enter the resurrection state.

After three breaths, Gu Yue Fang Yuan's dry skin became elastic again, the missing flesh and blood gradually filled in, and the aura on his body gradually became stronger. He opened his eyes and slowly regained consciousness.

After experiencing a resurrection, the opponent returned directly to his peak state.

"Brother! Are you okay? Great, you are finally okay!" Gu Yue Fangzheng breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face: "Thank you very much, Fellow Daoist Li."

Gu Yue Fang Yuan opened her eyes, stood up from the ground, looked at her hands, and said with a smile: "Yes, I'm fine. This kindness will be unforgettable."

Li Feiyu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, no."


"No, I must thank you, Fellow Taoist Han Li, and then..."

The sound of flesh and blood tearing was heard, and along with the splashing blood, Fang Yuan's deep pool-like eyes reflected the smiles on everyone's faces, and he said coldly:

"Die! Time Dao Ancestor!"

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Li Feiyu fell to the ground with a dull sound.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan threw down a broken right palm, and in his blood-covered hand he played with the Palm Sky Bottle that belonged to Li Feiyu just a moment ago.

He turned around and smiled at Gu Yue Fangzheng: "My stupid brother, no matter who you are, you are always so naive."

Then, with a trace of fear in his eyes, he glanced at Ye Fan and Kuangdao Sanlang over there, broke through the space and fled in the direction from which he came.

In the colorful space, there were only people who had lost their normalcy and had dull faces, and Li Feiyu who fell to the ground, his breath of life completely gone.

Su Lin: "Brother Li, are you okay?"

Han Li: "."

Ye Fan: "Master Liantian Demon Lord is so majestic!"

Xiao Yan: "The ground is stained with blood and you still ask if you are okay! You have no heart!!!"

Song Shuhang: "This demon cultivator seems to be stupid. What should I do? Who should speak first at this time? There is no line in the script about who should speak first."

Han Li: "I'll do it."

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