I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 290 Ancient Bronze Coffin, Immortal Emperor Taiqing

"Hurry up and give me a glass of water." Irena took the drink handed over by Klein with dull eyes and drank it down. "Haha——! My mouth has been made dry for me to recite so many lines. The settings are... Can’t it be less?”

"This is very crucial. It is related to the filming and setting of the finale." Su Lin smiled and took out a small jade bottle in his hand: "Please let him drink this thing. When filming the next scene, he will The cultivation base will be blocked, otherwise it will be difficult to explain the loss of BUFF after going to Ye Fan's world."

"Facing the power at your fingertips, it is normal for a monk to not hesitate to possess demons." Han Li was not surprised by this and just shook his head.

"Sure enough, this guy still chose power." Ye Fan looked at the video on the screen and joked: "Mr. Donghuang, what are you thinking about?"

"I don't deserve the name of Dong Huang, I'm just acting." Zhong Li looked at Su Lin with interest: "I'm thinking, if he really chooses to give up his power and leave like this, what will Su Lin do?"

"If he really chooses to give up, then I might give him a chance to return to Huan Yu Realm to fend for himself." Su Lin drew a memory sphere in his hand, which synchronized the memories and inner thoughts of Mo Xiu throughout his life:

"The human nature of most people is often selfish, and occasionally there are a few outliers. Sorry, Emiya, I didn't mention you."

"Occasionally there are some aliens, and those are rare cases. He may not believe it all, but if that moment comes, he will definitely not choose to sacrifice for a bunch of strange alien creatures for the chance to gain heavenly power."

"To be honest, if I were to face his situation, I would most likely be the same."

Su Lin smiled at everyone present, not hiding his thoughts and humanity just because of the presence of everyone.

Although everyone in the chat group gets along relatively happily, it does not rely on like-mindedness, but on a kind of tolerance that seeks common ground while reserving differences or harmony without differences.

"Really? I feel like you are quite a good person." Lu Mingfei scratched his head and remembered Su Lin's ascension to the gods: "I remember that you also sent blessings to all mankind."

When Shirou Emiya heard this, he looked at Su Lin with some admiration. He also knew what the other party had done in Lu Mingfei's world, and that he was very powerful in eliminating the diseases of all mankind.

"You may have misunderstood. To put it bluntly, it is just a kind of self-satisfaction on my part. I think I can do it easily and at the same time, I can change the world into an environment I like." Su Lin said. He opened the memory sphere and opened some permissions for the players who were group performers, saying:

"The fundamental reason that drives me to act is not because of my great aspirations or how noble my personality is. It's just that I have the ability to do this kind of thing, and doing this kind of thing is good for me, such as making me happy? Just like deceiving this now It’s just like the big lie prepared by the demon cultivator, as for the demon cultivator’s own feelings, it doesn’t matter at all.”

Of course, the most important thing is system points.

For example, Zhongli once asked him, if one day, all mankind in his world had a conflict of interest with him, would he do something for all mankind...

Lin said: Give them a beating.

"In addition to the forced sage mode, practicing Tianwang has one advantage, that is, the way you look at things will be more objective, and you will be more honest about your inner thoughts, but that's all." Su Lin has actually thought about this. This technique is probably going to be a big hit in rebooting bars: "Okay, I had a hard time shooting today, so try your best tomorrow."

After everyone dispersed, Su Lin came to the outside of his room in his hometown, opened the window on the 15th floor and climbed in.

"F*ck!" Sutoni was startled: "How about you just teleport in without any breath and go through the window."

"There has to be a sense of ceremony." Su Lin said without changing his expression.

"It makes sense." Sutoni nodded and threw a memory sphere to Su Lin: "The personal privacy part has been deleted, and the rest of the information is inside."

"Okay." Su Lin directly read the memory inside, which was the information about all Zhou Emperors and key personnel except Huan Yu Realm: "Where are the items that spread the memetic infection?"

"I really hope that the system will have a transfer function, and points will be given for online game transactions. You are having sex with me for nothing." Sutoni took out a red capsule and handed it to Su Lin, and said: "Take it, it's produced by the meme customization machine Reversed meme, production materials are quite precious, I don’t have any inventory here.”

One of the few high-end items in Tony's system backpack is the meme customization machine.

"That's enough." Su Lin waved his hand and said, "I'll leave the other spies to you."

Sutoni waved his hand and then disappeared without a trace.

[Inverse meme (tiny dose): Produced by a meme customization machine, the raw material is a drop of the blood of a corrupted titan, 0.1g of fragments of the law of destiny and a vending machine.

Effect: After use, it will cause reverse memetic infection in up to 300 people. The effect depends on the life level of the opponent and lasts for half a year. (Hopefully no one will customize the memetic infection of eating pasta through the nostrils - Foundation Containment No. 1@#3)]

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. You have so many good things." Su Lin glanced at the little red pill in his hand and muttered to himself: "It doesn't take much time. Half a year is enough."

"Senior Su Lin, isn't this a TV series?" Song Shuhang held the burned disc in his hand. It is said that after the end, everyone will have a limited edition Blu-ray set.

"Movie." Su Lin said calmly.

"Already twelve episodes." Song Shuhang clicked the number.

"It's a movie." Su Lin said again: "If it can be played in a cinema, it is a movie."

Song Shuhang: "."

As long as you are happy, I hope the audience and the cinema will be okay.

In the past few days, Su Lin and others have filmed some of the experiences of other main characters after falling into the old world. After all, they also want to watch the final movie themselves.

[Gao Sheng discovered the ruined Kongyun Sect. He found a skeleton inside. On the skeleton was his favorite robe, and the skeleton was tightly hugged with a female skeleton. 】

[Li Feiyu showed a completely different kind of terrifying strength, crushing many monks and monsters that emerged from the remnants of time. His skin became fairer, and he looked like a popular idol fairy hero. In the end, , he came to a ruins full of Gu insect remains. 】

[Gu Yue Fang Yuan and Gu Yue Fang Zheng are brothers and sisters. They supported each other and overcame difficulties together. They defeated a strange evil demon and harvested a piece of jade. During this period, many monks also came here and explored a door. Bronze Gate, it is discovered that this is the ruins of heaven in a certain world. 】

[And Ling Ye, played by Lord Bai, is talking to the bone-winged man who has transformed into a black dragon in a seal. 】

After the filming of these scenes, Ye Fan opened the portal of his own world. Relying on the BUFF of Su Lin's clone of the God of Light, he came to a large pit in the ancient realm and opened the portal. Then he returned to Su Lin's world. There was a terrifying aura filling his body, and he lay down in a bronze coffin.

After Ye Fan lay down, Pang Bo closed the coffin lid and blocked the bronze coffin above the open teleportation door.

"Ye Zi, go on your way." Pang Bo clasped his hands together.

"You'll be finished when I get out!" Ye Fan's voice came coldly from the ancient bronze coffin.

[North of the old world, at the giant human-shaped face of the bronze earth, Qu Yanping spent several years practicing to consolidate himself. Afterwards, he followed the causal link to find Gu Yue Fang Yuan and others. Everyone marveled at Qu Yanping's cultivation. , then Gu Yue Fang Yuan proposed to explore the heavenly ruins he found, but Gao Sheng's appearance was a bit strange. 】

"Brother Qu, my vision is indeed correct. Your luck is far beyond that of ordinary people." Gu Yue Fang Yuan cut off a strange beast that ran out of the remnants of time and commented: "The dotted lines of cause and effect are entangled, and the negative numbers are The number is eight, and the yang number is nine. Have you obtained the legendary Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique, the Yuxu inheritance?"

"Brother Fang Yuan is well-informed." Qu Yanping returned from the state of Fa Tian Xiang Di. He revealed some information to these people who were familiar with him and could be useful. There were nine truths and one lie, about the ancient history of this world. In the current crisis, he was the only one to hide it instead of Yang Jian.

"Fellow Daoist Qu, let me confirm again. Are you sure that the senior you met is credible? The so-called other world is a residual phantom, and we are similar things born in the new world. I think this statement is true. "Li Feiyu was interrupted by Gu Yue Fangzheng before he could finish his words.

"If it's not a phantom, is there really another one of us here? Even if there is, it's probably a parallel world, and all we have to do is go back." Gu Yue Fangzheng interrupted.

When he spoke, his tone gave people an unquestionable feeling.

Li Feiyu frowned, nodded, and said, "Okay."

Qu Yanping didn't say much when he saw this. All he had to do now was to improve his cultivation and get closer to the corresponding destiny by killing these undead evil creatures. He could feel that he was wandering in this world little by little. Yang Jian is approaching, and the power in his body is constantly accumulating.

"Forget about the rest of the magic weapons, but the more wonders of heaven, the better. Instead of waiting aimlessly, we should actively explore and maybe find a way back." Gu Yue Fang Yuan smiled and said, "It's a pity. Dream Butterfly Gu cannot be used in this old world, otherwise I can send you all out first."

"It concerns all living beings. How can I stand by and watch? You must know that there are no unbroken eggs under the overturned nest." Qu Yanping turned around. At the same time, he looked at Gao Sheng aside and asked, "Brother Gao, what's on your mind?"

Gao Sheng ignored him and just walked forward along the corridor.

With a whoosh, a bit of cold light broke through the air from the front. Qu Yanping frowned, but he still took action to knock down the short sword of law intertwined with Tao and reason. Deep in the bronze corridor, the tide of time rippled. , a knight in armor walked out of it, his cultivation level was not strong, he was probably at the level of an Earth Immortal.

Although the River of Time does not appear, from time to time some shadows of the past will come out, and they are extremely aggressive.

"Gaosheng!" Li Feiyu shouted.

Gao Sheng woke up instantly and took out the horizontal knife: "I'm sorry."

"Are you worried about Ling Ye?" Gu Yue Fang Yuan came over and comforted him: "Although we didn't find him, I think he should be fine. After all, he is a person with great luck."

Gao Sheng glanced at Gu Yue Fang Yuan and smiled bitterly: "Let me ask you a question. Have you ever considered the possibility that we are all already dead?"

"Brother Gao, what nonsense are you talking about?" Qu Yanping was about to speak when the dome above shattered, and along with the falling bronze stones, the river of time surged from above.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan [Su Lin], who was about to recite his lines, was stunned. He remembered that there was no such scene.

Many monks (group performers) exploring this place were swallowed up one by one by the automatic enemies created by the God of Time and Space, and in the middle of the crowd, there was a frightened one.

Damn monkey? !

"If a tiger doesn't show off its power, you think I'm just a sick cat, and I want to ask for help on my homework, right?!" Kuang Dao Sanlang looked at the army of mainly Confucian monks, and took out a talisman in his hand:


Damn? !

"I said at the beginning that he should be banned!" Su Clan's Ah Qi looked as if that was indeed the case.

Pharmacist: "."

True Lord Luochen: "Actually, this matter must also be blamed on True Lord Henghuo. He pushed Sanlang too hard."

True Lord Huangshan: "."

Huangshan Zhenjun suddenly felt a little stomachache, and this guy accidentally penetrated from the copy next door to the shooting scene.

"Don't worry about this problem, it's all natural shots anyway." Zhenjun Jiaoba said: "We all know the appearance of the protagonist. San Lang should not be a gangster. Rather, it is quite consistent with the background setting of the reincarnation of a great power. "

"Except the protagonist may be pregnant again." Jiang Ziyan complained: "Fortunately, I am on duty today."

Dharma King Creation came from the side and asked, "What did you do to my junior brother?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong with Tunyun?" The pharmacist turned around and asked.

"He just took all his belongings and asked me to borrow the Heavenly Sound album. Then he ran all the way and fell into the water and jumped into the Penglai ruins. He said he wanted to find someone to fight for." Dharma King Creation was confused.


I hope Sanlang is okay.

Gao Sheng pushed aside a pile of broken bronze pieces and walked towards the space in front of him that was constantly changing in color, carrying the Three Waves of Crazy Sword on his back.

"I didn't expect this guy to be the reincarnation of the Confucian saint from the past." Gu Yue Fangzheng poked the face of Kuangdao Sanlang on Gao Sheng's shoulder twice and said, "Why can't you wake up?"

"Who knows, thanks to him, we are completely trapped." Gao Sheng glanced at Kuangdao Sanlang, who was sleeping soundly on his shoulder, and then said to Qu Yanping behind him: "Brother Qu, you are so far away Why are you so far away?"

"It's nothing." Qu Yan's face was expressionless, but his three eyes would glance warily at the sleeping man from time to time. He felt a faint phantom pain in his abdomen.

At first, he was very curious about how the Three Waves of Kuangdao escaped from the hands of those immortal gods after being betrayed by those taught by The Fool, but now he knows

But is this too much of a coincidence? It could even be said that it was too much of a coincidence. After the Eastern monks he knew came to this world, several of them became well-known big shots.

"Everyone, there is a weak space just ahead." Qu Yanping shot out a divine light from his forehead. Under the illumination of the Eye of God, the color of the path gradually changed from dark blue to light blue, and then turned to pink. and orange, and finally gold: “That’s it!”

A wisp of crimson appeared in Gu Yue Fang Yuan's hand and he rushed toward the golden space. Inside was a beetle-like Gu worm with sharp front jaws. It bit into pieces of the space and entered it to explore for a while, and then quickly flew back. .

Gu Yue Fang Yuan nodded, and then took the lead to walk inside, followed by everyone.

Passing through the space, they came to a slightly dark space between heaven and earth.

The surroundings were separated by the light emitted by a light source into different worlds that overlapped but did not interfere with each other.

"That's..." Qu Yanping looked in that direction and found that there was a faint rippling of the river of time around him, but the river of time could not be formed, only the waves of time and some struggling shadows.

"Let's go and have a look." Gu Yue Fang Yuan walked towards the direction of the light source under the exploration of the Gu worm.

The clouds are rising, the auspicious atmosphere is brilliant, the five-color clouds are filled, and the magnificent fairy mountains are looming.

After a while, everyone came to the object emitting light, and Qu Yanping took a breath of cold air, because the source of the thousands of rays of light was a twenty-meter-long bronze coffin.

The huge bronze coffin is simple and unpretentious, with some vague ancient patterns on it, full of the vicissitudes of time.

"How could it be?!" Gu Yue Fangzheng was stunned: "This copper coffin is"

"Do you know this copper coffin?" Li Feiyu asked.

Gu Yue Fangzheng heard this and replied: "I have heard that the Emperor of Heaven buried himself and his imperial weapons in an ancient bronze coffin before transforming into the Dao. This is also the ruins of the Heavenly Palace."

After Gu Yue Fangzheng's narration, several people looked embarrassed.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan glanced at the heavenly eye on Qu Yanping's head and asked, "Brother Qu, what do you think?"

Qu Yanping thought this was a bit strange, but he carefully looked at it with the eyes of the gods and found that there was nothing strange about it. In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly.

"Are you okay? Then I'll open it."

Who is speaking?

Everyone turned their attention to the source of the sound and saw that beside the copper coffin, Kuangdao Sanlang, who was originally sleeping, had woken up without knowing when, and started to push the coffin lid above.

"Wait! That's not what I meant." Qu Yanping's eyes widened and he quickly tried to stop him.

But it's too late

There was no obstruction to the copper coffin, and it opened with just a slight push, but nothing happened, not even the defensive measures he hurriedly made came into use.

After a moment of silence, everyone gathered around, only to find that there was only a handsome young man inside, but his temperament was very unique, like an immortal.

His eyes were closed and his lips were red, as if he was just sleeping.

"Ye Fan?!" Gu Yue Fangzheng exclaimed towards Gu Yue Fang Yuan, "Brother! It's Ye Fan! Little Nannan's brother, Ye Fan!"

Qu Yanping's step forward suddenly stopped.

Don’t they, don’t they remember that little girl?

Huan Yujie, the fairy world.

Ju Chang found that the lost contact with the spies had been reconnected? There has always been no contact, but since the incident with Yuanshi Tianzun, the spy's cultivation level has improved sharply, and he has gradually begun to block contact.

She squinted her eyes, digesting the information that had just been transmitted, and she clearly felt that the spy's cultivation had become a mortal? !

Having no time to care about those insignificant memories, she quickly sifted through some memories and then focused on the most recent information.

After the copper coffin was pushed open, there was a young man named Ye Fan inside. Then the spies and the otherworldly monks found a door under the copper coffin.

'memory? ’

After they carried the young man on their backs and entered the door, the spies and those people lost all their cultivation and became ordinary people.

Ju Chang sensed that the dimension she was in turned into another place in the endless void, not in the original world, and the time was synchronized.

"It's the same situation as Yuanshi Tianzun at that time. Is it possible that it is really a fusion of many worlds?"

"This also proves why that world has a very strong pulling force and can forcefully pull other worlds there."

She glanced at the immortals with different expressions below. Some were worried, while others were calm: "But the so-called reversed pollution sounds too ridiculous. If he really has some kind of eye of the gods, then the contact should have been broken by now."

Just when Ju Chang was thinking about it and presuming many different situations, including but not limited to scams and hostile forces, the life essence of the spies was rapidly passing away. At this time, they unexpectedly found another ancient bronze coffin.

Her eyes narrowed and she watched carefully as these people explored the newly discovered ancient bronze coffin.

Different from the previous one, this ancient bronze coffin was very heavy, but these people were forced to use all their strength to open a corner of the bronze coffin.

It was as if the Immortal King's treasure room had been opened, and the sound of a great avenue resounded throughout the heaven and earth, and a ball of precious light surrounded the copper coffin and filled the air.

"What's this?"

The copper coffin is like an ancient universe, where it is constantly being born and destroyed, and the light and mist are hazy, making it difficult to see through.

While Ju Chang was shocked, her consciousness followed the connection and looked inside the copper coffin through the spies.

"Impossible!" Her breath was unstable, and the space in the fairy world froze with her movements.

Ju Chang's face had never looked so ugly. Even if she had deduced that the taboo powerful existence encountered a backlash, she had never been so panicked.

In the center of an ancient universe, a figure lies quietly in the starry sky, immortal.

"Immortal Emperor!"

The figure inside is clearly Immortal Emperor Taiqing!

We are already accelerating the progress. Yesterday's chapter laid out the false settings, and the rest will be much faster.

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