The gray sky began to rain raindrops, monks continued to die in the ruins of the old world, and the sound of the avenue was like a bell, which could not stop being heard.

The cold strong wind can destroy almost any building in the world, but now there are people standing in it, standing motionless. The strong wind hits the defensive instruments on their bodies, and occasionally there will be light flashes.

No one spoke, but a lonely grave on the ground told the story of a monk's ending.

Qu Yanping has not calmed down until now. He is still stuck in Gu Yue Fang Yuan's ruthless and non-sloppy attack just half an hour ago.

Compared with the good brother who did everything for his younger brother's comfort, he is completely different.

He still couldn't figure out when Gu Yue Fang Yuan started planning, and what was his purpose in doing all this?

From the beginning to the end, there was only Heavenly Refining Demon Lord but no Gu Yue Fang Yuan? Or is it because of his nature that he started planning after arriving in this world? What did he mean by those last words he said to Li Feiyu?

Qu Yanping glanced at Gu Yue Fangzheng. Blood seeped out of his clenched fists, and his nails dug into his flesh. Judging from his white lips and distracted eyes, it seemed that he was still unwilling to accept the reality.

"There is no way to continue like this." Qu Yanping decided to break the silence and asked several people to leave the place together.


There was a thunder, and long bolts of lightning shone on the earth with bright white light. At the same time, a hand stained with blood and soil broke out of the ground, attracting everyone's attention.

"I didn't expect it to be the worst possibility." Li Feiyu's voice sounded, and then he climbed out of the mud, looked at the frightened and wary people in front of him, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I took a magical medicine in advance before coming to explore."

"It seems that his target was indeed me, but I didn't expect that he would suddenly attack under such circumstances. And being influenced by the ancient bronze coffin, I didn't notice that the mark between the heavenly artifact and the holder would be disturbed."

"Besides, I didn't expect that he even considered human nature."

This sudden resurrection really left everyone unable to react. When all the means of resurrection failed, Li Feiyu actually took a miraculous medicine of heaven in advance and relied on this miraculous medicine to escape from death.

Judging from the meaning behind his words, it seemed that he had been prepared for it, and Gu Yue Fang Yuan had also been planning this for a long time?

"Brother Li, you're safe and sound, that's great." Gao Sheng's bitter face looked a little better.

"It's not good that the Heaven Palm Vase was taken away." Li Feiyu shook his head, looked at Gu Yue Fangzheng, and said:

"There is also a demon watching in secret. He spent so much effort just for an auxiliary type of heavenly wonder. I really don't understand this."

"You two brothers have been together for so long, haven't you noticed anything unusual?"

"Fellow Daoist Li" Gu Yuefang's face was ashen. Seeing Li Feiyu's resurrected eyes, his eyes recovered a little bit: "You knew this a long time ago? No, my brother, Gu Yue Fang Yuan."

"I'm not sure." Li Feiyu stood up from the ground, the mana aura on his body was as vast as the sea, and instantly washed away the soil: "But I feel that this is all too coincidental."

"What's going on now, why can't I understand?" Kuangdao Sanlang scratched his head, frowned and glanced at everyone: "What's going on with that guy? Are we being plotted?"

Qu Yanping rolled his eyes in his heart. Reincarnation is really wonderful. Isn't it obvious that a strong man can be turned into such a guy?

Gao Sheng stood up and asked, "Did we meet at Dongting Lake?"

Li Feiyu nodded and said:

"He got to know me by getting to know you. I'm afraid his purpose is to lead me to the Penglai ruins and take away the Palm Heaven Bottle I refined when I meet the two conditions of weakness and death."

"Leave this place of right and wrong first. I'll take you to see something."

At this moment, Li Feiyu's cultivation had been restored, and he seemed to have become the most powerful being among the people. He summoned several rays of precious light and took everyone flying towards the sky.

"Why did Gu Yue Fang Yuan call you Han Li and Time Dao Ancestor before?" Gao Sheng asked on Baoguang.

"Han Li is my real name, but no one in the world of cultivation should know this real name." Han Li glanced at a place outside the sky: "As for the Time Dao Ancestor, I have never heard of it myself."

"We have known each other for almost ten years and you told me your name is Han Li?!" Gao Sheng said with wide eyes.

"When you go out, you must be on guard against others." Han Li said calmly: "Brother Gao, please forgive me."

Qu Yanping was confused. It didn’t matter that Gu Yue Fang Yuan had been hiding. Is ‘Li Feiyu’ also a fake? He suddenly remembered that he heard that the other party's reputation was not very good when he was at Sword Tomb.

Could it be that Han Li is also a real demon? !

"No! Fellow Daoist Lihan, my brother came to you to save me. Could it be that the one just now was Demon Lord Alchemy? He suppressed my brother's consciousness or my brother never entered here at all. From the beginning Is it the Heavenly Refining Demon Lord who is pretending?" Gu Yue Fangzheng said.

"I know this is hard to accept, but this is the fact." Han Li looked at Gu Yue Fangzheng coldly and asked everyone a question:

"Have you ever heard of a kind of Gu insect called Spring Autumn Cicada?"

Everyone looked at each other, only Gu Yue Fangzheng thought of something, and then his face turned pale.

"Brother Qu, after a few months of separation, how have you been lately?" Gu Yue Fang Yuan asked with a smile, the smile on his face was as warm as the first time they met.

Qu Yanping looked at the surrounding scenery. All kinds of abstract colors gathered together and combined with beautiful tones to form a background panel similar to an oil painting.

This is the dream world and the subconscious place of living beings.

He glanced at his current dream body, his face was not very pretty, but he still smiled: "Should I call you Lord Demon Lord, or Fellow Taoist Gu Yue."

Unexpectedly, the other party left some kind of method in his body. When did it happen? Even his divine eyes didn't notice it.

"Are you wondering why your God's Eyes didn't detect the methods I left in your body?" Gu Yue Fang Yuan casually made a move, and the surrounding abstract oil painting colors turned into a black and white landscape. :

"I have been cultivating Huang Liang Vine in the Palm Sky Vase for a long time and used it to feed Dream Butterfly Gu. Finally, Dream Butterfly Gu has reached level eight. If you have drank the blood of Dream Butterfly Gu and eaten Huang Liang Vine, you will naturally be attracted. Enter this dream."

"However, I really didn't expect Han Li to be so cautious. He even deceived me about his true cultivation. Haha, he refreshes my understanding of the word caution every time. I originally wanted to bring him in. Let’s have a nice chat.”

Qu Yanping remained silent, just secretly mobilizing the power of the God's Eye. Gu Yue Fang Yuan in front of him seemed to be chatting with him like a good friend, but it actually made him feel a kind of shuddering fear.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan made a table with black and two teacups with white. It was obviously a dream, but the fragrance of Enlightenment Tea wafted from it.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have no ill intentions towards you, Brother Qu, don't you think we are very similar?" Gu Yue Fang Yuan sat down leisurely, and then took out a black and white Go set in the dream world: "Don't be nervous , I just came to see how my friends are doing lately."

The more affable the other party is, the more fearful Qu Yanping feels in his heart. Even his life can be used as a bargaining chip to increase his credibility, and his brothers can use him in every possible way.

"Every time means..." Qu Yanping asked tentatively: "Every time again?"

Han Li took them to the ruins of the Gu world left in the old world. There was a deep cave there. In the cave, they found the remains of a monk named "Ying Wuxie", as well as many information about the Gu world. There are records of insects named "Spring and Autumn Cicada" found in a jade book——

According to legend, there is a river of time in this world, which supports the flow of this world. And by using the power of the Spring and Autumn Cicada, you can go upstream and return to the time you want to return to.

According to this monk's autobiography, he once captured the body of a man named Gu Yue Fang Yuan and briefly obtained this kind of Gu.

After use, this kind of Gu insect will become dull and rough without any brilliance, like dead wood.

Many years ago, Gu Yue Fang Zheng saw Gu Yue Fang Yuan playing with this kind of Gu insect, which looked exactly like the used Spring Autumn Cicada.

"It seems you already know." Gu Yue Fang Yuan looked as usual and said casually:

"Han Li is a very scheming person. He has never trusted anyone. Every time I tried to establish a good relationship with him, he would investigate me crazily because I invited him into the Penglai ruins. So later I simply Just ignore it, because even if he doesn’t know about Spring Autumn Cicada, he will still have a guard against me."

"In order to make him willing to save me, this time I specially gave him a magic medicine-type Tiandao Qizong seed. Otherwise, I was worried that he would give up saving me because of concerns about life and death."

"The same goes for you, Fellow Daoist Qu. You have to be careful around him. Don't expose yourself, and don't expect him to help you."

It was obvious that Gu Yue Fang Yuan was the one who betrayed, but he reminded Qu Yanping in a few words.

As he spoke, Gu Yue Fang Yuan held the black chess pieces and placed them on the chessboard, while the white chess pieces on the opposite side continued to fall, and they soon reached a deadlock.

"So this is the first time we have met?" Qu Yanping stood aside and asked.

He couldn't imagine how powerful Gu Yue Fang Yuan was now. After trying to wake himself up to no avail, he could only chat along with the other person, trying not to offend him as much as possible.

"That's what I'm going to say." Gu Yue Fang Yuan's eyes flashed. He picked up a sunspot with a smile and landed it in the center of the chessboard:

"Every time I am reborn, I can only go with the flow and witness the fixed ending of this world, because I cannot truly obtain the Sky Palm Vase from Han Li, nor can I break through Yang Jian, the jailer."

"No matter how hard you struggle, the final outcome is more or less the same, converging into the only ending."

While Gu Yue Fang Yuan was speaking, a man with three eyes made of golden light appeared opposite him. The opponent was constantly playing games with Gu Yue Fang Yuan at an extremely fast speed, but in the end, Gu Yue Fang Yuan failed. end.

Every time he failed, Gu Yue Fang Yuan would start a new chess game and start a new game.

"Actually, the first time I came to this Penglai ruins was to save Fang Zheng, before I woke up from this big dream." The black abyss in Gu Yue Fang Yuan's eyes became deeper, and he seemed to mutter to himself language, remembering:

"This dream is ridiculous and beautiful, but it doesn't suit me."

"Even if I don't use the Spring Autumn Cicada, this dream is destined to restart. The Spring Autumn Cicada is just letting me have a lucid dream."

"I want to thank you, Brother Qu. It is precisely because of your appearance that I broke this eternal deadlock."

As Gu Yue Fang Yuan finished speaking, Qu Yanping joined the three-eyed man without any resistance and sat opposite Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

At the moment, the white chess piece in his hand was about to move to Tianyuan, blocking all the black chess's escape routes. However, because the manipulated Qu Yanping replaced the three-eyed man, he took the initiative to place the white chess piece in the small eye.

Black, comeback.

"To be honest, Brother Qu, this is the first time we have met."

While Qu Yanping was in shock, Gu Yue Fang Yuan picked up the tea cup and said happily:

"You are not in the established future of this world, so you probably don't know how shocked I was and how happy I was when you appeared in Dongting Lake."

"Every move you make changes the future that plays out over and over again."


Before Qu Yanping fully understood the other party's words, a pair of hands placed on Qu Yanping's shoulders from behind, scaring Qu Yanping so much that he felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff.

"It's me who guides you to the Church of the Fool, allowing you to obtain the lost information from ancient scholars, thereby creating a cognitive connection with the True Lord Qingyuan Miaodao, and then attracting the attention of the remnants in the Sword Tomb."

"I want to thank you. You spied on the origin of Sword Tomb, and as a reliable source of information, you won the trust of those idiots and accelerated the collapse of Sword Tomb."

Even Qu Yanping, who had committed countless evil deeds and never spared the young, old, women and children, felt an extremely cold feeling at this moment. It was not the threat of death, but the oppression of the upper-level demonic monks.

"it's me."

"The moment the sword tomb was broken, he sent you to Yuan Shi who was exiled and could not return. He was very satisfied with you, and in exchange, he told me the whereabouts of the bronze coffin of the third generation."

The other person's tone is soft and gentle, which makes people feel refreshed, as long as the meaning behind his words is ignored.

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Brother Qu." Gu Yue Fang Yuan gently patted Qu Yanping's somewhat stiff shoulder:

"So don't worry, I won't hurt you no matter what, not only that."

"I also want to help you become Yang Jian. You are not a living being in this world, and you can turn false into true. We are a community of interests."

Gu Yue Fang Yuan leaned close to Qu Yanping's ear and whispered:

"We all have a bright future."

"It's so close! I love it, I love it! I've decided on this pairing! Wow!! Qu Fang is serious."


A thunderbolt struck a female cultivator who was excited after seeing the last scene. According to the search of the soul's location, the thunderbolt struck the female cultivator and sent her to Mr. Guangming's No. 123 to report that she was in line for resurrection.

"Let her prove that she is her and then resurrect her." Su Lin did not hide it. In front of a horrified audience, he called the doll No. 123 that he had installed AI on.

In the chat group

Lu Mingfei: "Why are you so skilled at being a villain in real life?"

Klein: "Is it illegal to knock CP? I witnessed an oppression in the back row!"

Xiao Yan: "The sect master is petty-minded, that's why."

Ye Fan: "Bold Xiao Yan! As an elder, you dare to be disrespectful to the sect leader. Report to the law enforcement hall later! @Su Lin, lord, I think our law enforcement hall needs to equip the disciples with the study of the nine-character secret so that they can learn more In order to maintain the dignity of the sect, when will arrangements be made for the disciples?"

Lu Mingfei: "Don't our sect only have one official disciple?"

Meng Qi: "What sect? You also established a sect?"

Klein: "Well, this is the only sect whose top disciple can beat more than half of the elders."

Meng Qi: "Real or false?"

Li Huowang: "You are all fake!"

Klein: "."

Su Lin: "."

Xiao Yan: "Huo Wang, will I hurt you again? Listen to my advice, it doesn't cost any money, just believe me."

Li Huowang: "How do you prove it?!"

Li Huowang: "Don't try to lie to me with those words and illusions!"

Su Lin: "Open the door."

After a while, a blue portal appeared in front of Su Lin. He grabbed Yu Feng's mobile phone, which was playing the mobile version of League of Legends, and threw it into the portal.

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