I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 219: Fire prevention, theft prevention and secrecy (8,000 words combined)

My name is Su Lin, and my physical age is about 23 years old, not counting the time in retreat.

Temporarily living in the chief professor's villa at the Silver Hand headquarters in the Southern Continent, he is unmarried.

I am an immortal cultivator, and I also work part-time as a God of Light, and occasionally as a spell instructor. These days, I have to go to class until 6pm every day.

I don't smoke, and I only have a taste of wine.

Go to bed at 6 a.m. and wake up at 7 a.m., and sleep for a full hour every day.

I will practice for eleven hours before going to bed, and will never delay my practice until the next day.

The psychiatrist Audrey said I was normal.

"I repeat, I am not sick."

Su Lin was packing things in the room. He had been in this world for a long enough time, and the things he had done on a whim before had been basically dealt with properly.

After this period of self-cultivation, he felt that it would be better to have fewer unnecessary causes and effects.

"The me before was terrible, and the me now is a new me."

"Now I only want to seek the truth."

Yes, what else is more important than the avenue?

Even if everyone blocked him outside the room, Su Lin could be sure that he was out of vulgar taste.

"You didn't even use the historical projection to clean up and pack your luggage!" Klein glanced at the things Su Lin had packed and said, "You still said you weren't sick."

"I was too lazy before." Su Lin's expression did not change, with the faint smile still on his face, "Every movement and every stop is also a part of nature. If you are too divorced from reality, how can you see it?" What is the nature of all things in the clear heaven and earth?”

"Can you give the Gundam to me? Anyway, I am devoted to the Tao." Lu Mingfei asked.

"Okay, those foreign objects are of no use to me." Su Lin thought for a moment, but after all, they didn't have much effect.

"OK, it's completely abnormal!" Lu Mingfei clapped his hands and concluded.

Now Su Lin felt like it was just after May Day. The good brother and deskmate who was still messing around with you at the end of April suddenly changed his mind. He didn't pass notes in class, didn't go to the Internet cafe after class, and studied hard at home on weekends.

Although he knew this was a good thing, it was like someone pressed the fast forward button, causing him to completely fail to understand the current plot.

"Wake up, Lao Su! You are the one who lies in the pores of history and plays games, relies on historical projections for cleaning and going out, and cheats on historical projections when eating. You are the one who is waiting for fun to come to your door all day long!" Lu Mingfei clenched his fists and covered his mouth. What Su Lin said and did now was too normal, too serious, and too disgusting.

"The person I was yesterday is not me, and the person I am tomorrow is not me. The person I am today is me." Su Lin did not have any emotional fluctuations because of Lu Mingfei's words. Instead, he warned: "The path of spiritual practice is also the path of cultivating the mind, and cultivating the body." the road."

"Senior Su Lin." At this time, Song Shuhang stood up and said, "Can you tell me a few days ago that Senior Xiao Yan claimed to change his destiny against the will of heaven, but the broadcast was suddenly canceled during the live broadcast of Canaan College to conquer the Fallen Heart Flame? So far, the news What do you think about the fact that there is no bubbling at all?”

"Is there any?" Su Lin showed a puzzled expression, and then apologized: "Sorry, I rarely pay attention to group chats recently. After all, everyone is chatting about daily life."

Su Lin thought for a moment and said, "Maybe Xiao Yan encountered some unexpected situation. I hope he is safe and sound."

"As expected of Senior Su Lin." Song Shuhang stepped aside, leaned into Lu Mingfei's ear and said, "The situation is too serious!"

"Don't worry, I have stopped practicing that technique." Su Lin smiled, and he could naturally hear Song Shuhang's voice, "This time it was a blessing in disguise. I am just fine now."

"Do you have anything else to do? If nothing else, you can come with me to find Zhongli and Venerable Bai to talk about cultivation matters."

"Maybe it will be of great benefit to your respective practice."

"Okay..." Song Shuhang just agreed, but then he changed his mind and said, "No, let's go explore the world here."

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Su Lin nodded, packed up his things and walked out the door.

After Su Lin left, Song Shuhang hesitated and said, "Actually, I think it's good for Senior Su Lin to do this. Isn't this a sign of maturity?"

"You still have too little contact with him..." A transparent shadow appeared in Lu Mingfei's body, which was the old Lu after the cooling CD ended. He shook his head and said: "For others, it is called maturity, but for him, this is called maturity. It’s all gone bad.”

Klein pulled out a crutch from the historical projection, transformed into the appearance of Dwayne Dantès, and said with a smile:

"To use a metaphor, in other worlds, our information is presented in the form of various works, and Su Lin is also a character in a certain book."

"Now that he has become like this, every day in the future will be written about what he has practiced today, what he has practiced tomorrow, what he has practiced the day after tomorrow, what he has realized, and so on."

"I understand, then this book is about eunuchs." Song Shuhang clenched his fist with his right hand and hammered it on his left palm, and suddenly realized, "So, in order to save Su Lin and save a certain world, the author must lead Su Lin back to the right path. "

"No, he still has to thank us!" Lu Mingfei nodded and said seriously.

Even if Su Lin is like this, he will definitely go to other worlds in the future, right?

Only a few of the co-authors have gone through a period of reorganization, and the rest of us have met Junzi Su?

No, absolutely not, the whole world will not allow such a serious Su Lin!


In the empty courtyard, the shade of trees on the ground makes the courtyard more and more quiet. There is a Champs Pavilion in which three people are sitting.

After Zhongli woke up, he only adjusted his breathing for two days before recovering.

Great dangers also bring great opportunities. After experiencing that strange state and surviving, Zhongli not only gained a better understanding of pollution at the mental and physical levels, but also had preliminary contact with the underlying logical framework of the law.

I don't know if it is related to the chat group. Even though he suffered the initial double pollution from the fallen mother goddess, he remained awake to a certain extent until Su Lin absorbed all the pollution.

After returning this time, Zhongli planned to digest it for a while, and his cultivation speed was almost slowing down. The previous accumulation before becoming an immortal could be combined with the cultivation methods to help him grow quickly on the immortal road. However, after becoming an immortal, A little different.

Having said that, although they are called immortals, they are just stronger practitioners.

After seeing the wider world, the concept of true "immortal" is actually a goal for Zhongli.

"Today's earnings are quite generous, thank you both for your help." Su Lin picked up a cup of jasper teacup and drank the last sip of tea.

"There is no need to be polite between us." Zhongli had a gentle smile on his face. He took out a jade slip and put it on the table. He put his two fingers together and pushed it forward. "Take this. You can try to practice after you go back. It's a good idea." To complement Tian Wang, even if you no longer practice that skill in the future, you can still consolidate the Nascent Soul Stage."

"Okay, thank you." Su Lin picked it up, checked it, put it in the storage bag, and then stood up and left. His movements were neat and without courtesy.

Ever since Su Lin made a breakthrough some time ago, he has been looking like this capable and focused on efficiency.

"The Seven Emotions Tea itself is non-toxic and harmless. On the contrary, after drinking it, it can nourish the soul. It is a good product for you and me." Venerable White raised the purple clay teapot and looked at it, and said: "But it cannot be drunk after drinking. Practice within the next twelve hours, otherwise the suppressed emotions or the emotions deep inside will be released unconsciously."

"The three souls and seven souls that carry the past will mobilize emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and people will become more emotional."

"It just so happens that I still have some seeds here. I also happened to have found suitable soil and planted some in the sailing world. With Han Li's spiritual fluid and your authority, I quickly obtained this treasure."

"According to his current vigorous and resolute character, he will practice cultivation immediately after returning."

"Depending on your luck, you may have already been preparing for today." Zhongli smiled, poured another cup for himself and Venerable Bai, and said: "Tea has eight difficulties, seven emotions, six flavors, five natures, and four qi. , it’s always good to have more than one product.”

"Maybe." A smile formed on the corner of Venerable Bai's lips: "Coupled with the modified technique, it should be able to accumulate the emotions he aroused without affecting his cultivation."

"Finally, a trigger is needed to ignite his instinct, but we don't know yet which instinct he is most easily aroused."

"Leave this matter to me." Klein walked out of the air and took off his hat as a greeting gesture.

Zhongli condensed a jade cup, filled it with a cup of Seven Emotions Tea, made it fly into Klein's hand, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Let's keep this a secret for now." Although Klein kept smiling, his eyes had an indescribable look.

"One thing you need to pay attention to is that because of the accumulation of emotions and instincts, after being ignited, he will be more excited for a short time, so you'd better cool him down, otherwise it will have some impact on his soul."



next day

Klein knocked on Su Lin's door.

"Su Lin, are you in there?"

"Hold on."

Without waiting too long, Su Lin opened the door, but his breath was a little confused compared to yesterday.

Su Lin didn't know what was wrong. He always felt a little strange all over his body, and he only got a strange answer from the divination.

Because he has the Tianhe suit and he has stored spiritual stones, he dares to practice in this world, but after practicing last night, he felt some different changes in the twelve meridians in his body.

Let’s call it a good thing.

"I'm getting ready to give the last lesson to the knight class. I should go home after class." Su Lin opened the door and said, "What's the matter?"

"To thank you for your contribution to this world, I would like to treat you to breakfast. You know, dinner table culture is our tradition." Klein looked at Su Lin and saw that the other person's aura seemed a little restless, so he nodded secretly.

"Yeah, no problem."

After tidying up a little and arranging for the God of Light's clone to go today, Su Lin and Klein went to a restaurant in the southern continent together. It was snowing lightly today.

Oatmeal bread with milk, lamb stew with peas, baked beans with tomato sauce, cold bacon, Dixie pie, black pudding

"This breakfast is a bit too rich." Su Lin still said with a faint smile: "This is too much in the year of great disaster."

"You're going to be joking today." Klein put his hat aside and said, "Fortunately, I don't have carp baked noodles here."

"Is there any?" Su Lin saw a few pieces of black bread in the bread basket on the side. His eyes moved and he asked, "The relief work should be almost done."

"The war has stopped. All parties are recovering in an orderly manner. The injured have basically survived. The victims have received relief materials. The reconstruction work is organized by governments of various countries." Klein broke the oatmeal bread and soaked it in the milk, then poured it into the soup. Scoop in small pieces of bubbly oatmeal bread.

The rich aroma of milk and oatmeal filled his mouth. Klein paused for a moment to feel it before swallowing and continued:

"Everything is moving in a good direction, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"You're welcome, I gained a lot." Su Lin picked up a piece of Disi pie and put it on the dinner plate, and said, "This experience is very precious to me. I have seen a lot and experienced a lot." many."

"It's you. If possible, I hope you and Lu Mingfei can be more in the limelight on weekdays. It's about time you discovered that being in the limelight can help my practice."

"Speaking of which, where are Lu Mingfei and Zhongli? And don't Venerable Bai and Song Shuhang come to dine together?"

Klein shook his head and said, "They have other things."

After finishing the meal, Klein took Su Lin out of the restaurant. Street vendors shouted and carriages drove past on the stone bricks.

The noisy environment did not affect his inner analysis:

‘People have about 15 instincts. These instincts come from needs, which are divided into physiological needs, safety needs, emotional needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. ’

"To put it bluntly, what we can try now is to eat, drink and have fun, but now eating and drinking only have a certain impact."

‘This kind of thing should have been investigated by Miss Justice, but it involves privacy so I won’t bother her. ’

'It's a pity that Adam is still sleeping. Forget it. It's better not to look for Adam. The battle for sequence has not stopped yet. He does not belong to our camp at the moment. We should stay vigilant against him. ’

Klein pretended to think, and after pondering for a moment, he said to Su Lin, "There is something I think I should let you know."

"What?" Su Lin stopped and looked at Klein.

"Follow me, it won't take long." Klein waved his hand and motioned for Su Lin to follow.

After a while, they arrived at the top of the bell tower of an office building.

Snowflakes are flying in the sky, but the weather is not gloomy. I'm afraid it won't be long before the light snow stops.

"What?" Su Lin looked around. The buildings in Northern Olite were not too tall. The tallest bell tower was only seven stories high. Most buildings were generally three stories or below.

The style here prefers red, and most buildings have a red tint. Standing on the bell tower and looking from a distance, the deep red, palace-like buildings look like they are embedded in the snow.

"Look over there." Klein lowered gray mist from the Source Castle to isolate himself, pointed in one direction and said, "The park over there."

Su Lin looked in the direction of Klein's finger.

It was a park with dense green plants, but most of the plants were covered with a thin layer of silver gauze. A woman in a black evening dress seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll, holding a black umbrella. Admire the buildings in the park.

She has a delicate profile, smooth, stretched and smooth facial lines, long black hair naturally on her shoulders and back, and a pair of golden eyes that are particularly eye-catching.

"Who is this? She's pretty. Why do I feel like I've seen this person before somewhere?" Su Lin felt like he had seen this person before somewhere. He flipped through his memory album and compared it, and was stunned for several seconds.

Kind of like it. But this one is more beautiful. There is no magic wand in my hand.

"What the hell! Road?" Su Lin's mood obviously fluctuated, but only the details of his facial features had changed.

Su Lin looked at it again, and his mood quickly calmed down, but he was still a little confused: "What is going on? Did you trick him?"

Klein nodded and shook his head and said:

"He was tricked by himself, that old dragon."

"We informed him a little late. He got a bottle of Sequence 7 potion from Tracey on his own, plus the deliberate guidance of Lao Lu."

"You know."

"It's amazing." Su Lin nodded. He saw Lu Mingfei staring at a statue in a daze, and asked: "I saw him before, wasn't he a male? Why did he change back again?"

"After mastering the City of Disaster and the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence One, shouldn't it be time to change back?"

"It was a disguise before. There was something wrong with the ceremony because she forcibly accommodated the City of Disaster. The details are long." Klein glanced at Su Lin and said suspiciously:

"What are you digging through the pores of history?"

"Camera and sailor uniform." Before Su Lin could finish his words, he immediately took out his hand and said, "Sorry, I was just joking."

Klein observed Su Lin and found that the other person's expression was normal and still looked calm and relaxed. So he pressed the hat on his head and said:

"With the intervention of Source Castle, she can transform back into a male tomorrow, provided that there are no potions or extraordinary characteristics of Assassin Path Sequence 7 or above appearing near her."

"Why is this?" Su Lin asked.

"She has the influence of uncontrollable sequence aggregation. Although it has been weakened and controlled a lot now, it will still inevitably absorb these things." Klein looked over there and sat on the bench, looking up. Sky’s Lu Mingfei explained.

"What will happen if these things are accidentally aggregated?" Su Lin asked lightly.

"I think about it," Klein seemed to be reminiscing, "The time will probably be extended. A Sequence 7 potion will probably extend the time by about a week, but don't worry, I specifically divined that there are no related sealed objects in this city. , and there is no extraordinary person with the assassin path."

"Esu Lin, what are you doing?"

I saw Su Lin leaning his upper body out of the window sill. He slowly turned back with a strange smile on his face, showing two rows of teeth and evasive eyes:

"Oops, I accidentally slipped my hand just now and lost the bottle of potion you gave me before."

"It shouldn't be a problem, it's only for a week anyway."

"Haha. Hahahahaha."

Klein rolled his eyes at him, turned around and leaned against the wall, his hat completely covering his face.

"Eating, drinking, and having fun. I know it's the introduction and the fun."

Klein's mouth was blocked by the hat, so the sound he made was somewhat dull and unclear.

"What kind of introduction? What about eating, drinking and having fun?" Su Lin was a little confused and took out a bag of potato chips from the historical pores. He suddenly realized that something was wrong. How could he expose his body to such a dangerous world?

So the whole person slipped into a speck of light in the fog of history, leaving a historical projection in the outside world.

"Hey, Lao Zhou, your body is also in this pore. Move your position." Su Lin looked at Klein who was lying on the easy chair with a dress covering his head and said:

"If you didn't tell me this kind of thing earlier, why would you treat me like a brother and treat me as an outsider?"

"I took a photo with my mobile phone. Can we develop the photo later and let each of us have a copy?"

"But it's strange that Lu Mingfei didn't find trouble for you. Or has he already done so, I don't know?"

"If it were me, I would have to put you in the bathtub of the witch's potion. I don't know if you will look like Melissa in the witch form. Your background is more suitable for the literary girl style."

"Well, plus Amon, the three of you can become a girl group and debut together hahahaha~~."

"Lao Zhou, are you sleeping?"

In the real world outside the fog of history, Klein took the hat away from his face and sighed helplessly: "Perhaps there is no need for Seven Emotions Tea and exercises at all."

After he finished speaking, he threw his hat out of the window and flew into the distance.

Su Lin stepped forward, pulled open the black tuxedo covering his head, and said in confusion: "What are you talking about Qiqing Tea? What are you doing?"




"Where's your brother, Miss Melissa?"

Pulling off the clothes, underneath is a girl with fair and shiny skin. She is wearing a men's shirt and has several transparent worms on her face.

"You know what? I don't agree with Lu Mingfei's proposal. After all, although I am not the culprit in this matter, it did happen because of me." Klein said without any emotion:

"And you, my friend, you are the hero of this world."

"So my initial idea was to let me bear the punishment silently."

"But now that you have discovered our secret and just decisively threw your own bottom line out of the window, now we don't even feel guilty anymore."

"Does it look good?" She blinked and gave Su Lin a stiff smile like a doll: "You can do it too."

Su Lin returned to his previous appearance, as if he didn't care about anything. He nonchalantly took out his phone and took a few photos of Klein.

"One, two, three, eggplant~."

Immediately afterwards, Su Lin turned on the selfie mode again, and made a "yeah" gesture with Klein, "I don't think Lu Mingfei can pollute me, even the fallen mother goddess can't let pollution affect my body."

The sound of trams running came from the surrounding historical fog, and cities with different styles gradually overlapped with reality.

"Sakura-chan~~~" Su Lin waved and shouted towards the tram in front. He saw Lu Mingfei put away his black umbrella and walked up.

Brush brush brush——

The tram started and disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

"Hey, where is she going?"

"If God wants it to perish, it must first make it crazy." Klein was lying on the easy chair, and his figure gradually disappeared and returned to the surrounding fog. What was here was a projection of history.

Su Lin was stunned, and then his eyes widened. He found that the clone of the God of Light, who was attending class in the academy, was still teaching at the training ground one moment, and the next second shadowy houses appeared around him with gray mist.

The streets emerged quickly, with iron-black tracks on the ground, and long lines corresponding to them.

The sound of horns and wheels rolling on the track sounded, and accompanied by the roar of the wind, a tram appeared vaguely from the gray fog but soon became clear.

The tram stopped sideways in front of Su Lin, and a humanoid monster covered with dragon scales stepped out from above. It was dressed in traditional train conductor clothes and made a human voice from its throat:

"Captain, the car is ready."

"Childish." Su Lin looked at the opaque windows of the carriage expressionlessly and said, "My clone can be canceled at any time. There are differences between men and women. You can play slowly while I go back first."

After all, men and women think differently. Su Lin planned to use historical projections and those dolls to conduct a farewell ceremony for Klein and Lu Mingfei's male identities after returning.

He had already thought of the lines - "We are gathered here today to commemorate our good brothers."

Um? Su Lin frowned, and he found that his clone could not be released for the time being.

'How can this be? ’

Just as this thought came up, a group of transparent worms emerged from under the train. They roared together, gathered together under a cloak-like seal, and murmured:

"Have you forgotten that your historical projection is the ability of the diviner sequence, and I am the Fool."

"You can cut off your consciousness and leave, but your clone must stay. I will take a photo with her later."

Su Lin took out a monocle and put it on his right eye socket, and praised: "It's amazing."

I have to admit that these two guys actually used the source material to make such a boring plan. It was simply too childish. Mr. Su disdained to be associated with them.

He condensed a sword of light and stabbed it towards the sky. As the cities and gray fog of different styles trembled, the pure white holy light hit the false sky, causing ripples in the void.

"Genesis of Light!"

Shaoyan, the training ground of the Silver Hand.

The students had already left get out of class early, and a bottomless gap opened in the ground. Su Lin's 'clone' of the God of Light crawled out of the ground in a panic, with his upper body propped up on the floor like a 'cliff'.

"I'm not going to play with you two guys."

"As long as I can reach that place, as long as I can come to the ground, this clone of mine can dissipate and return to history."

While Su Lin was muttering, he wanted to push himself up and climb up, but those two things actually brought "Trunsoest's Brass Book" to prohibit flying.

Fortunately, I ran fast enough, and the main body was able to arrive at the scene immediately and pick up the light godhead.

"The final winner must be me, Su Wryyy!"

"Is there anything to be happy about?" a familiar voice sounded.

"Uh." The laughter of Su Lin's clone of the God of Light suddenly stopped, and he raised his head and looked forward.

A figure wearing a classic black mage robe and a soft hat sat on a chair, watching Su Lin "rock climbing" with interest.

"Anduin," Su Lin said with difficulty.

Amon rubbed his right eye socket, adjusted the position of his monocle and said:

"I heard that the Paladin class ended early. Well, I didn't expect to feel the atmosphere of Source Castle and Disaster here."

"It seems like something interesting happened."

"Are you going to return to history? Let me help you."

He grinned, revealing a row of neat and white teeth, with an exaggerated smile and playful eyes.

If we return to history in front of Amon, this piece of godhood will definitely be stolen.

"I can come out by myself." Su Lin wanted to climb out of the abyss immediately. He exerted his upper body and kicked hard on the rocks. The next moment...

He found himself back to where he was before.

"Hey" Su Lin's eyelids twitched crazily, and a bad premonition came over him: "You can't be the real body, right?"

Amon walked up to Su Lin, looked at Su Lin condescendingly, and said with a smile: "What's wrong, Lord God of Light?"



"Mr. Wrong, I'm going to get angry if you do this again." Su Lin looked at the gray mist and blazing flames coming from below, and couldn't help but panic.

"Interesting, this crack also has the power of rules, which is quite dangerous." Amon grabbed Su Lin's hand and pulled him out: "Don't worry, I'll help you right now."

He lifted Su Lin up, and when Su Lin was about to step on the ground with one foot, Amon took off a monocle from Su Lin's right eye socket with his other hand, then released his hand and pushed Su Lin away. A handful of Lin.

"Luckily you're okay, Monocle."

Although I had no expectations for Amon from the beginning,

"You bunch of bastards!!!"

The pure white light bloomed again, but this time, the members of the Silver Hand headquarters felt the coming breath of the gods, and they all saluted devoutly towards the light that soared into the sky.

That afternoon.

"If the needle doesn't poke me, the adventure needle won't poke me during this period~~~"

Lu Mingfei, who had returned to his male form, was whistling as he came to a pavilion in the courtyard.

"Su Lin, your godhead~." Lu Mingfei handed the godhead to Su Lin with a smile: "Don't throw such valuable things away~ What if Amon picks it up while passing by."

"Thank you." Su Lin smiled.

Song Shuhang was stunned for a moment. It turns out that Lu Mingfei was right. Su Lin really wanted to thank us. It seems that Su Lin himself doesn’t like that too serious style. It’s a pity that that style is full of senior style. .

"I'm very happy to see you recover." Zhongli took a sip of tea and said, "But how did you recover? Can you tell me more about it?"

"Who knows." Su Lin summoned a new historical projection, stuffed the godhead into the historical projection, and returned to the historical pore.

Su Lin's clone of the God of Light said: "I'm not sure anyway."

He used the cross-border talisman to open a portal and stepped into it first.

Change first and then change.

I made up for it. Sorry, it didn’t feel good to separate in the morning, so I stayed together in the evening.

The mystery volume is over for the time being. How should I put it? I wanted to summarize it, but I have to go to work tomorrow so I’ll put it aside for now.

Thank you as always for your great support!

Nothing to repay, just

Bang bang bang! ! !

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