I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 218 Chapter 217 The Secret Chapter (Rescuing Private Su Lin)

Su Lin froze on the spot, his mind full of classic sentences such as "The mystery has revived in my body", "The original has revived in my body", "The mystery and the origin have revived in my body together".

‘It’s not that I want to say anything more, why don’t we all get together and have a good time? ? ’

The humanoid creature wearing a dark cloak and overflowing with light looked like a baby bird trying to break out of its shell, or like a stuck and struggling person, holding on to the cracks in the golden elixir with both hands. Squeeze it out.

With his actions, the cracks in the golden elixir became wider and wider.

The golden elixir in the Dantian in the body is full of large and small cracks but they are constantly being repaired, as if a heat wave is coming, making people restless.

The golden elixir that was always accompanied by the sound of light overflowed with incomparable holy light, and that ethereal voice even came from Su Lin's body!

Even wearing the Tianhe battle suit, he inevitably had some fear.

This is a mutation that occurs in the body. Although he is wearing the Tianhe battle suit given by the noble Shamat, and the other party also said that this suit is the answer to the version, this scene is very scary!


Just after this thought flashed through Su Lin's mind, the little man in the cloak really stopped.

He raised his head. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Su Lin felt a sense of anthropomorphic "confusion" coming from him.

At this moment, Su Lin found that his consciousness had transferred to this villain, but the other person did not have any consciousness and seemed to have only some instincts...

"Is this my Nascent Soul?"

I seem to be able to control everything about him, and this Yuanying is completely compatible with my soul. The majestic power of the soul comes from the Yuanying. As long as it is broken into pieces, my flesh and bones can be nourished. …


The little man in the cloak fanned himself gently. Su Lin's consciousness had transferred to this Nascent Soul, and he did not find any hidden consciousness.

"This..." Su Lin still couldn't believe it, but he had not used the [Disposable Fusion Evolution Device] for more than an hour, so it was logically impossible for it to have any impact.

"Is it really my Nascent Soul?"

The Nascent Soul Realm is a step in cultivating the manifested soul of the soul. It is a realm where the practitioner condenses the past path, gathers his own energy, spirit and cultivation to reach the position of the middle palace, seeks the true nature and refines the soul. .

"What a scam! Whose Nascent Soul looks like this?!!"

Su Lin held his head and looked at the sky. There was not even a thunderstorm in the sky. Those who didn't know it thought that after the two people next door, Lao Gui and Yuan Chu, fell in love with each other, they left him a cub before leaving!

I just fused with them once, why did the child look like this...

It shouldn’t be! Everyone knows what these two guys were thinking during the fusion. They should have disappeared without doing anything or being able to do anything.

The most they can do is not let me touch other foreign gods, or in other words, if I want to touch other foreign gods, it will definitely take more than an hour or even 24 hours to fuse with them. At that time, I am not surprised that this situation will happen, but now …

Could it be the knowledge about how the world works? !

That’s not right either! At that time, I and them were one, and my breakthrough meant that they also broke through. Could it be that this was the Nascent Soul left behind by me in the sutured state...

[Gifted to the flowers of the Eternal Protoss for use]

[Who told you that the ingredients are too complex and the Eternal God Clan cannot provide enough energy source. 】

Su Lin of the Eternal God Clan suddenly remembered that this thing was for use by the Eternal God Clan, and he was not an Eternal God Clan. Did the maker not consider that there was a golden elixir that would use this item and advance to the Nascent Soul in the process of using it?

Before he could figure out the situation, Su Lin had no choice but to let the Nascent Soul get stuck in the golden elixir and let him come out after further research.

"Hiss... outrageous." Su Lin took a breath of air and decided to return Source Castle and Sea of ​​Chaos first. Oh, it seems that he doesn't need to return them.

The moment the fusion was lifted, the Sea of ​​Chaos and Origin Castle were out of his control and returned to the control of Klein and Adam.

Just when Su Lin was about to send a message to Klein, there was a sudden movement in his dantian, and many illusory light feathers suddenly appeared beside him.

Su Lin hurriedly looked inside, only to see that the six-winged white shadow that had been silent until Su Lin thought it was a decoration actually stood up from sitting there! ?

Isn’t that the symbolic manifestation of the power of the golden elixir? I specifically asked someone to study it!

The six light wings behind him emitted a misty light, and merged with him as if melting.

This change did not take long, and soon the light dimmed, and a figure with a clearer face than before, with the outline of Su Lin appeared, and the remaining light behind it split into wings composed of eight light particles...

This figure is more than twice the size of the previous figure, and the figure is more solid.

In Su Lin's stunned expression, the figure turned to the golden elixir behind him, came to the cloaked figure stuck on the golden elixir, grabbed the cloaked figure and began to pull outward.


Unlike the cloaked man who was suspected of being a Nascent Soul, the changes happened too quickly and he didn't listen to Su Lin's call at all, and just kept pulling the cloaked man.

The eight light wings behind him suddenly stretched out and merged into the cracked golden elixir. The next moment...

The golden elixir split into several pieces, and the cloaked villain escaped.

An aura came from his Dantian. Su Lin closed his eyes tightly, controlled his trembling body, and absorbed the power of Nascent Soul's reincarnation. His bones, consciousness, and internal organs underwent qualitative changes at this moment.

But Su Lin didn't feel the joy of breaking through the realm at this time. In his worried mood, the eight-winged figure kicked the cloaked man on the back, kicking him to the edge of the Dantian.

Su Lin immediately felt that his soul was slightly affected. There was no harm, just a shock.

Then, this figure sat in a circle, and the golden elixir fragments that were split into several pieces were spliced ​​into their previous appearance under his guidance. In the rays of light, the cracks on the golden elixir quickly closed...

After doing these things, the figure with eight wings of light on its back once again disappeared into the same shape as before, leaving only the two extra wings of light behind it and the intact golden elixir.

The white golden elixir, which was round and round, had some changes at this moment. The light golden color gradually faded away, becoming more and more pure.

? ? ?

"are you kidding me!?"

As if in response to Su Lin, Yuanying, who was kicked to one side, moved closer to the position of the golden elixir.

The light-winged figure stood up again. This time, he directly took the golden elixir and held it in his arms, then threw it hard.


Su Lin's soul was shaken again, and the cloaked man was thrown away by the golden elixir.

Dong Dong Dong…

The golden elixir bounced back like a basketball, and every time it bounced, Su Lin's body would ripple with light again.

"Hey...you're almost done!"

When Su Lin had no control over the cloaked villain, the Nascent Soul had its own instincts. Just after he was knocked away by the golden elixir, he still unyieldingly got up and moved closer to his previous position.


The light-winged figure started to slap the golden elixir, and actually started to play basketball? ! wrong! Why is there so much reliance on movement when playing basketball? !

When the cloaked man came close to a certain range, he put the golden elixir on his fingertips and rolled it, then threw the golden elixir out and hit the cloaked man.

The cloaked villain seemed to be stimulated by being beaten so many times in succession. The cloak on his body squirmed, and the light on his face became brighter and brighter.

"Damn it, you guys, stop fighting!"

Su Lin was completely confused now. This change was beyond his understanding.

Just forget it if Jin Dan can sing...

Why can the golden elixir be repaired if it is broken?

Why does Yuanying look like the old guy next door?

Why does my golden elixir seem to be fighting with Yuanying?

Su Lin directly took control of Yuanying and at the same time controlled the golden elixir to separate the two things, allowing Yuanying to come to the middle palace position.

There is a faint sense of rejection in the golden elixir, as if it is resisting the Nascent Soul...

"Isn't that what you gave birth to?"

Su Lin scratched his head and his hair was messed up. He just couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Calm down Su Lin, you must calm down when things happen. Where is Tian Wang? Let's do something!"

"The promised side effects of Nascent Soul Realm, where have they gone?!"

Something is wrong, there is nothing wrong with this situation!

‘I am practicing immortality, right? ’

‘That’s right, I practice immortal skills! ’

Becoming an immortal and becoming an ancestor is his ideal pursuit. What does the ideal immortal look like...

Su Lin thought about it carefully, he probably had white teeth and red lips, white hair and a childish face, fluttering clothes, and the clouds and smoke swirling around him, waving his sword and asking, and in a moment, his soul left his body and killed the enemy thousands of miles away.

What's going on with these two things in my body now? How can you two have anything to do with cultivating immortals?

Tentacles flying swords, ancient gods leaving their bodies? Or is it that when others recite the Taoist Sutra, he recites the Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Sutra?

No, no matter what, I don’t want to think about that kind of thing! Returning from studying abroad in the Western God Realm is already the bottom line, don’t sew everything in!

Just when Su Lin was thinking hard and puzzled, he suddenly felt as if these things were not that important anymore.

The great road is natural, so there is no need to force oneself to be calm, and to relax without seeking anything.

The expression on Su Lin's face gradually relaxed, and his whole mood relaxed and became calm.

"Why are the side effects delayed?" Su Lin was a little helpless, but in fact it was not a big side effect.

At this stage, only one desire is randomly suppressed, and the external stimulation of emotions is smaller, with almost no waves.

It's equivalent to putting an emotional valve on yourself, but you can't control how to open it, how to close it, and how long it lasts.

When I'm tired, the bridge will naturally be straight from the bow. There will always be a way. It's better to just swing it now.

"Su Lin." Klein's voice sounded from behind.

Turning around, the figures of Klein and Lu Mingfei gradually came closer to reality. Zhongli was being carried by Lu Mingfei and was still sleeping.

Su Lin had an elegant smile on his face and asked, "Where are Adam and Amon?"

"Let's leave the Land Abandoned by the Gods first." Klein felt that there was something strange about Su Lin in front of him, "The mystery and the original..."

"They fell into a deep sleep again. Let's talk about it later. Let's leave first." Su Lin looked calm.

"Okay." After Klein said this, he looked at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei shook his head, thinking that this Klein was too useless. How could he dare to attack this idiot at this time...

Although Su Lin said that the matter has been resolved, and the mystery and the original have returned to sleep, who knows whether this guy's ultimate body state has been lifted, and whether he can fuse and evolve again.

Speaking of which, can this guy travel to other worlds? The Digimon are all sorted out.

If that trick called "Era Restart" hits him in the face, there will be no good results.

Klein nodded. Sure enough, Lu Mingfei also noticed that Su Lin's current situation was a bit strange. I wonder if it was the impact of fusion...

His idea was the same as Lu Mingfei's. He didn't want to alert the enemy first, but observed and observed.

Three days have passed since the incident in the Forsaken Land ended.

The residents of Silver City and various city-states returned home to pack their luggage (mainly sealed artifacts and extraordinary characteristics) under the orders of Mr. Fool.

Although the God's Abandoned Land is no longer polluted, it is still desolate, and the large area of ​​desert land is obviously not suitable for long-term living.

Within a week at the earliest and no more than three months at the latest, all city-states will be transferred to Bayam outside the Land Abandoned by God.

The living supplies and shelter of so many people were a problem. Fortunately, the Zhengshen Church unanimously decided to provide humanitarian assistance on this matter. No god voted against it, and even acquiesced to the public activities of the Silver Hand and the newly emerged Church of the Fool.

If he hadn't been afraid of wasting a resurrection opportunity, Klein had actually considered using Su Lin's banner to ask for a wave of garrison expenses from the Zhengshen Church.

Amon's body may have been afraid of Su Lin or had some other plans, so he did not try any other actions during this period.

Due to the unstable fusion, Adam started a new round of formal duel with his humanity deep in the land abandoned by God, but it won't be long before he returns.

Southern Continent, the headquarters of the Order of the Silver Hand.

Teaching area for priests and paladins.

"Mr. Amon, your method of using this spell is incorrect." Su Lin straightened his back, a gentle smile on his lips, and looked at Amon with eyes as clear as a child.

"The correct method should be to use the prism composed of light elements as the anchor point. Your method is too tricky and is not conducive to the learning and research of magic."

At the moment, Su Lin is explaining the theory of Holy Light Spell to Amon's separated clone.

"I'm still used to you calling me Anduin." Amon pushed the monocle on his right eye socket and said, "Are you feeling a little unusual recently?"

"Is there any? Thank you for your concern. I am very normal now." Su Lin smiled kindly, "Okay, classmates, this is my last lecture. I hope that the seeds of the Holy Light can be in your Thrive in the heart”

At the very back of the auditorium classroom, Lu Mingfei and Klein were sitting on the bench, deep in thought.

"How disgusting." Lu Mingfei pointed at Su Lin on the podium and said, "He is so serious that it makes me feel sick."

"You can't say that." Klein thought for a while and said:

"Although he has indeed changed a lot. According to his previous inertia, he would play tricks and make things difficult, but now he is just teaching students every day."

"Go to bed early and get up early, keep a regular schedule, and don't even eat cheat meals."

"Besides going to class every day, the only thing he does is drink tea with Zhongli and talk about spiritual matters."

Klein said this, although his expression did not change but his eyes were a little strange. He had heard that the technique Su Lin practiced before had some side effects, but he did not expect that it would cause such a change in people.

"Well, indeed."

Klein remembered that Su Lin asked him if he had any pictures the night before, so he wouldn't go into detail about the process.

In the end, Su Lin just said that his lust was completely suppressed.

Klein felt very guilty when he thought of this. After helping him so much and making so many contributions to the world, he could only become a monk.

"I gave up." Lu Mingfei lowered his head, feeling a little disappointed: "Let the past be bygones. Come with me to the City of Disaster and let's change back."

"No, we cannot give up rescuing Su Lin." Klein's eyes became firm: "There must be other ways to restore his gradually disappearing humanity!"

"No, when I say give up, I mean something else."

"I thought you invited me over to play because the world is considered safe." The corners of Irena's mouth twitched as she looked at the maid outfit in her hand, while Song Shuhang on the side raised his thumb with an encouraging look.

"You are all wired wrong! Why do you want me to put on a maid uniform?" Irena threw a black and white maid uniform on the ground. "You can do this with just anyone!"

"Aren't you a faceless person? Anyway, you have turned into Elaine, why don't you turn into me!"

Irena pointed at Klein and said seriously: "I allow you to use your portrait rights!"

While surfing the Internet, Irena learned new terms from videos of the outlaw Zhang San.

"No, originally I just wanted everyone to come up with a solution together. After all, Venerable White is very strong in the study of martial arts." Klein controlled the expression on his face and said calmly:

"But later, according to Lu Mingfei's analysis, as a homebody, even though Su Lin said that before, he still had your poster hanging in his room!"

"All you need to do is put it on and walk past him to see his reaction! Maybe it can awaken the sexual nature in him."

Song Shuhang nodded and said:

"In order to save the God of Light who has made great contributions to this world, I beg you, Miss Irena!"

"Pfft, sorry I couldn't hold it in."

Song Shuhang's face straightened, because Miss Irena looked at him with a somewhat unkind look.

"This is considered a commission." Klein said seriously: "I will pay you!"

For this reason, Irena could only nod helplessly.

"Okay." She crossed her arms on her chest, shook her hair, and said, "Let you see the charm of a beautiful girl."

"Hello, Irena, are you coming here to play too?" Su Lin sat at the pine desk, picked up the ear-mounted cup, took a sip of black tea and said:

"Aren't you cold when you are dressed like this? Although the southern continent has a tropical climate, it is still January."

"I don't recommend that you stay here too long. After all, not all the Outer Gods have been dealt with."

"You asked me if there is anything else I want to say?" Su Lin looked a little confused, looked at Irena up and down, and suddenly said:

"This outfit looks pretty good."

After a while.

Klein and Lu Mingfei looked at the portal that was closed after Irena left, and turned their attention to Venerable White over there.

"Venerable White can't fit into this piece of clothing of this size, right?" Song Shuhang said, rubbing his head.

"Alas." Doudou sighed, jumped off Song Shuhang's shoulders, and shook his head with hatred: "You did it again."

This attribute of Song Shuhang is as terrifying as his instinct and cannot be changed at all.

Venerable White took out a disposable meteor flying sword. Song Shuhang was silent for a moment, his eyes lost color, and asked: "Can I owe it first?"

"Okay, after all, this world is not safe." Venerable Bai said with a slight smile. Every move he made had indescribable charm.

‘This is much scarier than the witch.’ Klein thought in his mind that this kind of charm would attract everyone, regardless of gender or race.

"Then, let's study that technique." Venerable Bai said, "Where is Mr. Zhongli? Maybe we can communicate."

5400 words. It’s a bit too late, so I’ll post this chapter first, and there’s another chapter to read tomorrow morning.

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