In the afternoon, the wind rustled the trees slightly.

Klein was writing letters with an ink pen. Not far to his right was a photo frame on the desk with a framed photo inside.

In the photo, a woman whose temperament is sacred and inviolable, and any kind words will be eclipsed in front of her, is staring blankly ahead. Her eyes are like a doll without any agility, but her existence itself It symbolizes the best life.

"Dear Mr. Azik."

"The war has gradually come to an end, and people's lives are gradually returning to normal. Seeing the lively streets, I think of the time in Tingen, when I just joined the Nighthawks Squad."

"The world has changed a lot..."

"I guess that after the barrier is lifted, those powerful beings will still come, but the end of the planet will not come, and they dare not act recklessly."

"But their existence itself is a disaster. Unless they are not on this planet, they may just turn over in a dream and destroy a country."

"I sometimes wonder whether being a supernatural being is a blessing or a misfortune. We fight against madness all day long and are no longer human on the chaotic and twisted road. But if we don't have extraordinary abilities, how can we protect those relatives and friends."

“No matter which era, the public is often led to follow the trend. They create history, but they do not write history. For most people, they don’t know who died because of them, and they don’t know why they lived.”

"A bright future does not mean that I can stop and enjoy a leisurely life. All the gifts of fate have already been marked with a secret price. I owe the future of the world, so I will work hard to repay it and do my best."

"I am about to travel far away, to a place even further than the end of the universe, to try to become a mysterious waiter in Sequence One. It is a very exciting and dangerous place."

"If possible, I would like to invite you to come with me after you wake up."

"Your eternal student, Klein Moretia."

After Klein blew the brass whistle and handed the letter to the courier, he suddenly felt as if he had forgotten something.

Omens from spirituality do not come out of nowhere, but Klein still can't remember what it is. Is it important? Sweetness is not important either.

‘I seem to have forgotten who a very important person is’

Klein decided to do some divination.

He placed twenty-two tarot cards on the table, scattered them randomly and then pulled out one of them according to spiritual guidance.

"Emperor card? Lu Mingfei is wrong."

Even though he was already a Sequence 2 angel, Klein still had the hallucination that he was sweating coldly.

Klein: "Su Lin, I'm afraid you have to come back. There's a guy still in a cage."

Su Lin: "Who?"

Klein: "The Taste of a Witch"

Su Lin: "Okay"

On the secret island, Russell, who had been resurrected, was looking longingly at the dark top of the pyramid in the mausoleum.

"Is there anyone? Ah? Is there anyone?"

"Someone doesn't have it!!"

Russell hit the barrier again and again. He tried to tamper with the rules but was still unable to escape. In order to ensure that he could be locked in this place, he took the initiative to become the core of this seal.

In front of the highest rules set by himself and the cage of the two gods and the power of Origin Castle, he could only be a prisoner honestly.

"Fellow! I was wrong! But the fallen mother goddess forced me to do that! I can't make the decision!"

"Hey~ can you hear me?"

"It's okay if you don't let me out! Give me some games and snacks! Forget it if there's another witch, I'm quitting sex."

"Hey! Is anyone there?! If you don't let me out, I'm going to lose control and turn into a curly baboon!"

"Huhu, huhu~! Hey, hey, hey!"

It had been almost a long time, and Russell felt like there was no pollution left in his body, but no one released him from here.

After the daily routine of shouting, he used the Black Emperor's law to temporarily change his physical fitness back to an ordinary person. He planned to try the most difficult game, but accidentally saw a game called Punishment Witch in the game library.

Morality has declined and the world has declined.

Why did he pay attention now? It must be that the influence of the fallen mother goddess was too deep before, causing him to lose focus.

This kind of black sheep game should be deleted, all of it.

I want to verify it before deleting it. As a benevolent king, you cannot kill good people by mistake.

Just when the white light lit up on the screen, Russell was waiting for the loading to complete.



At this moment, Russell used his mortal body to punch the 64-inch plasma TV in front of him to pieces.

The blood dripping from his hands and the stern look in his eyes were still the same as they were hundreds of years ago. Sitting on the black iron throne, the monarch of the Intis Empire, Emperor Russell, who made the rules.

Him! Back!

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Are you okay!" Bernadette's words were full of concern, and her voice was slightly anxious. It's hard to imagine that the mysterious queen who can calmly deal with the situation under any circumstances would also be like this. When you are panicking.

"I'm fine." Russell gritted his teeth, and the muscles in his arms tensed, "It's just a minor injury."

"You're here, Bernadette." Russell slightly tidied up the messy hairstyle caused by his indulgence in the past few days, and showed a heartfelt smile:

"Finally I can take a good look at you, my little princess."

"when did you come?"

"Just now, when you were barking like a baboon." Bernadette's eyes were full of worry. She looked to the shadows aside and asked, "Uncle, is my father okay? I don't think he is in good spirits." It’s normal.”

Russell's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly discovered that Zhongli and Su Lin were standing there in the shadows behind them.

Zhongli replied calmly: "There should be no problem, the pollution in his body has long been removed."

"Then he is now..." Bernadette looked at Russell in confusion.

"There is still a little pollution! The evil god's pollution is in my body! Deep in my soul!" Russell sat back on the high-backed throne with difficulty. He wanted to support his head with his right hand, but his commonly used right hand was too painful, so He could only use his left hand: "It's still a little short, sorry for bothering you."

"Bernadette, please go out first. I will come to you after the pollution in my body is completely removed."

【Return to zero】

[One million times thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three.]

Su Lin held a calculator and pressed it on it while saying to Bernadette: "It's okay, you'll be fine soon."

Seeing this, Bernadette had no choice but to nod her head, glanced at Russell reluctantly, and then left.

"That's the only TV set left in ancient times." Su Lin said lightly: "This is the only one in the whole world."

After Russell was silent for a moment, he covered his injured arm and said, "I'm sorry, I can fix it."

"Why do we need the police if an apology is useful?" Su Lin raised his eyebrows and snapped his fingers to remove the restrictions composed of the power of light order one by one.


"Do something for me later."

Regarding the help from these fellow villagers, let alone asking Russell to do one thing, he would do it even if it was a hundred things, as long as he could do it.

Of course, except for things related to Bernadette.

Zhongli shook his head helplessly and canceled the formation he had set up.

After the formation was lifted, Russell saw two more people and a dog walking out of the corridor behind Su Lin?

One person is about 1.8 meters tall and has a good-natured face; the other person has long black hair falling behind him, his eyes are as bright as stars, and he has a smile on his lips, which makes him charming.

Damn it! Something's wrong!

Russell immediately realized that even though he had become an ordinary person now, his personality was still there and he would not be 'charmed'... What happened to this man? !

"Is this the Great Witch Emperor?" The dog uttered human words.

Russell was stunned, he was still an extraordinary creature.

But who is the Witch Emperor?

"Doudou, you can't be rude to a true god! You have to call Emperor Russell." Song Shuhang reminded him. He turned to look at Russell and said, "Emperor, can you take a photo with me and sign your name?" !”

Song Shuhang actually doesn't engage in autograph chasing. The main reason is that Russell's autograph, which Su Lin posted some time ago, makes him think it is very collectible.

Russell was startled, thinking that these two people were dressed as fellow villagers. How many survivors of the old era were there in this world?

Russell looked at Su Lin with a puzzled look, and saw Su Lin introducing him: "Song Shuhang, Bai, that Pekingese is called Doudou. They said they wanted to meet a famous person like you, so they came with them."

"Who the hell is going to talk about me everywhere?" Russell looked unhappy.

"Didn't you write it in the diary yourself?" Su Lin asked.

"Burn it all when I get out." Russell felt helpless. "Where's Zhou Mingrui? Why didn't he come?"

"He is using the characteristics of the Secret Waiter to travel around and complete the accumulation of wishes." Zhongli looked at Russell's current state and took out the extraordinary characteristics left after the death of George III from his storage bag: "I want to sign with you Make a contract in your own name."


"After you complete your recovery, you must secretly protect Zhou Mingrui before he becomes a fool." Zhongli's gilded eyes were full of seriousness, and he said calmly:

"Amon has become a dual-path True God, and the pressure he faces is not small."

"And we are about to leave."

Russell didn't ask Zhongli and Su Lin where they were going. He just nodded and promised, "No problem."

After returning to the Kingdom of Loen from the mysterious island.

Inside Dawn Dantes' villa.

Zhong Li said to Su Lin: "You left in a hurry before I could ask you how you are doing now."

"The mood is relatively stable, and occasionally I can't control it, but it's better than the self-disciplined look before." Su Lin still thinks it's more interesting now. Although there was humanity before, the standard senior brother's behavior Pie is obviously not his original style.

"It will be fine after the effect of Qiqing Tea wears off. It shouldn't take long." Zhong Li thought for a while and said to Su Lin, "Is it okay? You also share in the extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness left by George III."

"Although it is to deal with the pollution of the fallen mother goddess and the land abandoned by the gods, I agree to share the light spell of Amon's body. It is not pure, takes shortcuts, and exploits loopholes, but it is very powerful. It may become a variable, but I don't know. "Su Lin glanced at the scenery in the distance and said calmly:

"He will not give up competing with Klein for the position of Lord of Mysteries just because of the strength I have shown."

"Then we can only contain him if we also add variables. Huang Tao is not the first variable, but it is the most useful variable today."

"It's a pity that Amon was on the same side as us at that time, otherwise I could have easily taken off his monocle."

Zhongli raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly, and said:

"You are also here to help me get rid of pollution, thank you very much."

"After I return this time, I will host a banquet at Xinyuexuan. This year's Hailantern Festival will also be held. I would like to invite everyone to experience the customs and customs of Liyue."

"Isn't that what you promised when you were tainted?" Su Lin was stunned for a moment and smiled: "Remember to bring money."

"His promise is also what I really think in my heart." Zhong Li said and turned to look at Su Lin and explained: "If you go to Xinyue Xuan, you don't need to bring money, you can keep accounts."


After a while, looking at Zhong Li's leaving figure, Su Lin was not as eager to leave as he was this morning.

He walked into a room, took a piece of paper, picked up a pen, and drew a complex symbol that combined "hiding" and "peeping".

Five seconds later, the full-length mirror in the room that Su Lin took out from history became dark, with water floating in it, and condensed into silver words:

"The most beautiful light in the world"


The mirror was broken, and Su Lin relied on the flash of the Holy Light Anchor to reach the depths of the Land Abandoned by the Gods, and took the mirror's body from the Tail-Eater Ourolius.

Adam is still in the final game with his human side, and it will take at least several months for him to fully integrate.

Ourolius had no attitude towards Su Lin taking away Arrods, he just sat on the ground and kept his previous posture.

Su Lin took a photo of Ourolius. Unfortunately, the white-haired beauty was a man. Although the true creator went crazy, all of his men were good-looking.

"O the most powerful and broad-minded God of Light! Your friend's loyal, humble and humble servant Arrodes is very happy to see you."

"I would like to ask, can you return me to my owner? You can ask me a question after answering."

Arolds's mirror trembled obviously, like a keyboard warrior who discovered that the opponent was chasing him along the network cable.

Although it knew about the relationship between Su Lin and Klein, it was a little frightened by Su Lin. It was not the fighting ability that Su Lin had shown before.

Others didn't know it, but it saw a cloaked little man of light in Su Lin's body, squirming the corner of his cloak and looking at him. Who is this person now?

"Don't worry, you should know what I want to do." Su Lin said with a smile.

After Arolds hesitated for a moment, a message appeared on it: "It's not very good. Master's side."

"Don't you think it's interesting?" Su Lin asked.

"It's indeed interesting..." Arrodes replied: "What will you do if I don't agree? One question."

"The sea of ​​light elements in the abyss is missing a high-level sealed object that blocks the eye of the sea."

"Your loyal Arrodes is at your service!"


The earth of this world.

After Su Lin came out of the portal, he flew towards his hometown.

After confirming that the future person was not at home, Su Lin walked from the main entrance of the community, got on the elevator, and fell silent outside the house.

Su Lin took a look at the house number. It was his own house.

There are two door gods hanging on it.

One has black and white six wings on his back and is wearing a classical robe; the other has an air of immortality and is wearing a purple imperial robe.

Both of them were wearing masks, and they were clearly themselves and Tony who had appeared on live television before.

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