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Chapter 217 The End of the Secret Chapter (Part 2) My Nascent Soul is indescribable

The joys and sorrows among people are not the same. Some people think that Su Lin is majestic, but only he understands the bitterness in it.

Of course, he doesn't have this emotion now.

If he was given the opportunity to go to the Union Hall of the Universe to rate No. 217, he would definitely rate No. 217!

A good beating first and a low score at the end, commonly known as scoring.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that it told itself that there was such a thing as a fusion participant.

The "complete" feature of [One-time Fusion Evolution Device] is indeed very powerful.

The gray fog and the sea water of the Chaos Sea are directly completed together with the inner spiritual will to form the complete "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" and "Original".

Now, after Su Lin's remaining humanity merged with various forms of himself, he watched in the spiritual world as the "Stitch Monster version of himself" competed with these two beings for physical control.

Although it was just a temporary body constructed from some kind of data, "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" and "Original" did fully recover and had a soul fusion with Su Lin.

It's like putting an open can of herring in a refrigerator full of pineapples. Three completely different souls merge together to create a complete skewer.

Although Su Lin was originally a hodgepodge, it was limited to sweet tofu, salty tofu, and spicy tofu, which were all different forms of tofu.

Now, I'm afraid it's gone rancid.

Fusion is fusion, "Original" and "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" still use Su Lin, who is completely heartless and desireless, with only the self-awareness related to the movement of heaven, as the dividing line, and start another fight with each other after the old era.

Of course, they all know that they will disappear within twenty-four hours at most. The specific existence time depends on how long it takes Su Lin to achieve his goal, and then he will fall into deep sleep again and wait for recovery.

Now they cannot compete with Su Lin for the dominance of consciousness. After all, Su Lin now is like a machine, with neither humanity nor divinity.

Under the influence of Su Lin's current state, their divinity is gradually being suppressed. The fusion is mutual, and the impact on them is not small.

Therefore, they chose to settle for the next best thing and wanted to interfere with each other's plans for resurrection.

‘Erase the spiritual mark in Origin Castle. ’

‘Erase the spiritual imprint in the Chaos Sea. ’

'Destroy Adros..'

‘Put Adam into Source Castle for cleaning’

All kinds of thoughts converge, and Su Lin's humanity is wonderful.

Although they originally had different personality aspects, these two people have always adhered to the spirit of "no one can have an easy time" and have been fighting each other since the old days.

The first thing I thought about was not how to resurrect myself, but how to fight for control and then destroy the opponent's resurrection plan.

In the current state, they both know part of each other's back-up information, and want to use Su Lin to hinder the other's resurrection.

The original body control strength should be 6:2:2, Su Lin's is 6, and they each have 20%. But now they are restraining each other, so Su Lin has gained control of the eighth level. What can he decide? Don't even leave the earth.

Su Lin could only sigh before his humanity was suppressed:


Under this situation, Su Lin originally wanted to applaud and say something risqué to make him angry, but soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.


He himself is still in the golden elixir stage, and his main skill is Tianwang. The uniqueness of Tianwang is that it does not rely on talent, but relies on analyzing the rules and understanding of the operation of [Heavenly Way].

Now he is being covered by a mass of "most relevant" data that has been practiced to the extreme.

The Taoist charm of the data body is just like when the clone accommodated the light godhead, and Su Lin's body resonated with this experience.

'The past is long and the future is uncertain. Based on the Tao, we can build a unified heart.'

There is a crack in the golden elixir in the body...


In the starry sky, 'Su Lin' came to the moon that had completely turned into a dark black moon. Inside, the part representing the fallen mother goddess had long been alienated into the 'first' awakening container.

'Su Lin' is neither happy nor sad. There is actually not much meaning in doing this kind of thing. Whether it is revenge or killing the enemy, it is essentially just a dispensable part of the road to pursuit.

In the trajectory of the path of heaven, these grudges and relationships are nothing but the cause and effect carriers for the development of all things.

As a being who will leave this world sooner or later, and whose cultivation direction is different, He will not do such meaningless things.

Assuming that he is Su Lin's true form.

But His existence time is only about less than one hour at the lowest and no more than twenty-four hours at the highest. He is not even completely Su Lin. He is both the "Lord of Mysteries" and the "Original" and even more so "Su Lin" , is the product of fusion.

According to the current situation, the fusion will be released after completing Su Lin's mission, so his thoughts and actions are meaningless.

Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs.

All things in the world grow according to their own development laws and their own internal reasons, and operate and develop according to the laws of nature.

In the face of higher power, he is naturally a link in the law and cannot escape.

If Su Lin had not practiced "Heavenly Forgetfulness", he would not even have the current form. Instead, Su Lin, who is dominated by human nature, would control all power.

Just in this way, the "Lord of Mysteries" and "Original" can affect more levels of reality.

Therefore, for Su Lin, the current situation is more favorable.

As his thoughts circulated, the crimson moon, which was condensed from the remaining power of the fallen mother goddess on the light godhead, emitted a dazzling crimson light.

Different from "Zhongli", the "initial" awakening on the moon is more intense. After all, this is where part of the fallen mother goddess's body lies.

So those outer gods didn't get close to the moon while they were watching.

'Su Lin' is not afraid. Whether it is his current personality or the two different aspects of his original personality, he knows how to make the original fall asleep again.

Source Castle shook violently, and gray-white mist spread out from his body along with the sea of ​​chaos, making the entire moon look like a sea surface accompanied by mist in the early morning.

An extremely bright light of order appeared at the feet of 'Su Lin', and began to use the personality of this body to reversely pollute the moon.

Under his influence, the dark mucus covering the entire moon gradually became transparent.

Not long after, the chaotic and crazy power remnants of the entire moon were completely purified, and the extremely rich spiritual energy filled every part of the moon.

The spiritual power of ‘Su Lin’ swept across the moon, and the materials and items needed for countless rituals materialized into reality.

He turned around and looked at the starry sky behind him, using his hand to make dots and outlines in the starry sky.

Following his movements, the same formations were engraved on each of the selected planets, and some magic weapons and materials that did not belong to this world were dreamed up at the same time.

Not long after, the starlights of the stars connected with each other, outlining a complex and precise star formation.

If you look at the starry sky from the position of the earth, you can find that the moon is in the center of this star map.

'Su Lin' took a step forward, and his figure appeared on every selected star. Then, he began to drop feathers of light like goose feathers and heavy snow.

After doing all this, these figures who descended from everywhere sat cross-legged on the ground, chanting Buddhist scriptures, and huge swastikas appeared all around.

In an instant, a country dominated by the power of order appeared in the starry sky.

But this was not because Su Lin wanted to build an unprecedented holy place in this world. He threw the crimson moon in his hand towards the surface of the moon. The crimson moon rapidly expanded and merged with the moon.

The cunning and deceitful authority tampered with the state, and the omniscient and omnipotent authority began to create a suitable body. With the operation of the formation, the moon's environment was instantly filled with the ultimate negative energy.

On those "snow-covered" planets, the feathers of light accumulated on the ground and falling from the sky were stained with darkness.

Under the influence of the formation, the hotbed for the complete recovery of the Fallen Mother Goddess was formed.

The Fallen Mother Goddess has already fallen. What should ‘Su Lin’ do if she wants to make her fall again?

The answer is simple, resurrect and kill again.

It's just that with the help of the two pillars of this universe, the fall of the Fallen Mother Goddess is even more complete this time.

All the consciousnesses in the body unanimously approved the decision to put the fallen mother goddess into a deep sleep and no longer be able to interfere with the earth.

Camaraderie as a pillar? Where do you think the source matter sealed in the Western Continent on Earth came from?

If other gods had not been needed to contain Adam and Klein, and they were not truly resurrected, the consciousness within the body might even want to take this opportunity to clean up the entire starry sky, leaving only its own existence.

The power of darkness, filth, and depravity appeared in the depths of the moon, and the negative power of the same attributes was continuously transmitted from the starry sky. A space crack opened in the depths of the moon, and the earth part of the mother nest fell out of it.

Originally, 'Su Lin' should speed up the recovery of the brood at this time, but the "original" and "secret" in the body are opposing this action and even want to delay it.

It seems that they have found a way to influence Su Lin's body after the status is lifted through 24-hour fusion.

Unfortunately, He, with Su Lin's consciousness as the main body, still decided to speed up the recovery of the fallen Mother Goddess after a short delay.

The ancient, mottled and huge wall clock full of vicissitudes of life rang, and time on the entire moon accelerated rapidly at this moment.

Gradually, on the desolate moon, the crimson sea skipped a long time and took shape. The waves were turbulent, and a touch of blood was born from the inside of the mother's nest.

The Fallen Mother Goddess felt that she had slept for a long time, and the changes in the outside world were still clear.

A steady stream of life force came to him, and he could even feel that it was transformed by a force of another nature. That kind of holy light had been defiled and essentially turned into a cradle of depravity and filth.

The sounds of nature that originally symbolized stability for weak creatures have become songs that constantly awaken them. Unstable evolution and reproduction should be the real music.

'It seems that the purpose has been achieved.

Beings from outside the universe have given birth to their own children.

The assimilation of these power qualities from outside the universe can accelerate one's own awakening very quickly...'

In the vague consciousness, the Fallen Mother Goddess issued instructions to find the torn mother nest on the earth.

After a long period of time, He perceived himself in nothingness and returned to the origin of life.

Thus, He awakened from the state of destruction and was born from the mother's nest.

The crimson wave was absorbed by the brood, and a translucent blood-colored robe was draped over a twisted female figure.

He looked at his most outstanding child and found the source of merit.

Black hair, black eyes, wearing a translucent dark cloak, with a cross hanging on his chest...

Why did He feel familiar in that cloak and cross?

Suddenly, he saw a smooth and evil tentacle with patterns emerging from under the cloak, and the tentacle shook towards him.

Then, the silver cross became illusory, and a figure made of light was looking at Him.

"The Secret and the Original want you to run as far away as possible, and the human side of Su Lin, the main controller of this body, has a voice message."

While the man with black hair and black eyes was speaking, the Fallen Mother Goddess began to try to escape. She forcibly bred the source material into its complete form and mobilized the negative power of the entire universe.

It is not that he wants to be an enemy, but that he wants to give birth to a spare body at the end of the starry sky and transfer his consciousness to fall asleep again.

He has understood that this resurrection was a fraud!

But the Fallen Mother Goddess was surprised to find that she was trapped in a star field and could not escape. It seemed that the negative power of the entire universe was concentrated in this star field!

"Voice message below."

"Good morning, have you eaten? If not, give me a punch."

The man with black hair and black eyes nodded after speaking, and led the Fallen Mother Goddess to the core area of ​​the star map.

Chains of laws shot out from countless planets. They were composed of gray mist and sea of ​​chaos, completely sealing off this star field.

The clasps of those chains are composed of "errors", "fools" and "lights", poking out from every position in the void regardless of top or bottom.

The mental fixation is completed.

The soul is anchored.

The concept is locked.

The status is grafted.

Error assignment completed.

After ensuring that the fallen mother goddess had no way of waking up again, 'Su Lin' turned and left.

The moment He turned around, the entire uninhabited star field was torn apart, separated from the universe, and exiled in the dimensional space.

Twelve white lotuses covered the star field. These white lotuses took root in the space and erupted into a burst of chaotic light, annihilating all matter and disappearing together with the entire space.

The chain was withdrawn from the space that was being repaired, and 'Su Lin' scanned the deep space of the universe. After a period of tug-of-war in his mind, his voice spread to every corner of the universe in the form of a murmur that could only be heard by mythical creatures. A corner.

"I have destroyed the Fallen Mother Goddess. Where is the High-dimensional Overlooker? I will only look for Him. If I can't find it, I will look for you."

He is waiting for the believers of the outer gods to deliver messages to these "sleeping" outer gods, and at the same time waiting for the group of outer gods to perform divination on the authenticity of the messages.

A few minutes later, a twisted black chain of thorns pointed to a certain location in the void.

And a black and gray aura of decay corroded a certain space and opened a "door" to an alien plane.


After thanking him, 'Su Lin' stepped into the alien plane and created a light door to block the corroded place.

"It took 49 minutes."

The concerted harassment of "Secret" and "Original" still brought some resistance to Su Lin, but this open-card showdown was carried out when Su Lin had Wang Zha in his hand, so their attempt only made Su Lin The progress is slightly slower.

The data flow quickly dissipated from Su Lin, and those powerful forces were unloaded along with "Secret" and "Original".

But this was not Su Lin's focus. After recovering his body consciousness, he quickly put on the Tianhe battle suit and checked the golden elixir in his body.

I saw…

An indescribable transparent creature with dazzling brilliance emerged from the cracks in the golden elixir wearing a dark cloak.

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