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Chapter 216 The End of the Mysterious Chapter (Part 1) Ultimate Body Fusion Creator Form

It was not a song sung in any known language, but the melody was a tune that Lu Mingfei and Klein were familiar with.

Lu Mingfei looked at the long steps that were condensed into the sky and the melody that sounded in his ears. He was stunned for a moment and said:


The next moment, a point of light on the sky that shone brighter than the sun descended and a towering beam of light shattered the twisted spherical space. The sky shook, with the potential to engulf the entire universe.

Along the beam of light, Su Lin's figure took the lead to rise from the different space. He was wearing a star emperor's robe and a star emperor's crown. The stars in the sky surrounded him, and the incomparable vastness of Tao and reason was intertwined in his eyes, but he did not Regardless of any emotion, his face was as frosty as he stared at everyone present indifferently.

"Su" Klein just spoke, but found that Su Lin only paused slightly and flew straight towards the point of light in the sky that was more dazzling than the sun.

The aura of Su Lin gave Klein a sense of familiarity, as if he had returned to the way he felt when he was still a human and looking up at the night sky.

It was a kind of sky full of stars that was right in front of you, but just out of reach. Shock and fear were mixed in your heart, it was unknown and vast.

'what's the situation? ’

As soon as this idea came up, several more Su Lins appeared in the twisted space.

Su Lin appeared first, sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus, with his hands on his knees, holding flowers with his fingers, and a clear round light behind his head. His eyes were slightly opened with the meaning of redemption. He was chanting the six-character Buddhist mantra. A three-dimensional glazed swastika emerged from the sky beside him. The moment he appeared, boundless Buddha light bloomed.

Then Su Lin appeared, a mage wearing a robe, carrying a bag on his shoulder, and holding a crystal staff. He looked around with a little interest, and the space around him cracked one after another, illusory The faint purple light overflowed, as if leading to countless worlds.

Finally, Su Lin appeared with twelve wings of light on his back, and daylight appeared in the entire world, even outside the Land Abandoned by the Gods. Endless light elements condensed under him to form a high-backed chair in the shape of a world tree. There was a big sun hanging high above him. He supported his head with one hand and looked at the world from a bird's eye view.

These Su Lins all had extremely powerful aura, but they did not stay for too long. They seemed to show off themselves before flying towards the light spot in the sky.

At this moment, Klein's heart was like a fully drawn bowstring, tense to the extreme. The spiritual insects all over his body were inexplicably frightened, as if a natural enemy had appeared and a predator was watching him.

It didn't come from those Su Lins, but from a figure that appeared immediately.

The figure wore a translucent dark cloak and a cold and strange mask on his face. There were countless strange light doors between his eyebrows and around his body. The smooth and evil tentacles of the cloak jumped out and were squirming. .

The sight of this existence swept across Amon and Klein. The spirituality of both Amon and Klein was frantically warning. Then, he looked at the Source Castle at the infinite height above the spiritual world.

For a moment, the magnificent palace began to shake without Klein's control, and a red star suddenly expanded, trying to contain the figure and lead it to the Source Castle.

Klein was horrified. He wanted to stop it but was unable to do so.

Fortunately, the figure seemed unable to escape from the towering milky-white light pillar, and could only fly towards the light spot in the sky along with the pulling force.

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun." Klein slowly spit out that person's name.

There was no mistaking it. That image and the strength of control over Source Castle were still trying to influence him and Amon just now, symbolizing the power of fooling.

Even if he had never actually met him, Klein dared to conclude that he was the real master of Source Castle, the Lord of Mysteries, the "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" of the old era.

Not long after the Lord of Mysteries flew high into the sky, a line of pure light, with an extremely clear and extremely hot existence within his body, rose up from the twisted space.

With his appearance, the space Su Lin entered completely collapsed.

As the sea rolled and the thunder roared, He turned his head to "look" at Adam and stretched out a finger to point forward.

"Original..." Adam, who was dominated by the human side, frowned and looked at "God".

The Sea of ​​Chaos felt the call and became more violent. The sea that contained all colors was divided into two from the depths of the earth, just like "Moses divided the sea" in the distant legend.

But just like the situation in Source Castle, the Sea of ​​Chaos was unable to help him break free from the shackles of the light beam. After a brief pause, he flew towards the light spot in the sky like the Lord of Mysteries.

Those green, code-like words are densely falling from the sky like rain. There are also some mysterious symbols mixed in this green waterfall. It seems to be an unknown word, but you can understand its meaning just by looking at it.

These words are sections of titles, or sections of honorific names.

【Taohuang Taichu】

【Dimension Walker】

【Tianbao Merit Buddha】

【God King of Light】

[Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun]


Surrounded by a red code that rotates into a wheel of light, these beings merge into dark purple light in the sky and return to one point.



It is not the concept of time stopping and everything frozen, but the concept of being wrapped up by the birth of a great existence. A kind of mixed order and disorder. The mere existence itself is a contradictory force that appears in every part of the world. corner.

It is a "taboo" thing that cannot be understood by all living beings, is more disordered than the crazy chaotic logic at the bottom of this world, is holier than the power of light, and should not appear.

On the barrier outside the planet, before this existence was born, those giant faces disappeared again without a trace.

Not only is the direction of "destiny" and "future" cut off, but also because the two pillars that once set off a strong "convergence" have awakened!

"Road to Road, very Avenue…"

The ethereal sound seems to be transmitted from the past and future to the ears of all living beings in the present through the concepts of time and space.

He holds in his hand a river system composed of countless stars, in which the sun and moon circulate, and the stars are born and destroyed.

Wearing a dark cloak, his face is filled with endless holy light, and there are twelve light wings on his back carrying the light of laws of different colors.

And there is a clear wheel of merit on the back of his head, emitting bursts of golden halo.

These rays of light intertwined and mixed together, blooming into boundless Tao and principles, shining into the broken space behind Him and into endless dimensions.

Those dimensions may be dark and chaotic, or may be in flames of war, or may be filled with lush and vibrant vegetation. At this moment, behind Him, they are welcoming His birth together with the world.

Everything became hazy and dreamlike.

The majestic and solemn voice echoed across heaven and earth, and He continued to speak: "I am one and also ten thousand."

There was no logic and no connection at all. Words came out of His mouth, but it was clearly such words. When he crossed the limits of reality and illusion and came to the plane with a tragic ending created by the "high-dimensional overlooker", something surprising happened. The change.

It was about to coincide with the reality, and all the sentient beings who wanted to vent their sorrow and malice towards the "blueprint" of the real world seemed to have a feeling in their hearts, and they all sat in lotus position.

They made the sign ten on their chests, their eyes were pious, all malice was washed away, their limbs and trunks tended to normal, and they chanted praises to the light in unison.

And those monsters born in the darkness of the God-Forsaken Land turned into humanoid or humanoid creatures under the influence of this light.

These creatures wear different styles of clothing and emit different power fluctuations. There are elves, monks, orcs, missionaries, ancient decorators, and even 'people' made of transparent worms.

The scene was extremely chaotic, like a pot of hodgepodge containing various ingredients, but this scene did not last long. After a while, the presence coming from above gathered all the light.

Just like the colors in a painter's paint tray, they invade and interfere with each other, and finally only one color remains.

The figure faded away and walked out of the colorful lake. Su Lin's appearance returned to his face, but he still had different symbols on his body, such as a dark cloak, a cross hanging on his chest, and a light of merit on the back of his head. Twelve pairs of wings of light on the wheel and back.

At this moment, the world finally began to move. The tides of the Chaos Sea rose and fell again. The gray mist of Origin Castle drifted hazily. "Zhongli", who was occupied by the initial tendency of convergence, also turned the golden stars in his head towards Su Lin.

In Lu Mingfei's live broadcast room.

Irena: "What is this, Su Lin?!"

Song Shuhang: "I just heard someone singing Hallelujah, but there is still Om Mani Pad Hum in my head, and the background music that sounded earlier seems a bit familiar."

Ye Fan: "I feel like someone is attacking my aesthetics. Su Lin, what the hell is this?"

Zhang Chulan: "Why do I feel like someone is reciting an entire Taoist scripture into my ear at a very fast speed?"

Lu Mingfei didn't look at what people in the live broadcast room were saying. He even forgot that this was his live broadcast home and just muttered to himself:

"Fusion evolution? Is this a digital Sumama baby?"

A panel composed of three-dimensional symbols descended from the sky, with the words

[The Dao Emperor of Destruction, the ultimate (fusion type) creator form, his special move is to restart the era! 】



A mournful sound like broken glass sounded, and 'Su Lin' in the sky waved his hand. The illusory plane that was only one step away from successfully ascending to the dimension was shattered and turned into fragments and merged into reality.

He looked at "Zhongli", his eyes were neither happy nor sad, as if he was just following the process set earlier, and a figure with the same aura appeared next to "Zhongli".

Not a clone, but the exact same body. This is a ubiquitous characteristic!

"Zhongli" didn't feel afraid. In fact, he, who was originally parasitic by instinct, was not afraid of this emotion at all. He even felt the same aura on Su Lin's body, and the same aggregation came from Su Lin's body.

Therefore, "Zhongli" did not resist, he stretched out a hand and touched Su Lin.

Blinking his eyes, those deep darkness, twisting and writhing flesh and blood tentacles converged towards Su Lin's body according to a more powerful polymerization reaction, and disappeared like a stream of water being absorbed.

But Zhongli, who had lost this cosmic dark shadow, had light brown hair, handsome face, and light eye shadow, finally returned to his original state. There was no trace of aura in his body, and he fell to the sky and fell from the sky.

"I hope Zhongli can appear by my side." After Klein made his wish, Zhongli's figure disappeared in mid-air and was transferred to Klein's side.

Klein checked Zhongli's condition and found that he was unconscious. Then he looked at Su Lin with a suspicious expression on his face and said, "There seems to be something wrong with Su Lin."

Just as Klein said, Su Lin seemed to have completed his mission and left Zhongli alone after the pollution on his body was lifted.

Su Lin spread his right hand, and a crimson moonlight condensed into a smaller version of the crimson moon in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes, and Klein's spirit body above the Source Castle was suddenly repelled and fell back into his body from an infinite height.

Klein's eyes widened, completely unable to believe that such a situation would occur. Then he noticed a hint of anger on Adam's face in the middle of the Chaos Sea, and then the Chaos Sea, which contained all colors, escaped from his control and moved towards Su. Lin gathers.

Su Lin actually took away the control of Origin Castle and Chaos Sea!

"Are you serious?!"

Klein felt that Su Lin was playing something new every time he operated.

This time, Tianzun and God were resurrected and merged with themselves, but it seems that Su Lin's will should be in the majority.

As for why Klein made such an analysis, he looked at the crimson moon in Su Lin's hand and the broken plane fragment he had just captured.

This means that if there is an outside god, it will be bad luck.

Klein whistled, carried Zhongli on his back, took off his hat, and made a farewell gesture towards Amon.

"Thank you for your free help." Klein emphasized the syllables of the word 'free'.

After saying that, he felt the twinkle jump to Lu Mingfei's side to avoid the possibility of a certain wrong teacher becoming angry.

Amon smiled, adjusted the monocle on his right eye socket, looked at the sky, and said, "It's really interesting."

But at the same time, Amon also quietly changed the positions of his clone and his main body, using the wrong authority to imprint the clone with the concept of his real body.

After all, the "Lord of Mysteries" has recovered, so it's better to be cautious.

The emotions on Adam's face were gradually fading away, and those shadow curtains merged into his shadow again. His eyes became extremely clear again, and with a warm smile on his face, he came to the slightly wary Klein and Lu Mingfei. Beside him, he said:

"There are huge variables, and the experimental data this time is not valid, but the success of many changes is often born by accident."

"This is a reminder, maybe because of some price"

He paused and continued:

"He no longer has humanity, and certainly no divinity."

As Adam's words fell, the sky around Su Lin was torn apart, and the stars of the universe appeared in front of him.

He held Feiyue and the plane fragment and walked into the starry sky without breaking the barrier, and the cracks gradually closed.

There is one more update, a little later, I am coding... I will definitely see you all when I get up tomorrow morning, please go to bed first

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