Zhang Chulan: "Who am I? Where am I? What did I just see?"

Ye Fan: "What the hell are you talking about?"

One moment he was being tied up, and Su Lin was about to be miserable. The next moment, this person was invincible, looking down on the world...

If this guy hadn't said those dirty words after entering the starry sky, Ye Fan would probably still be immersed in the shock caused by Su Lin's proud posture just now.

Damn it, he tricked me!

Song Shuhang: "These lines sound so familiar. Have I heard them somewhere?"

Song Shuhang felt that his roommate Tu Bo seemed to have thought that this was abandonment... abandonment for what? Abandon the boss?

Lu Mingfei: "Is this the point? The point is what he just did, add something, what add something?!"

Lu Mingfei felt aggrieved. There was no limit to how cheating this person could be... Now half of the plan was ruined. The most he could do was take revenge on the mastermind.

In the live broadcast room of the group chat, the barrage disappeared briefly and then reappeared.

Xiao Yan: "Any worries about Brother Gua are disrespectful to Brother Gua. I was wrong, it was too outrageous!"

Xiao Yan: "Brother Su! Give me a cheat! My cheats won't keep up with the version!"

Han Li: "..."

Purple Gold Dragon: " @Klein, you asked me to challenge this thing in a one-on-one fight before?!!!"

Zijin Shenlong: "Your conscience is so bad! Uncle Long was almost tricked by this guy! What do you mean you can beat me next year?!!!"

Zijin Shenlong felt like his dragon scales were standing upside down. Can he beat this? ! If the chaos flame in his hand had just been used on himself...

Uncle Long turned into ashes!

On the planet where the Mother Tree of Desire is hidden.

The surface of this planet is covered with flesh and blood, with flowers of flesh and blood blooming on it.

Su Lin took one step forward, transcending the concept of space and arriving outside this flesh and blood planet.

Do you think this is the true nature of the Mother Tree of Desire? That would be wrong.

The Mother Tree of Desire is also known as the Father of Demons, the God of Lost Hearts, and the Eternal Screamer.

He actually has nothing to do with reproduction and life. That is the authority of the fallen Mother Goddess. The Mother Tree of Desire is most related to "desire", "darkness" and "shadow".

Its incomplete source material "shadow world" is the shadow side of the universe and the dark side of all life.

Su Lin condensed a horizontal sword and was about to copy and paste it with Fengling Yueying to launch a barrage attack with full critical hits. Some changes occurred on the flesh and blood planet.

The flesh and blood quickly dissipated and turned into humanoid creatures of different shapes.

A humanoid woman with a holy face, white hair and red eyes, she smiled sweetly at Su Lin.

Immediately behind, a humanoid woman in palace clothes with black hair, black eyes, and skin as smooth as snow and fat.

They may be young or mature, and some may even look like the paper figures in Su Lin's room.

Some thoughts and ideas reached Su Lin, and she actually wanted to have an heir with him.

He once again confirmed one thing. The Mother Tree of Desire is indeed a type of Outer God who has gone crazy and wants everything they see. Before, they wanted Origin Castle and the authority of the Fallen Mother Goddess. Now they even want Su Lin. the power of.

Absolutely worthy of being the embodiment of desire.

wrong! He wants to delay time!

"Monster! I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

Su Lin immediately wanted to use the first move of the Divine Sword "There is no woman in my heart, draw the sword to be a god of nature".

The surrounding environment suddenly changes.


When the car honked, Su Lin quickly got out of the way. He stood on the crosswalk at the intersection, surrounded by buildings made of reinforced concrete. He was wearing a school uniform.

"Su Lin~~~"

A girl with white hair and red eyes ran over and held his hand.

"Why are you in a daze?"

Su Lin was slightly startled. He still remembered that he was about to attack the Mother Tree of Desire, but now many memories that did not belong to him appeared. Well. These memories wanted to become part of his original memories, but they were blocked outside and now it is like a movie.

The plot is roughly an urban love story between a high school male protagonist named Su Lin and his 138 girlfriends.

Hmm. This space and the people in it actually exist. It doesn’t feel like something that the Mother Tree of Desire can do.

Let me tell you who wrote the vulgar script. Su Lin couldn't help laughing and looked at this space. His eyes passed through the layers of space and saw the owner of this space. The source of the power that blurs illusion and reality. .

"Primal Hunger, High-Dimensional Overlooker, Superstar Dominator, Everlasting Rumbling"

It turns out to be you guys.

"Everyone is here~"

Su Lin looked at the president of the student union, the school beauty monitor, the girl next door, and the paper man who had traveled to reality on the street.

"You guys are really geniuses."

Relying on the current attribute values, Su Lin quickly understood what these foreign gods wanted to do.

They have analyzed that they have a large part of human nature. It should be said that he is a human being with extremely powerful power, so they have completely integrated parts of themselves with real humanoid life.

Moreover, they should have captured the time limit of this crisis through some means of predicting the future, and also sensed in advance that Su Lin would clean them up instead of just the Fallen Mother Goddess and the Mother Tree of Desire.

On the one hand, they tried to confuse Su Lin with ideology, cooperated with the Mother Tree of Desire to analyze surface information, and tried to seduce or implant memories into him. There was an inversion of illusion and reality. This power mainly came from the original hunger.

They know that the probability of success is very low. The lessons learned from the Fallen Mother Goddess are there, so the other aspect is the key point.

These alien gods tried to morally kidnap Su Lin. The high-dimensional overlookers raised this dimension to the real dimension. At the same time, this real dimensional space was linked to Su Lin's actions.

This dimensional space is the size of a small star field, and there are probably hundreds of billions of human beings. The power of the super star ruler is the sun on which this group of life depends for survival.

There is also a third point. Their power is resonating. This world is not only becoming more real, it is even being separated from the main plane.

They plan to exile Su Lin in the endless time and space.

"We have no intention of being your enemy." The one who spoke was "Eternal Whispering". Although his voice was sweet at the moment, he still tried to cooperate with "Primal Hunger" to tamper with Su Lin's reality into this plane.

"There's still 1 minute and 20 seconds left." Su Lin said with interest: "If you drag it, just drag it hard."

"In fact, you can't destroy us, and the fallen mother goddess has not truly fallen." The person who inherited a little spirituality from Super Star Master said: "As long as this universe exists, He will return sooner or later."

"And you can't stay in this state for long."

"1 minute and 13 seconds, continue." Su Lin said with a smile, ignoring the barrage of ridicule from his friends in the live broadcast room. Of course, some people reminded him to fight quickly, and he naturally knew this truth.

"You can go back to the barrier now. There is no need to hold on to us. It is meaningless." The man who supported his arm said the will of the declining king.

Su Lin nodded and said to "them": "That's almost it."

Su Lin held the horizontal sword in his left hand and the divine sword in his right hand. The merit halo behind his back appeared faintly, changing from dim to slightly brighter.

"When I achieve Bodhi, the end will not come and external demons will not exist!"

"When I achieve Bodhi, I will bring order out of chaos, all living beings will have hope, and all my wishes will come true!"

And in the original position of the universe, an extremely huge figure sat cross-legged, perfect and flawless, with lowered eyes full of redemption, looking at a star field in his hand, Sanskrit sounds sounded, and the entire world was filled with glazed Buddha light and scriptures. ——The kingdom of Buddha is in the palm of your hand.

The planes hiding various unstable underlying logics and the clones of external gods turned into a Buddhist kingdom in the hands of Su Lin. Golden lotuses bloomed in the deep space of the universe, and the control was seized by Su Lin.

The twisted power of chaos tried to struggle, and those unstable rules that could be triggered by a crisis of destruction at any time were purged.

Moral kidnapping? Forced unbinding!

You can disrespect me, but you cannot disrespect Feng Ling Yueying.

He picked a sun of suitable size from the universe and placed it in the center of the plane created by the "high-dimensional overlooker". He continued to peel it off along with the operations of the outer gods, and used the skills he extracted last time, " "Dimensional Exile" to completely stay away from this universe.

After all, after a while, I will become a weak and helpless Jindan monk again, and the Buddhist Kingdom will definitely disappear.

Along with this thought, the merit halo behind Su Lin felt a little solid. Although it was still a little unreal, it was not as illusory as before.

The merit nimbus should increase good luck, right?

The feeling in the mysterious world is much better than at home. It is very boring to be alone at home, and there are no merits and points to earn. When you enter this world, everyone in it is talented.

The Outer Gods are so nice to talk to and I really like being here.

The galaxy in front turned into a waterfall and rushed towards Su Lin at a speed as fast as physical limits. Su Lin did not try to defend but allowed the stars to hit him.

All the colors in the world bloomed from the impact of this galaxy, but a gray light broke away from it, surpassing the limit of space and piercing the Desire Tree that was trying to escape.

It was a gray horizontal knife.

The Mother Tree of Desire was nailed to the void. After the wailing sound came out, the shadow swallowed up the horizontal knife. Not long after, the horizontal knife turned into a huge demon and came back towards Su Lin.

It is formed from Su Lin's own power and can ignore Su Lin's own defense.

The shadow curtain opened, and an army of demons like an ocean appeared one after another. These alien bodies of various shapes were not afraid of life and death and attacked here. They all possessed the characteristics of Su Lin's horizontal sword.

A series of murmurs sounded. These murmurs tried to awaken the objects, every trace of flesh and blood, and even every hair on Su Lin's body, hoping to disintegrate Su Lin into independent individuals. Unfortunately, this was ineffective for Su Lin.

As a result, this gibbering turned into a vortex, turning this area into a black hole with twisted rules.

The demons born with Su Lin's power as a template dedicated their spiritual bodies in the form of self-sacrifice, and countless souls merged into one to become the seal of this place.

Time began to shift, space began to distort, and this place became a chaotic place where the starting point and the end point were integrated.

The High Latitude Overlookers seized the opportunity to reduce the dimensionality of the trap area. In this way, even if the Lord of Mystery entered the trap, he did not know how long it would take to escape from it.

All kinds of weird and twisted powers appeared one after another. They were not trying to kill Su Lin, but to delay time and reach the future they met.

"Is it just like this? It's disappointing." Su Lin's voice came out faintly: "My evaluation is that it is not as good as the Fallen Mother Goddess."

Light filled the universe, and the all-devouring black hole that had gradually flattened into two dimensions was shattered in the light.

The area of ​​the universe dotted with a few "surviving" stars suddenly became hazy and dreamlike.

"I am the only one in heaven and under heaven!"

The huge figure sitting cross-legged pointed to the sky and touched the ground with one hand, reappearing in the starry sky!

The space around him was mixed with broken and dreamy glazed swastikas. The golden light disappeared in an instant. All the chaotic and twisted rules returned to normal, and the souls of the demons were purified.

"It's time, I'm born to be a human being. Sorry, I messed up my words."

The huge figure disappeared, and Su Lin deduced all the information about the outer gods from the broken jade hexagram in his hand.

He stood in the starry sky and swung a sword. The eight giant bronze swords carried the light of the sword, killing all living things and everything, and rushed to different spaces in the universe, bringing about an endless end in the kingdom of the outer gods.

"Huh--" Su Lin took a long breath, and suddenly felt that his thoughts were clear, and he couldn't be happier.


Su Lin looked at the source material "Shadow World" left behind by the Mother Tree of Desire and felt a little embarrassed. Take it away and you might not know what is behind it. No one in the group is taking this route, so he just put it in the system backpack to occupy the grid. The system does not have a recycling function, so the price cannot be paid even if it is sold.

Forehead? There seems to be someone inside, no, it's not a person, it's a demon, but in terms of status, it's at the level of a true god.

Su Lin noticed through perception that the "Shadow World" was connected to an isolated area. The power of the isolation had the same origin as the nature left behind by the Creator.

Okay, Su Lin knows who it is.

The dark side of the universe, Fabuti, is considered by believers to be "the Lord of the Abyss, the annihilator who will surely corrode and corrupt the entire real world and the entire vast universe."

Then He was corrupted and controlled by the Mother Tree of Desire.

This is very embarrassing.

Logically speaking, if there were no external gods, he would be the most dangerous existence on earth.

Speaking of which, the area opposite is the abyss. I heard that there are not even a few demons left in that place.

The godhead in Su Lin's hand transformed into a long sword. He came up with an idea and used his current mana value of 9999 on the panel to activate the godhead sword with all his strength.

The vast holy light poured from reality into the world of shadow, dyeing this source of rich holy light power, and the "world of shadow" temporarily turned into the "world of holy light".

Then the holy light poured into the abyss along the connection, and under Su Lin's micro-management, a major transformation was carried out on Fabuti and the abyss.

There aren’t many demons left anyway. It’s better to


Su Lin returned to the barrier and canceled the power on the ring. There was no obstacle. The power left by the Creator made the barrier heal quickly.


Su Lin's sense had not faded yet. He turned to look at the starry sky behind him. The extinguished presence of the Outer God was slowly but resolutely reappearing.


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Su Lin stood high in the sky and suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

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